My story

>Be Me
>be attracted to ugly dudes
>the type who at a distance are decent looking
>get uglier the closer up you get
>never dates anyone over 5/10
>Can Cook
>Likes to clean
>not a thot (for chads)
>dates a guy who’s really into D & D
>his friends go nuts
>i just hangout and play x-box while they play their game
>can’t get into D & D
>one day his friends all talk him into asking me if they can lose their virginity
>to me
>i tell him he’s an asshole and that i
>look over
>they all have their dicks out
>the ugliest one has a dick thats 7 inches
>well i-i - i i
>he says please
>has me at that
>i’ll make a great waifu

>next week word travels fast that I’m a slut
>all the chads start walking up to me constantly
>slut shame me only after I turn them down
>the football quarterback at the school thinks he has it
>he doesn’t
>acts all sly for about 20 minutes with the whole
>”don’t you want a real man” sortof thing
>starts getting pissed
>I tell him his penis must be softer than a whiffle ball bat from all the steroids
>he actually whips it out right there and then as if to prove a point
>its smaller than the nerds dick
>thats when i decided to grab the hot sauce packet from my locker and squirt it at his dick
>see I’m the kind of girl who likes her taco tuesdays
>always keep extra packets of hot sauce to put down on the toilet seats so that when someone sits down on them the packets burst open
>i’ve done this to several top hoes at the school because i love fucking with people
>top skanks seem to have a schedule for doing their makeup so i always have a storage of hot sauce packets ready
>they never learn
>anyway football chad wanna be goes to fucking hit me
>i actually dodge and he hits the metal locker
>his hand is red and he’s cringing while his dick is out with hot sauce after getting turned down
>i have never felt more satisfied

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>that weekend me and my ugly boyfriend who i love asks why i fucked all his friends
>…..because you asked me to
>starts getting all emotional
>don’t you love me?!
>? yes?
>Autism is setting in, i can see it on his face
>i literally don’t know what to say so i say the dirtiest thing imaginable
>”your friend had a nice dick”
>he doesn’t hit me though, just sortof gets all whimsy
>i do feel bad, but i didn’t understand, he wanted me to
>i tell him that, and that the chads have been harassing me
>he doesn’t believe me at first and is still angry that i fucked all his friends
>”user the quarter back jock almost beat me up”
>he stops
>”he tried to hit me but i ninja ducted him”
>suddenly everything about what had happened before doesn’t matter to him
>this is why i love nights in shining armour

>the very next day my ugly nerdy (who i now think might be a cuck) boyfriend confronts the jock
>”not before i tried to get with her” he smiles n winks
>ugly ass bf activated retard strength mode
>autistic screech
>before i know it he is on the ground bloody bruised battered and beaten
>my boyfriend that is
>jock has a bite out of him though
>get wet
>decide I want this again
>I walk over and kick him in the nuts
>gets detention
>while in detention all my bfs friends stop by at once and treat me like a queen
>they hail me and give be gibs (snacks and such)
>the sluts hate me even more though, even though i am one but they still suck ass
>literally, i know this for a fact, so i have this over them
>”omg you could have seriously damaged his privates”
>good, he beat up the man who was defending my honor
>”least i can do is take out his “honorables””
>never felt like such a stacy or empowered
>is this feminism?

>Things go surprisingly well for the next while
>bf’s friends arnt acting all weird
>bf recovers well
>jocks and whores mind their own business
>things start going back to normal
>all until mid terms come
>my bf is one of those guys who makes extra money on the side by doing assignments for dumber rich kids
>he can make 1000$ in a month just writing down words
>gets me pretty wet
>he mostly spends it on stupid shit like katana swords and yu-gi-oh cards
>oh well he still gets me nice things sometimes
> i really don’t care what he gets me it just stokes me that he does it at all
>most people really don’t give a fuck and couldn’t be bothered
>he seems to have a natural talent for writing
>turns my crank
>i love my ugly johnson
>only thing is that things are going slow this time
>we’ve made quite a few enemies since I kicked the quarter back in the balls
>cash flow for summer is drying up
>shit and we were planning on going on some gay little vacation for a week
>i was actually really excited for that
>decide i have to do something seeing as this is mostly my fault
>he plays it of as its all cool and stuff but i feel bad
>this is definitely my fault

>the summer is here and things are looking up
>everyone in the group is genuinely enjoying each others company again
>we’ve all forgotten about the virgin orgy since it was just a one time thing
>i notice they still look at me sometimes but they’re respectful
>we decide to go on a camping trip
>we go canoeing up to this place called party island
>theres a big river that runs through the area where I live and theres several small places to party along the way
>all go us go
>theres 3 canoes
>one of us has an older brother who agrees to buy us all some booze if we pay him and gib him a lil extra as payment for service
>we only visit party island for about 2 or 3 hours to have a couple drinks and check things out
>couple of the no longer virgins in the posse are trying to get their game on but they are horribly ugly and get turned down at every chance
>drinking intensifies
>the jocks arrive
>oh shit
>they spend the first half hour establishing their dominance pretending to be alphas when i know they’re faggots
>maybe thats why I’m attracted to ugly people
>anyway they basically start power chugging beers and romp around getting in peoples faces making sure that people keep their distance
>they do this so they can set up a camp on the main port where travellers are coming and going
>they see me, us, the gang
>proceeds to make a scene

>”oh look its the pack of wild ghouls and their rag doll”
>the nerds snap
>not realizing that we had gone through 2 26’ers and half a 60 of whisky as well as some tequila between the 7 of us
>i of course had probably dranken the most being a degenerate thot
>but my biz were ready and proceeded to “DEFEND HER HONOR”
>charges their rafts and encampment
>my bf straight up hoofs mega chad right in the nuts, the same one i did just a few short months ago
>my ugly ass hairy fat man looks over at me confused for a second but raid continues
>there was only 3 of them so they were outnumbered
>one of the chad straight up punches out 2 of us
>the other holds 2 off for a second but then gets overwhelmed by another 2
>the one who knocked the two out goes over to help overwhelmed bro when BAM
>my man fucking breaks one of their tent poles over his head

>by now most of party island is watching and rooting for us because everyone hates the chads
>these chads anyway
>there are a good alliance of chads in the school but they don’t feel the need to group up and single people out
>they’re more like the parts of other groups who just meet up sometimes randomly to put things to rest
>slowly they start comping out of the crowd to get things under control
>around 12 good goy chads are now breaking up the fight
>”ok ok, thats about enough”
>pissed off evil chad from ruined encampment start flipping out, frustrated that we wrecked them in drunken rage mostly by kicking them in the nut sacks
>they pretty much ask us to leave party island and we insist thats bullshit
>they then demand that both the chads and us nerds get off party island because this is becoming too big of a heat score and reason for cops to come out
>on an island
>god i hate faggots
>we gather our friends up while they have to spend some time packing all their things up, takes them quite a while but its obvious that the good goy chads are in control here
>so the evil chads continue on downstream somewhere, we on the other hand decide to go back upstream and set up a camp just outside of party island
>not that hard considering how drunk we were
>we spend the rest of the afternoon badly setting up tents and making a shitty fire to cook hot dogs and smores while telling ghost stories

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>the morning comes around
>its still the season for party island so we have breakfast, drink a ton of water and prepare several drinks for party island
>we get there and people are treating us really nicely
>a couple good goy chads give us looks but see we arnt causing trouble so they let us on our way
>a couple people come up to my bf who’s by my side with his whiskey and gingerale
>”hey user thanks for the paper you wrote for my project i actually got better marks than expected!”
>”oh, no problem, yours was the pyro gas tech thing right? with the bottle shrinking if you burn stuff inside and hold your hand on the lid after?”
>”yea! dam you got a good mind, here *hands 20 dollars* i actually really owe you for that, i would have failed if it wasn’t for you”
>mfw my man is a respected member of the community
>they exchange thanks and we move along our way after some more banter
>we’ve all dispersed and are doing several things by now
>ugly posse is all in party island getting their warts up for a kerfuffle
>another person walks up to us

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>its a chick
>”omg user thank you for that math assignment you wrote for me with out a doubt i would have failed the class! i really suck at math and i don’t plan to use it at all”
>he says its no problem and that most people never really do anyway, plus most people just take the higher end math courses to look good and stuff
>i actually do plan on being in a trade so i pipe up a little, no doubt to booze and lady over there
>”well actually like, you do need them just to get into some programs, even if you never use it on the job, yea its bs but fuckiin thats just how it goes”
>she thanks him again and hands us a few joints
>i actually haven’t smoked weed at all and am nervous
>she says “after the way you people beat the fuck out of those assholes yesterday maybe you need to just chill out today”
>we accept
>we smoke said debs
>me and my man hang out by the watershed, making out, getting frisky
>we almost start to do it when we regain control of ourselves
>”lets get back to the tents for a quickie” i say
>without questioning anything we hastily make our way horny as fuck
>we get there, do the dirty, bring the rest of the booze with us
>when we get back we actually see our friends have all hooked up with someone
>now we the chads
>we give our friends their liquor and we all hang out on the river side with our respected others, booze, watching the sunset
>sometimes i think i’ve made the wrong choices, but when i look around at these things i feel things could never be more right
>they are all stacies who think the world of my ugly ass nipple sized pimpled friends for having fought off the evil chads like no one else ever had
>we enjoy the sunset thats pink, orange, with a little hint of gold

>always be who you are user, and never forget that people will find love in the oddest of places
>it doesn’t matter how ugly you are, chicks like me will always be out there
>just do what you have to do and be the person you are
>thats what gets you respect and the bitches
> /b/ thot out

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imagine how impoverished your life must be if you make up a story like this

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stranger things have happened :P

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All of this is meaningless.

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fake and gay sage

Take your tl;dr masturbatory self-insert story bullshit to /b/ freak.

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very political user

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Now I HATE canada

thank you user, you are a fine sir, i take great pleasure in your green godliness

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Some of you canadians are cool, dont go out maple syrup shopping tomorrow this dude just snapped

>this bullshit ever happening IRL

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theres more women here than you realize user :P much like how gaming turned out to be

>football quarterback
Ruined a perfect pasta. Way too fake now.

obviously your not an 8/10

At least try to make it interesting, jesus christ

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OP is most certainly castrating himself and becoming a (((girl))) this summer, the deluded LARPS have started this is the first step.

All that text and no twist at the end

Didn't have the climax I wanted. Oh well. Probably fake, but if not, two points:
1 - You are priming your boyfriend to be the next news cycle murderer with his posse of wizards.
2 - 8/10? Well then you won't mind showing tits obviously, you know the rule.

yup actually a big waste of time for me to read it

Good LARP, now tits or GTFO!

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cool story bro

fuck off whore