What The Fuck!?

What The Fuck!?....

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Yes, the first amendment can make retards spew out the human language; say whatever you please

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The left is malfunctioning as it dies. Like that cyborg in Alien spinning out of control after getting smacked in the head.


us liberals have our first amendment so we can say shit like this.

you guys have the second amendment so you can incel out and kill women, etc.

>a satanic jew wants to eat an unborn baby
Wow whats new?

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Jews, not even once.

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we kill women youve corrupted

you kill helpless fetus' in the mother womb and eat them

she is now tantamount to possessed

Jews eat gentile children in secret blood rituals

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>pay attention to me!

A shame we're all complicit.

>being this irrelevant

Attention whores gonna attention whore. Now if we could just put it down like the rabid animal it is.

Nothing has changed. She's still not funny

she is more evil
she has given herself further over to the doctrine of the adversary
"do as thou wilt"

All Jews are like this.

>implying that she hasnt done that at some conspicuous pizza party

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Reminder that Silverman legitimately suffers from severe mental illness.

Many celebrities are satanist and regularly participate in satanic rituals, she's no exception. On more than one occasion she has shown how evil her heart is

I am always astonished at their lack of introspection. After millenia of being hated you'd think they'd at least consider not acting like sociopaths publicly. Yet they can never act like normal humans

Definitely not possessed by satan

What is pro life laws

Wonder id normies that lean towards left will follow it or goes red pilled

nice numerals you got there.

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1. She hates goyim

2. She's fucked up emotionally after her life of constant stimulus, trying to shock and get attention

Jews are perverse

was this at the diner clusterfuck?

The evil in their hearts is becoming harder to conceal.

She has like two down syndrome teenagers she adopted she's fucking nuts for saying this

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nice source faggot

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Can't believe Norm McDonald is friends with that jew. She'd be a bedside lampshade faster than a one-hour makeover on HGTV if I had my way

lazy nigger

sorry you must be new here, op is the lazy faggot all you newfags need to start sourcing your threads, but thank you for the link user.

no one needs to do shit nigger.

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except give sarah silverman an exorcism.
You want proof of the supernatural film her exorcism.
Shit will be fucking nuts.

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A dark-humored comedian making a dark humored joke. Not a good joke, but a joke nonetheless.

>Jews consuming the blood of Gentile children
>shocking revelation
Enjoy your time here newfriend.

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I found kramer screaming at a nigger funnier than this.

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and besides jokes need a punchline is her life the punchline because I can't find it.

shit even "whats the deal with airline food" had a punchline.

redpill me on pro life Jow Forums, I thought fetuses aren't "human", but a proto-human with no brain, what's it matter if they're aborted

Ancient Jewish tradition

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sperm is already alive.

enjoy the redpill.

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Is that comedy suppose to make you laugh or smile, or...?!

its not a joke she is a child murderer.

save da chidrens.

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Sarah Silverman eats out at not only her sister's pussy but also at planned parenthood.
Wow put me on the fucking stage.

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((( (((Sarah))) (((Silverman))) wants to eat babies)))
Imagine my shock

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With Jews, you lose

>I thought fetuses aren't "human"
I love that they make this argument while maintaining humans are all cancer and should die. To me the argument of potential is most persuasive, i.e, if you don't suck the lil cunt out and mash it up in some months it will be a human, regardless of what you classify it as now.

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Leave it to a jew to speak the most degenerate things. And they call it "comedy"

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A jew reveling in devouring the blood of innocents. Imagine my shock.

God's chosen people right here.

Ah yes Shekela Silverback with her disgusting deformed body

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>t. no taste fuckhead
stay angry that you're too stupid to grasp a basic joke

two things. 1) I just noticed the arm in the first pic, and 2) who the fuck showers like that?

i see a pattern we could point out to normies

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she was like 45 years old in that movie. I think the lady is a dumb cunt but at least realize that you are looking at someone 25 years past their prime.

What a totally normal thing to say.

