5 Muslim men gang rape 17 year old white teenager on the street in broad daylight

>5 Muslim men gang rape 17 year old white teenager on the street in broad daylight
>Judge has acquitted all 5
>The men video recorded the assault on their mobile phones
>The men continuously raped her taking turns like a wolf pack for several hours
>The teen who cannot be named for legal reasons was treated for colon dilation trauma and vaginal tearing
>The girl was penetrated in every way possible, and at times by multiple men at the same time
>The teen stated that she had never had anal sex before
>One of the men stole her mobile phone after the assault
>Their defence lawyers claimed the woman had consented and had let one of the men kiss her. They also argued that 96 seconds of video footage from the men’s phones – showing the woman immobile and with her eyes shut during the attack – was proof of consent.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>5 Muslim men

José Ángel Prenda, Alfonso Cabezuelo, Antonio Manuel Guerrero, Jesús Escudero and Ángel Boza

please stop! i can only get so erect!


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How long until lynching mobs become a thing again?

>Antonio Manuel Guerrero
"Guerrero, a Guardia Civil police officer, was also fined €900 for stealing her phone after the attack."

Disgusting. Spaniards are just Moorish rapebabies and have too much nigger DNA.

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where was my invite?

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They just need to disappear. Suddenly. The 5 men, their defending attorneys, the judge, the jury... just gone. No questions, no answers.

>, the jury
was there even a jury?

I don't know. If there was and they were involved in them going free they need the same treatment. I'm just seething.

I give it 10yrs top.

Almonds are activated.

is this the one that was video recorded and it showed that she never once showed any signs that it wasn't consentual and in fact it showed she was enjoying it?


The video showed her lying motionless with her eyes closed according to the article.

>9 years jail

>The teen stated that she had never had anal sex before
>that pic
nice one

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Monarchies are bunch of cucks: UK, Spain, Cananda and Sweden. Bulk of sex crimes happen in monarchies.

It will eventually. I want to kill every single arab, jew and african in Europe including the children and I was just a normal guy a few years ago.

the article I read said it showed her smiling and talking to the men as they took turns

They were Spaniards, not muslims

It's not like they just snatched her off the street, she was with them beforehand alone
this is just another toll being paid

The redpill is that you are the normal one now and your fellow countrymen that turn a blind eye on these things are the brainwashed ones

>Their defence lawyers claimed the woman had consented and had let one of the men kiss her. They also argued that 96 seconds of video footage from the men’s phones – showing the woman immobile and with her eyes shut during the attack – was proof of consent.
Straight from the article. Feel free to post your source, though.

> They also argued that 96 seconds of video footage from the men’s phones – showing the woman immobile and with her eyes shut during the attack – was proof of consent.

>José Ángel Prenda, Alfonso Cabezuelo, Antonio Manuel Guerrero, Jesús Escudero and Ángel Boza were sentenced to nine years’ imprisonment, five years’ probation and ordered to pay €10,000 each to the woman. Guerrero, a Guardia Civil police officer, was also fined €900 for stealing her phone after the attack.
wtf, actual native spaniards (including a cop) do the gang raping? What a third world shithole.

I think Jow Forums needs to view the video itself to prove it

One muslims can't even take a girl on 1on1 so he has to have four other people back him up

Look, women. We fucking warned you. We've been SCREAMING this shit was going to happen. STOP FUCKING VOTING FOR IMMIGRATION. STOP VOTING FOR RAPISTS TO COME INTO YOUR COUNTRY.

Feel free to post it.

>5 Muslim men
yeah no
they were spaniard but again the nafri genes may explain the behavior

Are you going to wait that your democracy gives you green light? JUST DO IT FAGGOT! Kill or be replaced, tortured for all eternity.
P.S. peaceful protests are bullshit that never worked.

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>tfw want to lynch beady eyed anglos,JEWs,Globalist,Roasties,Extremists, and Immigrants
It will happen soon SOON

I thought they had it. I'm empty handed

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stop calling them people

Only anglos are big on juries (and adversarial law)


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Read the thread, rapists were native spaniards.

jewboy crying that his plans backfired?

why lie about their religion?
whats ur problem spain, are you one of those dumb ass feminazies spanish poltards were crying about yesterday

>The men, who called themselves la manada or “the wolf pack” in their WhatsApp group, had offered to walk the woman to her car but instead took her into the hall of a building, attacked her and filmed the assault on their phones.

>The victim was later found crying on a bench. She described her attackers to police, who arrested the five men the following day.

>Their defence lawyers claimed the woman had consented and had let one of the men kiss her. They also argued that 96 seconds of video footage from the men’s phones – showing the woman immobile and with her eyes shut during the attack – was proof of consent.

>The prosecution, however, said the victim had been too terrified to move.

>“The defendants want us to believe that on that night they met an 18-year-old girl, living a normal life, who, after 20 minutes of conversation with people she didn’t know, agreed to group sex involving every type of penetration, sometimes simultaneously, without using a condom,” the prosecutor Elena Sarasate said.

So... do you think this is true or what? Is the news just straight lying? People want to riot and lynch these guys because they were poor misunderstood youths? These poor gangsters. They just needed a chance not to be rapists.

>5 Muslim men
you're full of it faggot OP, what kind of a Muslim is named Jesús or Ángel?

>that pic
you really think that's a pic of the victim? Moron

Why are Spaniards so savage?

Ill start caring when you let dylan roof out of prison. Anders breivik and luca traini too.

Youre giving me mixed signals. Calling for war and then stabbing the soldiers in the back.

Thats why im saying we need the video.
Like how can anyone be retarded to believe whatever the media says? How the fuck can the media have the video yet the public cant?

Sause on the video?

>gang rape
More like run train: “I can handle the five of you”
Video of her eating the fat guys ass

Spanish law states that for it to be rape there has to be intimidation/coexersion or violence, otherwise it’s “sexual aggression”

Meanwhile in Alicante: 10 Algerians are arrested for plying minors from broken homes with drugs an alcohol - just like in Rotheram - and strangely it’s not reported in the mass media.

When are East Asian men gonna start doing this to white girls? They probably love white angels too much to even lay hands on them without permission

So you want this girl's rape broadcast to the entire world and infinitely multiple her shame? Let me be clear, they were arrested.

they're meds just like Sicilians or Levantines and they have moorish blood which includes some nigger blood.

Because you need courts to allow release of evidence you pleb.

rare? mobile so idk what flag that is

He just wants to get his rocks off to an actual rape video. Day of the rope he'll get his, too.

Rise up, Viking. Reclaim your ancestry

*Names were changed for legal reasons.

If they released all those rape pictures/videos then liveleak would increase in material by 1000000%.

Listen to this hearsay. Listen here you piece of shit, either put up a source if you're going to make a ridiculous claim.
>hurr durr she 8 his ass loL!
Fucking failure of a conquered peoples. Fuck you.

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Spanish law requires residents to assume Spanish names.

>whats manipulating all the known original footage and censoring everything to prevent that from happening
>believing the media
>even believing such footage actually exists
>implying its not another false incident

full names aren't changed names


>There's an entire conspiracy to put five unknown men in jail when they were total strangers to some girl, took her some place she didn't want to go, and raped her.
Or, you know, they raped her. They're in jail, after all. Even after all their bullshit they couldn't avoid that much.

Are these false names, to hide their identity?
These are not muslim names...

Yea muslims will be wiped out not because cunts download their genetic info but because their very nature is at odds with the hard questions of future technology

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wh*tes aren't people and rape is a myth so whats the problem?

where is the feminists when you need them
>woman cant fight and get off the rapist
>is consent
what the actual fuck

Forgot to mention:
>being forced to take the words of the government AND media
>like that isn't highly exploitable

Any Spanish person want to unravel whether the girl is bullshitting or not? Taking her phone sounds like it wasn't consensual, and some article mentioned her crying to a passer-by afterwards and one of the defendants admitting it wasn't consensual? Not sure what to make of it.


This Spanish poster always edits the bullet points with distorted and fabricated details.

For what purpose? You're saying the government AND the media decided to randomly create a conspiracy to arrest five men for no reason?

But user. Spaniards ARE filthy foreigners

Google “beso negro” and “Prenda” - the fat guy of the group.

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>its not hard to believe that implanting false incidents to increase the statistics and data to later on use it for your own malevolent ideas
>example A: Sandy Hook

Don't act like the rape gangs composed out of muslims are unheard of.
I wouldn't be surprised if this whole thing was orchestrated just so the MSM can go full "You see! We're no better than the Rapefugees!" .

So why are they doing it here, exactly?

Hi TRS, when are you going to change this autistic tactic of lying about an article when we can obviously verify that it's not true?

>five guys on one girl
Well, even if so, you're really not.

>its the daily "girl in x country was gangraped by muslims and there was proof of how horrible it was but they got let off" thread
why do europeans have to be this way?
fucking do something about it you cucks

This would count as 1 rape probably, if even if it was 5 rapes, it wouldn't impact rape statistics. You'd need to plant at least a few hundred more rapes.

They were not muslims you stupid troll fuck.
What about this


>10 men from argelia accused of gangraping a 14 years old for 24 hours

You will not see mass street protests for this, i wonder why??

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>Look, women. We fucking warned you. We've been SCREAMING this shit was going to happen. STOP FUCKING VOTING FOR IMMIGRATION. STOP VOTING FOR RAPISTS TO COME INTO YOUR COUNTRY.
kek. They don't give a shit, bro. This won't happen to most of them, and they know it.

Roasties eternally btfo. How will her asshole ever recover?

Monarchy is cucked system by design - some foreigner and his thugs are fucking the people. Republic is the only way of national state.

>Not A Shithole
have you gone outside of your mothers basement recently, Feliks? It is your Indonesia...

If you're wasting my time then I shall have my revenge in this life or the next

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>Spannish Flag
>was treated for colon dilation trauma and vaginal tearing
>The girl was penetrated in every way possible
Your posts never get old.

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Muslim men gang rape 17 year old white teenager on the street in broad daylight

José Ángel Prenda, Alfonso Cabezuelo, Antonio Manuel Guerrero, Jesús Escudero and Ángel Boza were sentenced to nine years’ imprisonment, five years’ probation and ordered to pay €10,000 each to the woman. Guerrero, a Guardia Civil police officer, was also fined €900 for stealing her phone after the attack.


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>acquit amd release "criminals"
>make the Spanish Government seen as a joke and "evil"
>inb4 legal actions towards Spanish Law
>inb4 protests
>Spain goes down once again

>such incidents were on decrease for years
What would happen if they would increase it heavily?

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See The mass media are covering up the Algerian case at the same time the sentence was pronounced. Odd, isn’t it?

One would think that this would be used by the feminists as another example of the patriarchal Spanish society, but for some reason they’re all schtum

dafuq I thought they were all acquitted

Link to video?

For research purposes

Gee, you tell me, genius? What would happen? It would go back to a situation where they already controlled everything, right?

When the state becomes too incompetent.

I have absolutely no empathy for her. She was probably some „diversity is our strength“ shill.
It‘s the future they choose. Maybe she won‘t vote left now. Seeing it from that perspective it was a good thing to happen.

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thats my fetish