Mein Kampf is the worst book

Mein Kampf is the worst book.

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Still contains more meaning than the communist manifesto or anything by Dugin.

K.. Keep me posted

You just say that because you are slav Untermensch

Well he was right about the slavs at least... oh and about the jews obviously


mein kampf reminds me of my life im going through, it's a pretty good book.

I've only read a few chapters online

Is it worth buying? What's in it?

actually he was right about pretty much everything when I think about it

it is pretty boring.

To read. Yes. To learn absolute truths. No

It's not supposed to be a Shakespearean
novella faggot.

This really is. Absolutely unreadable. Muslims make a lot of excuses for that.

Recommend good fascist literature pls preferably shit that's on libgen

You're not stupid enough to think Hitler wrote the version of Mein Kampf everyone can read today I hope?


it makes as much sense as reading the bible.
mein kampf is hard to read if you're not a historian and can understand to what he's referring to

Gradually I realized - It’s the best book. No one talks abt it because they don’t want to admit he’s right and they can see the subversion of the host culture... just like you can too

They Must Go by Meir Kahane.

it was literally written by a butthurt fag in a hamburger jail

Revolt Against the Modern World - Evola
Fascism Viewed From the Right - Evola
Metaphysics of War - Evola
Political Theology - Schmitt
Leviathan in the Sate Theory of Thomas Hobbes - Schmitt
Doctrine of Fascism - Gentile
Decline of Western Civilisation - Spengler
Fascist Manifesto - Marinetti

Still better than "Mein Hollywood Pizza" by t. Schlomo

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This is some

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For now, those should be enough for about 6 months or so if you analyze them well

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It's pretty good desu

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There are no Shakespeare novellas, but I would kill to go back and make him write one.
OP is an idiot. Mein Kampf was actually quite good. The only thing that I would say weakens it is its length and lack of referencing. He mentions for instance walking around Vienna seeing degenerate posters for plays and movies which were all written by Jews. He should have provided evidence, it would strengthen his arguments.
The Communist Manifesto is tiny, you can read in under an hour. If Hitler had produced a condensed little tract of his ideas, who knows what would have happened.

I've listened to the audiobook. Helps me fall asleep. For the most part it's a bit boring and obscure. You can see how he hated the idea of sharing borders with non Germans in his youth. He goes on about the austro hungarian empire quite a bit.

The highlight to me is he is after the war ends how he describes starting the NSDAP. When you realize at the time he wrote the book, he was sitting in jail.. but would go on to rule Germany, it's pretty inspiring. He gives a detailed account of the early days of the party.

I'd have to say you're time would be better spent reading philosophy books or something.. no disrespect to the Fuhrer.

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I swear half the Koran is the incessantly reiterated phrase "Allah is munificent and all-knowing".

ty and what ones do you think I should start with when it comes to fascism

I started with, "The Republic" by Plato, to understand why an elite class (government) is always necessary and how that government should operate, also remember that Plato based his Republic on Sparta, which is considered, by some, the first Fascist state. I followed that with "Meditations" by Marcus Aurelius, then "Culture of Critique", "Fascism the Total Society", "Origins and Doctrine of Fascism, "Leviathan" Hobbe, (pic related, I learned a second language just to read it), and I don't remember what followed after

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Actually, after looking up the wikipedia entry about the book, I may have only gotten through volume 1. Gonna see about finding the rest.

Evolution Belief is the worst book.

Charles Derwin is a fraud.

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It's horribly boring and terribly written, Hitler should have stuck to painting in my opinion, however it's far from the worst book. Come on now, let's not be hyperbolic.

>Hitler's childhood to adulthood
>salt about ww1
>salt about socialist cucks sabotaging the war effort
>how to be natsoc
I thought it was pretty good desu

Wir mussen die juden ausrotten actually translates to We must die for the Jews.

Plato's ''The republic'' is basicly 1984 tyranical goverment. Filled with general state-cuckery like: ''Parents cant raise their own children.''

its the handbook the current globalists are using.

also Spartans went mostly extinct after all their men (a couple thousand, they didnt breed enough) died in some battle against some pansy city state in the north.

>Women inherit everything from both father and mother.
>her possesions are wholly inherited by the daughter
>this results in a small elite of extremely wealthy women that own everything
>men are used for war only, often die before having children. Spartan male pool chronically low.
>Helot slaves exempt from service, proliferate like niggers.
>All the spartan men die off, sent away by the matriarchs. They remain with their slave masses. They probably fuck slaves too because men are allways fighting for everyone's security.

S P A R T A is a feminists dreamstate.

dont be so gay. Darwinisim is added by Lamarckian Genetics. Now it suddenly does make sense.




its not just natural selection, though that does work like a proper filter to speed up the process.

And water is wet

I love it. You are a Jew and probably a direct descendant of the Bolsheviks. I've read it twice.

This book has been on my to do list for some time now. I already don't hold a high opinion of jewish people. Hope it doesn't disappoint.

If it makes so much sense, why do you science fags get so upset over it?

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>t. reddit spacing
How do you think I know you're a faggot?

that is the most all time stupidist bullshit I've seen in all of today.

you should read the follow up where he shit talks canada as a land without a people.

"Wofür Kämpfen Wir" is basically a short version of Mein Kampf for German soldiers. You should check it out.