Counteract the zionist shills, like this vid
Counteract the zionist shills, like this vid
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somewhere in a secret underground zionism dungeon, a group of baby boomers shudder in fear as Jow Forums mobilizes to like a video on youtube
So this bitch seems to be legit, but Rogan strikes me as controlled opposition
whats that video about
Its really too bad that Rogan is such an idiot. He has great guests on and his go to mantra everytime is "I just think its fascinating that people think they are different from one another, hurr durr toxic tribalism"
I remember watching Abby Martin on RT back when I was more of a lefty fag. I never really liked her much. Honestly, it's kinda refreshing to know that she's still on the same old lefty stuff and hasn't fallen into the SJW trap. I watched that video and there was this interesting bit midway through where Rogan had asked something and Abby was struggling to answer. She falls into that typical lefty trap where there's certain information that they don't want to get into because it may be at odds with their narrative.
Does Rogan spend 15-20 minutes having a butthurt rant about trump and sessions like every podcast that gets remotely political?
That shit got old fast.
Maybe Rogan is legit, not sure. This interview might get him Mossad'd tho
Rogan is kind of an idiot. He fell for the "Trump is a retard" meme and although he sometimes admits that "Hey, Trump really knows how to keep the attention focused on himself," he's unable to notice to what end or why that's what Trump is doing.
Trumps a Jew nigga
Zionism is the best ideology.
Jews are safe in their country,
and you are safe from the jews you keep ranting about. Prove me wrong
why is everyone here pretending that shitting on Israel is some radical move?
But why we gotta fight your wars tho?
>SJWs love Arab terrorists
What's new? >muh poor little brown people
Also, OP is an incel commie loser.
You will never be safe no matter where you go.
You are the enemy of humanity, you are the race of hate.
Trump is a mild reformer that's putting our country on a better track.
Mein gott Joe Rogan is an idiot.
WTF I love maoist SJWs now!
>paying 50,000 USD to jews in the region that you got from US foreign aid in order to convince the jews to leave their regional countries and immigrate to Israel
>commits genocide against the palestinians, calls them subhumans
>gets genocided by Hitler, cries out victim
you ungrateful cunts forgot what it meant to have your entire kin on the bbq
Better track? It's status quo.
don't listen. Op is a shill
She is a complete fucking left wing nut. Her pieces on venezuala are dog-shit propaganda about how anyone upset with the gov is a white supremacist nazi. She does fluff for Cuba, Venezuela, and anything remotely commie, while admitting she is a full commie for a borderless world with no capitalism.
Again, mild reformer. He isn't deviating too hard from the norm, but we're closer to the + side of the +/-. His tax reform alone is already a good step.
Although I don't like getting into it, when put in comparison with where we'd be with Clinton as president, we have to assume we're a lot better off. I have a suspicion that Clinton wouldn't have been as bad as everyone seems to think. She would have definitely upheld status quo, but on the - side. We don't know what Clinton would have done up to this point, but Trump is definitely still, and ever more obviously, the better option.
You're not wrong. But I like her brand of leftism more than the disingenuous neo-liberalism we see plaguing the shills who think they're leftists. She's most certainly not right.
This bitch even believes the "news" so I think she's either controlled opposition or just a dumb cunt
It's way more dangerous. She is shilling for hard authoritarian leftism.
what's leftism?
go away
>Jow Forums loves muslimloving roasties when they take their hatred of whiteness to israel
wowzers color me shocked
Counteract what exactly? She's a liberal SJW, who swears on camera, demeans Israel for trying to defend their land against Arabs, and promotes the death of Israel under the guise of "muh Arabs".
Shouldn't you be worried about Chinks in your country, "Australian" user? Last week, in the radio, they were talking about Chinese people in Australia and how it has recently become a "hot topic". You'll soon begin to understand the Israeli struggle when you are on the brick of destruction and a minority.
And I don't even like Israel, but I hate them for other reasons, so don't even try to run away from the argument, you pathetic white subhuman.
It's someone saying they will make the poor people equal to the rich people. This person then becomes dictator and proceeds to shit on everyone in society while fucking up the economy.
So I've watched the video a bit more now, and these are extremely cherry picked, except for two of them who actually explains it to her in a way that even a 12 year old could understand, but she still decided to twist their words and antagonize them in her autistic crusade against the Israelis.
Fucking pathetic.
All presidents have kiked the middle (white) class though.
>So this bitch seems to be legit
she said america is leading israel and to blame for all the violence against the palestinians.
You have great judgement skills (that's sarcasm because I know you won't understand)
"America is leading Israel" when does she say that?
She makes the claim that the US is enabling Israel in that they rely on US gibmedats and we disavow countries that try to put any economic strain on the jews.
Nah, she knows what's up about the kike. But she still believes some psy-ops in the US media.
Well she's been called a Russian Bot, as have I, so she's my bitch
Haha, apparently not safe from those Pallys throwing those deadly rocks at you.
jews have an IQ of 95
You gonna die ZioCunt
Jews have an Average IQ of 95
>and you are safe from the jews you keep ranting about. Prove me wrong
Explain Harvey Weinstein using Mossad assets recommended to him personally by a former Mossad director to spy on and intimidate American women? This is treason, as he's a dual citizen employeeing a foreign gov's intel agents to subvert Americans' protections.
Israel phonetapped Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinsky, then blackmailed him to keep an Israeli spy in the White House. I'm sure if all your people made aliyah that would stop? Of course it wouldn't. You exploit your "ally role" at every opportunity.
Israel spies on US citizens using data mining companies like ComVerse etc, so many Technion fuckheads, probably to build caches on "disruptive" Americans who dare speak against your country's hostile actions.
Israel's expansion knows no bounds. Get Greater Israel, then what? it's an elitist haven. Your own first prime minister DBG said Israel will conquer the world and install global law. But now that your plan is well along, Israel slinks back to the facade of being a compact nationalist entity that is threatened by Muslims.
Talpiot. Etc. The offenses are never ending albeit cloaked in the characteristic shadows of deceit.
Reminder that Joe Rogan himself said "fuck this Zionist [US] government" on his podcast, the one celebrating the end of Sober October, that had Bert Kreischer, Ari Shaffir (who's Jewish and quickly ignore Joe's comment), and Tom Segura. Rogan was uncharacteristically off his ass when he said it.
Someone needs to make a YouTube clip of this comment. There were Jow Forums threads on it when it occurred but it got lost in the shuffle. It's 100% proof Rogen is privately redpilled. The comment is said after Rogan returns from the bathroom, about an hour, hour half into it.
Anyone remember this? It was shocking.
She's either retarded or an amoral mercenary.
If that's true (I do not doubt it) then how can he tolerate having so many jews on his show.
I swear it's 75% of his guest who are jews. To his credit he doesn't have the full white genocide jews on his show but still.
I would go insane listening to these people.
Why? She hates Israel. What's amoral about that?
>all that misrepresentation of events
>0 mention of decades of terrorism against civilians
>complaining about arabs being in an open air prison , literally the month it was finished bus bombings dropped from one a week to none .
gee i wonder why they hate arabs
The last part is utterly incorrect.
Zionism gets the west involved in constant wars for Israel and makes criticism of it evil or even illegal
Go away
why are you analravaged for palestinians achmed ? are you a '''palestinian refugee''' ? even most achmeds hate palestinians
>She wants right of return of muslims who according to Pew, have a 46-50 percent approval of suicide bombing against civilians
Don't replace Jew love with love of the worst Muslim demogaphic in the middle east.
It's not 75%. A Hollywood user once explained that Rogan shares the same relative representation as many of his guests. He does them a solid. That's why Rogan's guest microcosm seems both large but limited, insular. Besides that, he makes money off them being on.
Ari Shaffir is Rogan's good friend, Rogan brought him into the fold. Jews in the industry give you a goodwill pass for shit like that. And Ari then "protects" Rogan as well he can, with the tribe. Rogan's not racist, he's redpilled. There's a difference. He succeeded in Hollywood then went DIY and became mega rich. He overcame the odds. But there's no way he spent three decades in Hollywood and didn't observe Jewish patterns. He's too well read on neocons to not understand JQ. Eddie Bravo has said as much on Eddie Bravo Radio, Bravo has said Jow Forums-tier stuff about Israel and Jews.
The other thing is that on Rogan's first 100-200 podcasts, he used to be much more candid about kikes and Rothschilds. Wouldn't be surprised if that anger disn't fuel the incentive to go independent. You can also tell he's redpilled on Amy Schumer stealing jokes, using Chucky's nepotism, etc. But there's no money in 1488'ing.
Nah, they're just better people than ZioCunts
Are you contributing to mankinds DOWNFALL or resurection???
>are you a lurker, a shill, or a bringer of truth and pills
Now is the time to join the fight , the enemy has
>paid shills
>comped mods
>corrupted embedded government
>satanic slave sex cults
There is an industrialized, organized evil afoot
An ancient order of evil video
We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL
>allison mack rundown
What you have is the shadow cult is trying everything they can to stop Trump and stop the Neo-Renaissance
>mods cannot stop it
>shareblue cannot
>Rabbi Chaim Kibutzberg cannot stop it
Join the ARMY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS and let's expose these DEVILS
A Digital Prohpecy from the futureScape
Why do Jews worship desert demons
Joe Rogan and Abby Martin both kick ass.
Joe has sooooo many followers and sooo much money on the line. He has nothing to benefit from taking up these topics, yet he does so.
If this isn't real, nothing is.
U guys posting from your mother's basement should STFU.
Gas yourself
Because the pro-Israel lobbyists and power brokers will take u down if you piss them off.
If j*ws r so badass, why r there so few of them?
If u don't want to watch pro-Israel TV, stop watching TV content made in Hollywood/NY/UK. Turn off TV or watch content from other countries.
The left (people like Abby Martin) and the right both despise Jews, but for different reasons.
The left hates them because they slaughter shitskins. The right hates them because they act as a parasite on their host countries.
Whites need to unite under their own identity. No more Jewish religion no more Jewish politicians, etc. Whites for whites!
I love Abby. Despite her being leftie, she is smart, effective, doesnt waste time on nosense and sees through bullshit.
Every jew needs to go to israel and then nuked by the world
>2 hours
Get a girlfriend, and get real job.