Bong hate general - /bhg/

State of the UK:

Thread Aesthetic ~ WAR PLAN RED:

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This needs to spread like wild fire. ^

Be aware of shills and gay mods.

continued from

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suck my English white balls retard

shoo shoo anglo

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Threadly reminder that Tom Evans himself said that Alfie was given food, water and his regular stomach medicine and was not starved or dehydrated to death. He himself withdrew his son's anti-epileptic medication.

Threadly reminder that the hospital in Italy everyone keeps screeching about is corrupt as fuck and has recently been accused of deliberately overcrowding, of deliberately using poor quality cheaper equipment, of using insufficient anaesthetic to save money and misusing hospital funds to build a private apartment for a cardinal to wine and dine potential donors.

Lol. Nice try Muhammad.

wtf I hate alfie now

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What is it with America trying to invade Islamic countries?

Enforcing their adherence to the petro-dollar.

So I finally finished reading the court document and I must say I see points of both parts. My biggest problem with the case is the odd part where the judge is giving gleaming praises of the hospital despite it being mired in scandal in the past. Of which the scandal was huge and extremely unethical. Also the jist I got from the case was not whether alfie would feel pain during the trip, it was more about if his brain could survive the trip without degrading down to the point where he would just be instantly returned to england to die. Also the hospital timeline seems a bit sketchy, in terms of diagnosing him, it took them a very long time to understand what was happening to him even though within 6 months it was very clear something was wrong. It is clear that the pneumonia wasn't what caused this degradation of the brain, though it might have accelerated it tenfold. I feel the hospital should be investigated about whether or not they should have taken further measures with their initial diagnosis of Alfies. And after reading the document I definitely find the government to be in the wrong in allowing Alfie to die. It was clear that it wasn't certain he was feeling pain nor really even suggested that he was but fairly minor how they said it. The biggest problem that I see is the precedence that this case gives about taking a life for future cases. Saying that the child should be put off life support because he no longer has diginity or a QOL. No person has the power to say that, especially with a disease that has never been seen before.

>in the past

That being the key part. The scandal was almost 30 years ago.

2001 was not 30 years ago mate

>2001 was 30 years ago

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>during the period 1988 to 1995.

if that was an American nigger he would have stabbed the fuck out of the guy behind the counter then got shot like 20 times

The first two aren't even real police.

I'm not against you invading us or anything but won't the petition just get ignored?

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You know, I think I'll move to Ireland.
I've been there a lot as a kid - it's nice over there. The way of life is a lot slower, and more relaxed.
I think I'll get a nice big pot of money and retire over there.
Nice comfy local boozer, live in some little village in the middle of nowhere. As long as it has a shop and a pub, I can just sit in my little cottage on my PC and watch the world disintegrate from my own little bubble.

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That's the way to do it user fag.

Get the hell out while the getting's good.

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fucking lol

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Could you imagine how embarrassing it must be to have to pretend to smile at all this bullshit.

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bent coppers.

absolutely distasteful

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