Bong hate thread

Press S to spit on anglo bong

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no, i want to help them escape the clutches of the evil khazar jew royals, this shit has gone on for far too long

der ewige spitten


beware the white mans burden



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Show your flag, mutt.


too bad those who are trolling are just useful idiots for those iranians LARPing as jews

so what if he is? its no secret we hate you pussies

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Not gonna happen mush. F.


always and forever

How's it goin' there rabbi?

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Don't fall for american tricks. They want us to feel blackpilled so that we migrate to their cucked shithole. They are desperate to retain their white majority, because they shitting themselves over Texas turning blue in 2024.

>be american
>say "fuck"
>go to jail

>be american
>send a tweet
>go to jail

>be american
>mock Jesus
>go to jail

>be american
>go to jail

>be american
>be upset after your dad has a heart attack
>go to jail

>be american
>send a text
>go to jail

>be american
>tweet the word "nigger"
>go to jail

>be american
>throw bacon at Muslims
>go to jail for 15 years

>be american
>write a poem about the Muslim negro that rules America
>go to jail

>be american
>say there are only two genders
>go to jail


>Having a Black president is OK
>Having 40 million blacks is OK
>Having 55 million hispanics is OK
>Having 30 million illegals is OK
>Being 56% white is OK
>Inventing feminism and SJW´s is OK
>40 million interracial marriages is OK
>putting blacks on your money is OK
>inventing affirmative action is OK
>imposing federal quotas for employment of non-whites is OK
>giving $3+ billion per year to Israel is OK
>fighting wars to suit the Saudis and Israelis is OK
>losing wars repeatedly to Third World countries is OK
>having America ruled by liberals for 16 of the last 24 years is OK
>the fact that Hillary Clinton got a massive majority of votes is OK
>banning the American flag from schools because it upsets Mexican illegals is OK
>cops getting machine gunned in the streets by Black Lives Matter activists is OK
>losing control of entire cities to BLM rioters is OK
>making it a crime to misgender someone is OK
>making it legal to give other people AIDS is OK
>jailing someone for 15 years for putting bacon in a mosque is OK
>destroying historic monuments because they hurt niggers' feeling is OK
>less white than london and even paris is OK
>America is based as fuck and totally not cucked

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You guys are obsessed with us hahaha

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>The US has been compared, not without justification, to a melting-pot. It actually presents us with a case in which a human type was formed, with characteristics that are to a large extent uniform and constant, from out of a highly heterogeneous raw material. Emigrating to America, men of the most diverse peoples receive the same imprint; after two generations, except in rare cases, they lose almost all of their original characteristics, reproducing a fairly homogeneous unit in terms of mentality, sensibility, and behavior: the American type.
>But the phenomenon of popular and dance music is even more conspicuous and general. Fitzgerald was not wrong when he said that in one of its main aspects, American civilization can be called a civilization of jazz, i.e., of a negrified music and dance. In this domain, very singular “elective affinities” have led America, by way of a process of regression and primitivization, to imitate the Negroes. Assuming there would be a need for frenzied rhythms and forms as a legitimate compensation for the mechanical and materialistic soullessness of modern civilization, one would have done much better to look to the many sources available in Europe: we have elsewhere mentioned, for example, the dance rhythms of South Eastern Europe, which often have something truly Dionysian. But America has chosen to imitate the blacks and the Afro-Cubans, and then from America the contagion has gradually spread to all other countries.

Reminder that La Creatura has been known for over a hundred years.

American damage control in these threads are always fun. The only thing that matters is the demographics of your country and America is in a really bad shape, far worse than Europe. Not only are they less white but the whites themselves are far less homogenous than us in Europe. We know who is Swedish, German, Italian and so on. Americans have no fucking clue what actualy makes you American. Are Italians Americans? Are the Irish? what about the Germans? How long does your family need to be in America to be considered American? This is why so many of them believes in civic nationalism whereas here in Europe we are not as prone to such idiocy.

Americans may have Trump but he is just a civic nationalist. We have had real nationalist parties here for decades now and they are gaining momentum. Europe will survive beacuse we have strong national identities whereas Americans have no idea who they are and have no unity whatsoever.

As for the usual Amerimutt damage control

>B-But you are the white homeland

not an argument and no one cares. You are still less white and a bunch of euromongrels.

>M-muh gun laws

Better than in Europe for sure but there is no shortage of guns in europe. Anyone who lives here knows that.

>M-muh free speech

The biggest danger with speaking out against mass immigration have always been that you may lose your job. This happens very frequently in America where SJW's rule most of your insitutions and have taken over most of your pop culture. So you do not really have free speech. Actualy getting arrested for it is very rare even here.


Maybe but also irrelevant since ethnic displacement and cultural genocide is the main problem. Getting invaded is bad no matter who is doing it, be it Chinese or Somalians.

>You are more leftwing and therefore more cucked!!!!!

We are more socialist definitely but SJW culture is an American phenomenom that you exported to the rest of the west.

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Homicide by any means in 2016:
USA: 17,250 [ ]
UK: 571 [ ]

Homicides by knife 2016.
UK: 188
USA homicides by knife 2016 1,836

If the UK is Africa, what does that make the USA? You have more than 30 murders for every murder in the UK. Adjusting for population, you have twice as much knife crime

These. Sage.

Here's pro-diversity videos from the USA alone

from Alex jones himself

>b...b...but what about the video from the bbc

top zozzle! was not expecting that

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Nobody really hates bongs, its fucking banter. If you hate us amerimutts it doesnt matter, because we dont care.


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xdddd accusing others of damage control
your countrymen murder babies, get raped by nignogs and sand people, and get decapitated on the street
I'd rather have 100 niggers in my country and be able to defend myself as much as I want than live in England where I can get locked up for having a butter knife
S again

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polish intelligence here. funnily enough it is polish women in the UK who seek bbc.

Go whore out in some western country.

Fucking saved lol

>h-he i-is a s-shill trump is the greatest president evar.

Russia bots at it again.

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The funny part is im not even amerimutt but still you can continue hating mutt


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You mean JewBots

Funny that it is a Brit shooting the EU flag when 90% of EU flag posters are Britfags.

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>leaf in memeflag pit

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Drop flag.

He is a Britfag. Most EU flags are.

Fucking russians

>BPS responded to messages and made a video on the issue

The first eceleb responded.

>inb4 Muh eceleb these people have a far wider reach than any newspaper, hence the kvetching

Old threads;
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Original article;


>hirteen per cent of the total population is non-white, but among children under five that proportion is closer to 30 per cent. The whiteness of the Tory Party’s appeal means that it struggles to win in constituencies where the BAME population is 30 per cent or higher: it currently holds just one such seat. Before 1987 there were no constituencies with more than 30 per cent BAME population. By the next general election, it is projected that there will be more than 120 such seats. Unless something changes, before long there just won’t be enough white voters in the electorate for the Conservative Party to be able to win.

Mutts aren't white and aren't of my tribe. A mutt is as foreign to me as a donkey.

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How the mighty have fallen

That fookin British government killed that fookin baby boy Alfey. He was a fookin star that lad extinguished too soon so that fookin paki loving government can build more fookin Mosques fookin ell we know better than a doctor that tells us he's brain dead we do

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did the russians poison another one in anglonia or whats going on with all these cringey threads?

>bong hate thread
>Filled with memeflags and mutts

lmao every time

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