Based Kanye

>based Kanye


Attached: Capture.png (373x571, 265K)

Notice how it doesnt say heroine, but hero.

This is the point he makes.

Get a life

Fucking loser

Based black man

what does he mean by this

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Q predicted this!

why the fuck does anyone give a single shit about any of these people
fuck off with this shit, this has killed Jow Forums

emma gonzalez would make a good 'Mogli' if they do another Jungle Book remake

it means hes a bretty gud shitposter

The bald head.

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Privileged millionaire heteropatriarchal male mocking gender minority hispanic girl's hair style?

He's trying to be clever while also trying to shut up some normies. I don't like the guy at all and even I can see that.

kanye is going to do the switcheroo

>I love trump because he makes it easy to see how the system hates blacks

He is just playing everyone including right and left for $$ and views.

She looks kind of like a baby.

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>bald head
>bitch face


I'm fucking dying over here

la goblina

I reallly enjoyed not seeing its face and Hogg everyday on here. Shame.


She looks like those random chicks in porn videos where they cum on their bald heads like some sort of fetish.

Can we make Emma Gonzalez porn where we paint our dicks like guns and pound her pussy while ranting about corrective rape?

scoop didee poop
poopty scoopty

Ever heard of sarcasm ?

Fuck her shes a hoodrat.

Post the bikini pic. I forgot to save it last time.

God I wanna rape her and cum inside of her.

You haven't seen the nude?

Evening Jow Forums with meme flags..please go.
You guys at the office spammed when Kanye posted shit. Then again you guys spammed when Kanye posted more shit. Everyone on Jow Forums is calling each other jew at night.

Fucking cancer

There isn't one.

She has nice hips, but that's about it

There is, she's fully nude doing pull up

Attached: 1509414013402.jpg (524x492, 60K)


That's obviously fake.

Attached: Screenshot_20180428-183010.jpg (1078x2158, 772K)


choose one

Looked pretty fuckin real to me mate

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>confirmed shit poster
>absolute madman
I doubted it before. He is nudging for a movement where chicks shave their heads in solidarity! Phase 2 get in the traincars!

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Dear shills, please stop sliding us.

There is a level of famous that once you reach it everything you say is taken seriously by the majority of people. No jokes allowed.

Literally shitposting

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why is everyone here falling for kanye's marketing team?

Don't you know? Kanye comprises the entire black vote.

Who cares what that faggot has to say. Kill yourself OP.


based mongol poster


Remember, Anons. Kanye had an incident with guns that severely affected him. His wife and new born child were tied up, help at gun point and robbed while in Paris. I'm sure that gave him a pretty steadfast opinion on guns one way or the other.

i dont know what the fuck is wrong with me, her pic has been spammed so many times on here that now i've become unironically sexually attracted to her and then started imagining hate fucking her and now i imagine us having consensual loving sex and jerk off to it.

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Oh wow i havent seen this thread before

>"I dont like YOU and you dont like ME. But heres an idea! Shooting your LOAD only? Just TRASH those GUNS and FUCK my BUNS! For EVERY one ROUND, my ASS is to POUND! For BUMP STOCKS you got, i'll JUMP your cock LOTS! AND FOR HANDGUNS, WELL, YOU GET THE IDEA. BUT YOU GOT WHAT I WANT AND I GOT WHAT YOU NEED! SO JUST GET IT ALL OVER HERE, AND GET YOUR CUM ALL FUCKING OVER ME!"

Attached: 2538253 - Emma_Gonzalez GunBan-Chan.png (650x750, 387K)

Attached: 2541487 - Emma_Gonzalez GunBan-Chan.jpg (1024x1023, 93K)

Attached: DZO8N0aVQAAmZCF.jpg (1200x1178, 166K)

Op missing the entire point.

ah yes if only America could have really stringent gun control, like France, then that armed robbery in Paris would have never taken place.

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He's learned to shitpost from the Aussies I see.

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>Jow Forums unironically defending Kanye now
Lmao this place is fucking trash

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I like you

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Sad. She was kinda' cute before going full GI Jane or Outta'-the-Matrix/Zion buzzcut. Maybe she was concerned she looked a little... you know...

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Emma is based. She's a fighter.

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Disgusting fridge body. A real commie would be skinny.

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la creatura...


The_donald needs to fuck off

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Sure does sound fake. Who´d do pull ups in the nude, unless it was something like a fitness model shooting porn?

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left ear missing

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If you rearrange la abominación's entire facial structure, she'll look somewhat white?
Why did someone make that image?