Anyone here feel like a genius but actually an abysmal failure?

Anyone here feel like a genius but actually an abysmal failure?

How do I stop these feelings of superior intellect?

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Obviously kys.

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Duning-Kruger effect


>Anyone here feel like a genius but actually an abysmal failure?

>How do I stop these feelings of superior intellect?

or do something productive. meh

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Go see a therapist, or just live long enough to realize the truth.

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Also my best guess as to how to stop these feelings would be:
Stop hanging around in an echo chamber where everyone reaffirms your views and pats you on the back for coming to the exact same conclusion
Put yourself out there, make some friends of various ethnicities and religions
Travel and read (actual books btw, no pseudo intellectual 'fate of empires' or 'western civilization bites back' kinda shit)
Maybe do some volunteer work, it'll humble you

Alternatively you can always shriek at anyone who disagrees with you and compliment yourself on your mental fortitude afterwards

The problem with genius is you cannot let other people tell you what you should be doing with your life. Mainly because, they are dumber than you.

The problem is compounded in today's corporate environment where 'yes men' and diversity hires are the norm.

So you need to become an entrepreneur or GTFO.

>have measured IQ of 132 (actual test that was part of a job orientation, not a meme test off the internet)
>never accomplished anything
>studied meme degree, didn't even finish
>everything I lay my hands on goes to shit

Redpill: being smart is no prediction of success. As a matter of fact, above IQ 130 or so, intelligence starts to become a crippling defect in jewish utopia instead of a valued, precious asset.
By dividing the distribution function of the elite professions' IQ by that of the general population, we can calculate the relative probability that a person of any given IQ will enter and remain in an intellectually elite profession. We find that the probability increases to about 133 and then begins to fall. By 140 it has fallen by about 1/3 and by 150 it has fallen by about 97%. In other words, for some reason, the 140s are really tough on one's prospects for joining an intellectually elite profession. It seems that people with IQs over 140 are being systematically, and likely inappropriately, excluded. With the conservative assumption that, absent the exclusionary processes, IQs above 133 neither help nor hinder the achievement of elite profession membership, the excluded population is distributed as shown above. If we assume that the positive correlation seen below 133 IQ continues above 133, the excluded population would be larger and the exclusion more complete.

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>Financial Success is the only form of genius

spoken like a true capitalist pig, I see they got your brain quite good

also kek @ "I very smart other people no tell me what do cuz dey dumb"

Try not being such a narcissistic cunt for starters. Go volunteer your time and efforts to some cause other than your own shitty, miserable worthless life.

That or necklace yourself. Nothing of value would be lost.

When was the last time you ever received any accolades or were paid for your intellectual output?

it is so weird to me that there are people with an iq 40 points higher than the average, and we think of them as being normal (albeit smart), and yet if you're 40 points below the average you're essentially mentally disabled.

Considering you actually have superior intellect. The global system as it is today, is basically a giant eugenics machine. The goal of 99% of possible lifestyles is to maintain and breed more slaves for the plantation. It does not matter whether the slave performs the role of serving food or designing missiles or creating AI, they are all slaves in the eugenics machine. Those who notice the true nature of the machine early on are ostracized by adults and peers alike for going against the system, of which they are a perfect fit. Most see no need to go against the machine, for they were bred to serve it.

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If you think you're smart you're probably more ignorant and stupid than the average person. Just because you know a few political ideas that you regurgitate because some Jow Forumstard told you doesn't mean you're smart

You have two options,

1. Completely re-wire your narcissistic brain, should be pretty easy after 24 years.

2. Become successful. Then it doesn't matter if you are a douchebag OR a retard, you don't care what the plebs think.

Go out and meet people, you'll get humbled quickly.

Genius and success have nothing to do with each other. If you are a legitimate genius then you should be smart enough to evaluate your situation and determine ways to improve it. If you lack motivation or confidence then I would say those are likely bigger reasons for your lack of success than you belief that you are smarter.

>Don't tell me what to do with my life! I'm too smart for that!

*Shuns life completely, plays video games, and browses Jow Forums all day*

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Agreed. The smarter you are the easier it is to become disenfranchised as you recognize the real structure and purpose of things. I was never very materialistic but since becoming fully redpilled I could not care less about things. So now I view money as nothing more than what I need to have a place to live and food to eat. I try to work as little as I can and spend my time learning things or creating things. Its much more fulfilling for me.

Put your money where your mouth is. Reality will straighten out your delusions.

See how few people exhibit >120 IQ, not even spectacularly intelligent?
High intelligence, minus good family and personal connections is a disadvantageous trait. Simple as that. Without those things, all it's good for is noticing how much of a dipshit everybody is. Your only hope is to take out a huge loan, ruin your credit and start a business.

Where did I say that?

I'm only talking about the freedom to do what you want in life? It's not welfare, NEET.

Be humble. Never consider yourself less or superior than someone else. There is a very thin, but important line between both of them. Don't consider yourself superior, instead respect yourself. As for the other line make sure you never consider yourself less than others, but instead respect them. You will be able to learn from others, but also never see yourself as an inferior or superior.

I respect you and I respect myself. You're better than me in some areas, and I'm better than you in others. We laugh and say the other is better when we don't really mean it. That is being humble and not being viewed as an arrogant fool at the same time. Besides, there are different kinds of genius, you might be one is some area.

I can't help you stop those feelings, because those are the feelings of most people to some extent. I can help you not be an arrogant cunt anymore though. Embrace that feeling, but don't forget to laugh at yourself sometimes, not in a malicious or hurting way obviously.

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