>Swedish minister says the country’s elderly are the problem and not refugees
>Annika Strandhäll, told newspaper Aftonbladet that the country’s elderly and not refugees, are overloading the healthcare system.
>the number of people aged 70 years and older will increase by 300,000 by 2025. That is the big problem, according to her.
Is she, dare I say /ourBasedGenXBlondie/?
When did you realize the boomers are the problem in this world economy?

Attached: Annika_Strandhäll_2014-10-29_001-2-702x459.jpg (702x459, 87K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>ITT: the triple parentheses finally found a way to distract Jow Forums NEETs from refugees

yeah nah yeah yeah nah

Since when does Jow Forums agree with the Swedish on anything?

>venerable citizens are a problem, not rapefugees
the absolute state of Sweden

Its not boomers, its women and peacetime that is to blame.

For thousands of years men were in charge, now within the last 50 or so years women have been equal with men in white countries, and have been put into power the same as men, and look at how fucked Europe is now.

There's been no major war in western and northern Europe for decades. Peacetime creates weak men, stagnation and navel gazing. The result is this sort of silliness.

Jow Forums NEETs will end up being forced to work as nurses to the Boomers, when automation takes over everything. After all, robots will not be enough to satisfy the Boomer's Narcissistic needs. They can't psychologically torture the robots.

Me and my bf were having a debate about her views and i disagree
Sweden is a rich country and we have the ability to help and so we must help

I want to murder that woman. She is the epitome of the retarded evil Swedish woman.

I hope you are joking, "Sweden is a rich country and we have the ability to help and so we must help" is propaganda I've heard all my life

pretty much I can't count the amount of times women expect me to fix their mistakes at work. 5% are capable the rest just melt down

Remember when we were supposed to get the good jobs when boomers retire? Still waiting...

12 "refugees" can be taken care of in their home country for the price of taking care of one in the West.

If you want to be a pathetic traitor who spends your nation's wealth to take care of savages who can't into civilization, at least have the decency to not help them physically invade your homeland...

it sounds hard to believe for most people, who want a more complicated answer, but this is it.
and in the end, it's just going to create a conflict that will surpass the cumulative carnage that would've happened without the sexual revolution, anyway. every single social activity has been turned into a battlefield with what were clearly foreseeable disastrous consequences, at least to anyone with the ability to reason.

Its not untrue though, is it?
Look at our standard of living, its much higher than alot of other places
We can afford to help

The standard of living is lower where they are now and its not safe for them
Its a cost right now but after a small while it will start to pay off when they get jobs and contribute

get lost faggot

>those burning down the country aren't the problem, the people who built it are >:(

They will never retire. Most of the Boomer jobs are administrative and only require them to sit around pretending to do shit. When and if they do retire, the robots will take those jobs. hahahaha Boomers will literally dump on you all.
Remember: buy high, sell low. it's the cryptoneet's way. Good luck at your nursing home job. You will need it. The Boomers are not known for their compassion and respect for lower class plebs.

we can afford alot of stuff, doesnt mean we should... most retarded argument ever
beside we're rich not because god choose to, we work hard, and for working this hard we're poor really

letting women vote, let alone voting them into power, get what you voted for.

go back to flashback Sven, you're not welcome here

women are the problem

At least the boomers will vote correctly before they die.

Here is some OC to understand the situation in Sweden.

Attached: total_foreign_born_and_non_white_Sweden.png (1614x689, 73K)

Attached: complete_breakdown_of_Sweden_population.png (1903x6511, 250K)

Attached: Total_asylum_seekres_Sweden.png (1903x7840, 483K)

You are stupid. What happends when people start to abuse that?

Look at the chinese in AUS.

Compassion without wisdom, which is you btw, is stupid.

So true.

>When did you realize the boomers are the problem in this world economy?
It's true...But my mother is a boomer.
What do?

Please kill yourself. Your kind has truly ruined Sweden and the Swedish people.

Exactly why do we need to help and pay for random people, just because we can? We have no morale responsibility for larping afganis

Old people need to die already.
Life is for the young!

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Exactly. Swedes pay the world's highest taxes and what do you get?

>Sweden is a rich country and we have the ability to help and so we must help

By stealing young working people from their countries of origin and keeping those same countries in the third world?

Well, can't disagree with that top racist Jow Forums tier logic.

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But who is going to take care of your swedish elderly? European Boomers will need the refugees. Unless you want to nurse them yourself.

>we can afford alot of stuff, doesnt mean we should
But the humanitarian costs will be too high if we do nothing
Helping is the right thing to do

>What happends when people start to abuse that?
Who is abusing it?
Giving out wellfare to people in need isnt them abusing the system, its the system working as intended

The humanitarian costs of not helping will be too great and most young men who come here will benefit the economy later on when they get jobs

>>we can afford alot of stuff, doesnt mean we should
>But the humanitarian costs will be too high if we do nothing
>Helping is the right thing to do
>>What happends when people start to abuse that?
>Who is abusing it?
>Giving out wellfare to people in need isnt them abusing the system, its the system working as intended
>The humanitarian costs of not helping will be too great and most young men who come here will benefit the economy later on when they get jobs

The humanitarian cost? Is that a Jewish meme?

And give me a source how low IQ afghan criminals will benifit the Swedish economy? If we would deport every single immigrant from Sweden, that would help our economy.

You talk in propaganda memes. You have been programmed to use these phrases. How can you not see this?

Migrants don't suffer the effects of aging apparently

How is Japan doing? They seem to be doing fine.

Accepting muslims from all over the world would make the elder care even worse.

Why can't we pay polacks or other Europeans to come work here? Is the only option to destroy Sweden? And refugees also get old. We need increased eruopean birthrates, not criminal sandniggers

dem crazy eyes

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>The humanitarian cost?
No it means the cost of not helping people in dire need

>And give me a source how low IQ afghan criminals will benifit the Swedish economy?
More workers who pay taxes?


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>>The humanitarian cost?
>No it means the cost of not helping people in dire need

What is the cost of not accepting 100 000 niggers and muslims every year? Why even help them, they would never help us. They are criminals, rapists and only come here for gibs.
>>And give me a source how low IQ afghan criminals will benifit the Swedish economy?
>More workers who pay taxes?

Do you even know how few of our migrants contribute the the economy? Even those with jobs the state pays 90% of their salary. They will as a group always be a burden to society, aka ethnic Swedes

Now with hijab I would hate fuck her

Hvordan fǿles det å være en direkte del av årsaken til Sveriges fremtidige totalkollaps?

> elders are the aging memory of different, less shitty times
> resilient memory is a problem when it comes to establish a new and different narrative
> UK and northern EU state will introduce a mandatory lifecycle licence
> defective and outdated units will have the licence revoked

Do you mind if you send me part of your salary? I mean I want you to help me and since you are so open minded and I am in desperate need of help.

>What is the cost of not accepting 100 000 niggers and muslims every year?
they are fleeing from poverty and war, they will starve or die if we do not help them

>Do you even know how few of our migrants contribute the the economy?
I know many personally and they are hard working people
So what if the state has to step in and pay for their salary in the beginning? once they get experience and learn swedish they will get real jobs

Sverige kommer inte rasa för att vi tar emot några stycken människor, vårt välfärdssystem är för robust för det

>Sverige kommer inte rasa för att vi tar emot några stycken människor, vårt välfärdssystem är för robust för det

Vad tycker du om det här?

Attached: DbInPTGXkAUB6KA.jpg (654x617, 55K)


memeflag here has a point but boomers love muh diversity so it will mainly be minorities stealing from them and abusing them at the old-boomer homes

>and most young men who come here will benefit the economy later on when they get jobs
What drugs are you on? These low IQ afghani "Syrian" "refugees" can only clean toilets and work the most menial of menial factory jobs. And these jobs will be replaced by robots.

They're all on welfare and will stay on welfare for decades. I hope you get robbed by an Afghan and then have no money to pay skyhigh taxes to provide the bennies for your retarded Eritrean, Somalian and Afghani "refugee populace"

She is a jewish politician, what else do you need to know?

Crazy eyes, is she childless

The fuck does the text say? And is the picture real or photoshopped?

fuck all migrants who cares if they die its not our fucking problem

>>What is the cost of not accepting 100 000 niggers and muslims every year?
>they are fleeing from poverty and war, they will starve or die if we do not help them

Do you realize how many people are living in poverty and fleeing from wars? The west can't help them and they keep having loads of kids that we feed and then they "flee" their nigger created behaviors, aka "poverty and wars"
>>Do you even know how few of our migrants contribute the the economy?
>I know many personally and they are hard working people
>So what if the state has to step in and pay for their salary in the beginning? once they get experience and learn swedish they will get real jobs.

How do you even know this? Google and find some stats. Our immigration has been a net loss since the 50's and especially since the 80's. And especially immigration from outside of Europe.

>Sverige kommer inte rasa för att vi tar emot några stycken människor, vårt välfärdssystem är för robust för det

Lever du i Sverige? Välfärdsstaten fungerar oerhört dåligt och staten har brist på pengar trots världens högsta skatter. Vi har idag negativ styrränta som dopar hela den svenska ekonomin, trots det letar staten pengar överallt. Sverige håller på att falla.

Folk tycker invandring är en viktig fråga?
Det är väl bra att det uppmärksammas så vi får svar på hur vi ska kunna hjälpa de som kommer

>These low IQ afghani "Syrian" "refugees" can only clean toilets and work the most menial of menial factory jobs
This is why we must educate them
The government passed a bill that said that 9 000 refugees were allowed to stay for education
Then they can get good jobs

>They're all on welfare and will stay on welfare for decades
Many are on wellfare, yes but only because of a lack of education and a biased work enviroment.
Swedish employers want swedish speaking workers

If you're so well off, use your own money and time and stop forcing others.

>This is why we must educate them
You think you can educate an illiterate 30 year old "seventeen year old" to get to a level where he is able to perform anything of value in the Swedish economy? Fuck off, retard.

Its ironical, its depicting the politican mentioned, they change politicians so much these days no one even knows them or care what the say anyways.

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I feel bad for swedes that don't buy into this shit, is it truly that bad or is it just a meme?


"Sweden is on it's way to it's first civil war in hundreds of years.

We have imported ISIS-soldiers, criminals and rapists.

But it's all the pensioners fault"

>Folk tycker invandring är en viktig fråga?
>Det är väl bra att det uppmärksammas så vi får svar på hur vi ska kunna hjälpa de som kommer

Sverigdemokraterna håller på att bli Sveriges största parti, och det är den slutsatsen du drar. Intressant. Varför tror du vänster media inte pratar så mycket om invandring även om det är den största frågan som står på agendan idag? Är det ett obekvämt ämne?

it is really that bad.

Sweden is Titanic after it have hit the Ice berg.

US is a great community, many other countries are bigger like germany, france or UK, ranging from 55-90 million people.

Sweden is barely 10 million people and only have 2 real cities Stockholm (capital, 2 million people) and Gothenburg (second biggest city, 600k+ people).

2 single urban areas which can be called cities, the rest of the country is just rural and small towns.

>is it truly that bad or is it just a meme?
Swedish "intellectuals" are ultracucks without a spine, half a brain, and are filled with hate for anyone who does not share their civilizational destructive policies.

>when they get jobs

Fuck off, toothpastenigger.

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>not refugees
Go fuck a goat Ahmed. Sucking up all the wealth of the younger generation to pay for shitskins is no better.

>Kill your ancients
>Invite ficki ficki

Wow, what did they meant by this

What makes you butthurt?




Tbh, boomers are biggest problem after migrants.

Would you be butthurt if someone kicked your brother while he's down?

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Pipe down non-svens. If we want to cleanse our oldies, then you should be able to cleanse your problems too

That's the thing though. Nobody's saying that boomers aren't a big problem, the entire question was whether they were a BIGGER threat than migrants. Which they are not.

>>is it truly that bad or is it just a meme?
>Swedish "intellectuals" are ultracucks without a spine, half a brain, and are filled with hate for anyone who does not share their civilizational destructive policies.

Sadly your right.

But your point also affects real intellectual Swedes, that are silenced and forced into silence. We have no intellectual class in Sweden, all of the intellectual conversations are had on the internet, which might I add, the current gov wants to censor and hunt down so called "fake accounts", they basically want to ban anonymous social media accounts

fair point

Another fucking scapegoat to protect muh precious refugees. For those of you that are not Swedes and dont use twitter to see her retarded statements time and time again, she's the epitome of a leftist politician here in Sweden.

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Does she have any kids?

Swedes rather kill their parents than saving their child from rape gangs.

Just nuke Sweden already

Pipe down, Leifur.

people who worked and paid their taxes to a government that fucking hates them are the problem, not the freeloading parasites who continually take and offer nothing in return

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You dont even have that many refugees to begin with so why are you so butthurt?

You don't help shitty foreign civilizations by ruining your own. You do it by bringing civilization to the savage lands.

Same as you don't help drug addicts by taking drugs yourself.

>Annika Strandhäll
I dont know, but I would be surprised if she didn't have a family with her position in the Socialdemocrats. She has quite a repution on twitter for making stupid statements that gets attention. Wouldn't surprise me if she's just trolling most of the time desu.

>they wont let me have thier monies to overwhelm the ballot with bought foriegn votes.
>life is so unfair!!!
this cunt.

Have you heard of "Per Capita", user?

>nigs working in nursing homes taking care of white elderly 0_o

>Its not untrue though, is it?

Lol, yes it is your nation is running insane debts on this. Oh whats the use? You're already going to think "lol these stupid jerks!".
You're going to live long enough to see the agony that will come from these stupid choices and it's going to affect yourself so that's good enough for me.

We have plenty of garbage Romanians though, begging for money outside every store. Why don't you take care of your own citizens Klaus?

Attached: Dbjm9bGX0AAH6WA.jpg (1059x1200, 185K)

so you thought the shitposting here about boomers wasn't jewish coordinated shilling?

now you know

Attached: total_number_of_asylum_seekers_Sweden.png (920x580, 23K)

Go away, shill.
Caring for the aging is our responsibility.
""""Refugees"""" are the problem.
End of subject

Are you as retarded as your flag suggests?

Careful, you might end up in a comfy prison for a few months.

I don't mind paying for the elderly, but if it's also paying for the rapefugees I become a lot more apathetic.

Blood and soil.

I don't care anymore

Don't go to prison for nothing - go to prison for something.

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