Final Solution to the MQ (Manlet Question)

Should men under 6'0 and women under 5'7 be allowed to reproduce? Some exceptions might be made for IQs over 140.

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You just shut down the majority of your own country......
No wonder we wanted you untermenschen gone.

sucks to be you then

have fun being crushed by your own weight

>less than 2% of global population is over 6’2”
>literal proof height is not a sexually selected trait
>it’s somehow good to be a statistical outlier

When will lanklets learn..?

honestly force men under 6'0 to breed with amazon height women (6'0+) to bredd it out

and those big lanky girls will get something out of it too instead of being awkwardly shaped cat ladies with no kids at 40

hahahaha. So glad I'm normal height, must be a hard life for manlets.

I am 172 cms tall, what am I ?

>172 c
a manlet.

> George St-Pierre

World Champion in MMA.


Attached: 320_Georges_St-Pierre_vs_Johny_Hendricks_gallery_post.0.jpg (1200x800, 100K)


One thing I noticed, I am very stocky build. Very strong, I get muscular very easy. After halve a summer of work outs my chest was protruding and I visible six pack. All in all I don't mind 172 as I like small cars.

I've dated a woman a bit over 6'3 (5'11 myself). I've never known anyone with so negative image of her own body, she had seriously bad self esteem for being a tall girl.

yeah in the pussy weight division. Combat sports are literally paralympics teir with special classes for the weak.

UFC (and sports in general), was so much better when everyone was on roids.

Fuck and i just looked him up, he's 5'11

>I like small cars.
Manlet confirmed

I dunno, maybe she was fat.

Attached: 1480090470188.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

Agreed oddly shaped femlettes should be bred out of existence

Attached: tall-women-stand-tall.jpg (450x600, 41K)

>mfw taller than the dude on the left
just need to work out

they never learn

I dont it really matters if they're trying to impress some shitskin whore.


>4 inch stilettos ..

what is the fucking point in comparing height with those on?

Nah, she was thin, but not fit. Told me she was bullied in school a lot, and was quiet and a bit unsocial in general. Very passive in bed too.

oh wow

Must be tough in The Netherlands with average height of 182 cm or so.

scientific proof men over 5'7 die sooner of heart related problems

Attached: 574257457457457.png (400x400, 190K)

That last move, gurhhg kek

Women select the best traits, averages are NOT what they want. They are hardwired to frenzyfuck UPWARDS, and have headaches and be bitchy with the low value males.

Just like you grind in rpg and want high level equip, women want high level dicks

A manlet.

IQ under 120 should be sterilized
height is not that important to survive as a species. if CRISPS gets more research we can manipulate height anyways.

T. Scraping double digit IQ

how tall are those dudes

>so, they practice arm wrestling?
or was it practice for something else?

a subhuman

>120 IQ manlets to pick up trash and serve food
You haven't really thought out anything regarding eugenics, have you?

am the same

6'4" with IQ 126, 100% white german
stay mad

>Brother is 6’3
>Dad is 6’4
>I’m 5’10
Fucking kill me

I'm 5'11 but I should be 6'0-6'1 however scoliosis has robbed me of my god given inches.

do you prefer to life in a tall or intelligent neighborhood?


Attached: letu.jpg (600x450, 26K)

your mothe is a whore, easy.

Did you drink caffiene (cokes, coffee, etc.) and/or smoke when you were younger?

How much do you weigh? You might try a dry fasting routine to fix your bones. Search 'snake diet dry fasting'.

there's a reason people were shorter before the mass production and excess jew.

sauce pls monsieur :J

185 cm is the ideal height for a man according to 97% of women

184 cm, 78 kg, 16 cm penis here...

Putin is 5'2

Napoleon was like 4'9

Trump is like 6'3