Why is non-STEM academia shamelessly far left?

>in university, pretty solid Russel Group one, basically top 25
>talking to kitchenmate
>ask her what she's been up to
>says she's working on a project
>I ask her the topic, she's doing some weird English Language and Education degree so I never really know what to expect from her
>says its research methods
>I know a lot of stats so I press her in case she's doing anything interesting
>it's 'everyday sexism in education'
What the fuck? I get that universities shouldn't be safe spaces and that students should be exposed to politics views, but why would they give out topics that borderline assume far left conclusions? That almost seems like an indoctrination tactic. I mean, just think about the sort of shit that you'll get when you try to even as much as Google that sort of topic. You'll be barraged with so much far left nonsense that the unprepared will be instantly converted. Am I reading too much in to this? I fully expect a final year university student to be capable of defending themself from bullshit, but this leaves a bad taste in my mouth that I can't quite explain.

Attached: education-politics-america-social.jpg (730x417, 90K)

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>actually paying for uni in this day and age
Come on man for fuck sake.

because the marxists pressured the tenured people to leave with communist group-think

I know mate, I know. By the time that I really knew it was already too late.

I'm in the UK mate.

Because non-Stem is for stupid people.

Since STEM™ subjects do not regulate or inform morality, you have to infect the humanities to change the society from the inside.

>was born in 1996

I'm not sure if that answers the question.

It wasn't always this way, but it gradually became a place where leftists feel comfortable and among friends, while conservatives felt uncomfortable and among enemies.

At a certain point, people start to sort themselves. Somebody like me, being somewhat conservative will naturally avoid academic settings, while leftists actively look to be near these places and bring likeminded people in to be with them.

One a place becomes ideologically uniform, it filters in certain types and filters out others.

It certainly isn't a question of IQ, and anyone who says this has an IQ of 63

STEM academia is also left. The reason being that reality is left wing, being right wing isn't even a coherent ideology, its just being a retard.

Opinion disregarded.

Hate to make it an easy answer, but quite simply Jews are gonna Jew. It's out of a hatred of White Patriarchy and being labelled "The Other", as academics frequently align themselves with outcasts and mostly ascetic IE. Anti-Life values. This leads them to slave morality, and Communism is the ultimate slave morality. At this point they can justify anything as long as it promotes the interests of "The Other". It is anti-state and internationalist in nature.

(((stem))) is not STEM.


although, you should actually be asking, "why are universities so liberal?"

i don't consider universities "left". they just push a liberal message as a smokescreen to cover up their wheeling and dealing

Left/right is not as meaningful as it was, because it isn't really a question of economics or even typical social issues.

The question of Nationalist/localist. VS. Globalist has become the more import distinction today.

In Europe you always had socialists and capitalists, but they were generally looking for what is best for their people. Now the elite classes have outgrown their own people and nation. Average citizens generally still identify strongly with their own nations/regions/cities etc. -- it's important to them and they wish to preserve their own countries and customs. So there is a big conflict there.

>STEM academia is also left
This is actually incorrect. On a surface level yes, I have no doubt that the majority of scientists have left leaning or vaguely liberal worldviews. But nothing about what they actually study results in any moral or political worldview. It is the job of STEM to be as neutral as possible it doesn't have any ideology other than the status quo that prmotoes technocracy, that being a progressive neo-liberal capitalism.

The content of progressivism is cultural marxism, and where does that come from? The humanities. In this sense, the humanities are underrated, the content of technological development is in their interest.

user, stem academia is also shamelessly far left.
t. grad-student suffering through it all.

reality is not left wing, you stupid fuck.
reality is reality; wherever this retarded bias myth came from is beyond me.

you are so wrong, you have no idea.
the day after trump won/hillary lost every single professor i interacted with that day had to hurl their 2 cents at me about how we need to get ready for hitler 2.0, and 'oh the humanity!'.
before that, i thought as you do; that was an eye-opening event that has lead me to be more reserved with what i say.

They are desperate to be relevant so they pander to political correctness. STEM doesnt need to pander. Its everything that is true.

>the day after trump won/hillary lost every single professor i interacted with that day had to hurl their 2 cents at me about how we need to get ready for hitler 2.0, and 'oh the humanity!'.

knee-jerk virtue signalling. i doubt most of them give a shit, but the diversity gestapo makes very clear which opinions are acceptable and which opinions are unacceptable.

Yeah but you live in the United Shitstains.

> single professor i interacted with that day had to hurl their 2 cents at me about how we need to get ready for hitler 2.0, and 'oh the humanity!
I agree with this, you misunderstand me. Nothing about STEM as a field causes those worldviews, it is because of content informed by the Humanities and Social Sciences. The people writing in the New York Times do not study STEM. This is what I'm getting at, quite frankly engineers and scientists are not that critically minded when it comes to these sorts of things.

American liberal is left.

i thought so too at first, but they've been keeping it up for almost 2 years now.
as an example, we have weekly guest lectures that we have to attend and during one of these invited talks, one of the very senior faculty stood up and interrupted the speaker to virtue signaled loudly. it was fucking shocking. i need to finish up my thesis so i can get the fuck out of here.

>Since STEM™ subjects do not regulate or inform morality, you have to infect the humanities to change the society from the inside.
Squarely to the point, America. I'm graduating in a STEM field (computer science) in about a year or so, and STEM is literally impossible to be political: science, technology, engineering and math do not care if you're far-left, far-right or far-nothing. In the end of the day, one plus one equals two no matter what. As liberals say it themselves, "the good thing about science is that it's true whether or not you believe in it".

In my country here's what (((they))) did: they have some sort of Common Core for universities (especially those funded by the government), so no matter where you study, you are obliged to """learn""" certain things. In my case, here's the literal name of 3 subjects that are mandatory for my course:

>Anthropology and Culture
>Social Development (yep that's a thing)
>Contemporary Challenges

I could further elaborate what we learned in each one of those.

To what? what happened exactly?

Bullshit. I've attended equality meetings for STEM departments and the standards of evidence of the STEM staff is so fucking high that nothing on the far left gets through. I might grant you that they're left-leaning, but they're nowhere fucking near far left.

i think it has to do with the sheer number of foreign students in engineering. maybe they are putting on a show for them.

all education is left.. its just how it is.
from kindergarten to at least Masters is all about pleasing the ones who mark.. and the ones who mark are the ones who cannot do..

the adage is true. "those who cant, teach"

and every assignment you do is to please them, all the way up to your thesis.. and even then your still trying to please your thesis supervisor..

there is NO place for independent thought, sharing of ideas and pushing the boundaries at uni.. this is a romantic notion.

This may be true in certain departments but is not a vast majority. Depends completely on which party is funding research. people in quantum computing in our department love the right because DoD funds all their shit. most professors really don't care that much one way or another, but the ones leaning right know better than to talk about their political opinions because they know the students lean far left, so it's not worth it. Honestly just a distraction to the STEM classroom.

>film your marxist professors
>There's no reason they should preach revolution in private using public money. Let them do it in public, so we can all hear what they have to say.

You should look up some of the massive failures in soviet research because they wanted their results to support their ideology. I personally like this one.


I got a degree in archeology and I got 133 IQ, so STFU tech-nerd

It's university/professor dependent. I caught far-left shit in some of my pre-reqs, but in the meat of my degrees actual classes they never discussed politics.

I don't see this having that much of an impact personally. Chinese are inherently statist but when it comes to academia they are insect-minded sheep and will barely pipe up about political issues.

This is the real problem

i don't want to say too much, i would be really easy to dox. there was a recruiter for a government lab position who said something along the lines of you need a us citizenship to apply and that prompted an outburst along the lines of "well, then you are wasting everyone's time. the vast majority of our students are non-us citizens."

i'm paraphrasing because i really don't want to get doxxed and it was so weird that everyone there would definitely remember.

Why since the only way to get a job with a non stem degree besides a business degree is to vote left

It depends what stem degree, but most aren't progressives.

>STEM is literally impossible to be political: science, technology, engineering and math do not care if you're far-left, far-right or far-nothing.
Actually, I've seen some people become unable to get funding because their positions are too controversial, but said positions have always been about their topic of study rather than any political stuff.

Lets go with Anthropology.

My speech professo the day after the election: "I know this is a hard day for everyone here, there's a lot of emotions and I just want everyone to know this is a safe place. If any of you need to talk about it I am always available, you don't have to let it eat at you."

Engineers do have to take an ethics class but that's really about "should I release tons of poisonous chemicals into the ground water of a local village because it's cheaper?" type of stuff.

i wish i were exaggerating.

Because STEM degrees aren't as easy to get as Gender Studies or Liberal Arts ones, so there aren't many people trying to shove leftist propaganda down your throat.
I don't know how it is over there, but over here most professors I've had were either libertarians or conservatives.

common core was much more left.

Politicians with a STEM background are pretty rare, Merkel and Thatcher are the only ones I can think of off the top of my head

>English Language and Education degree
>research methods
>everyday sexism in education

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Which STEM are you from?

Heres how it works: Money is a form of free speech. What is the ultimate goal of a politician? It is to get more power. I dont care how altruistic they are, if they dont get reelected, they can't pursue their agendas. The state wants more power, and therefore will fund whoever agrees with their views and reaches a lot of people. Universities funded by the state get the state's agenda pushed, which is: bigger govt is good

Its ancient OP. Every civilization in history has followed a certain pattern. We are now entering the final days of our "Golden Age." The same generational forces that provide a burst of energy in both the arts and the sciences, also cause a crippling decline in individuals' confidence and fighting spirit.

They're left-leaning, not far left.

These people on both sides of the spectrum end up in academia, segregated by topic matter. They both are researching currently less-fit alternatives to the status quo. Its not necessarily a bad thing, its just where we are in the cycle. And the cycle is due for a turbulent era which you can sense.

That's because of the heavy influence of Critical Theory and the Frankfurt School of Subversion. It stands in complete opposition to the Scientific Method and Formal Logic.

>shamelessly (((far left)))
You could just as easily say jewish. Those merchants are the ones pushing communist values in white countries. They took over the academia industry decades ago, to the point where even non-jews have internalized jewish supremacy. Just remember, there's always a noseberg collecting shekels behind it all.

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>This triggerd

Attached: swissbanks.jpg (195x240, 17K)

le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le le

They are shamelessly far left because
>It's expected
>It's accepted
>Anything far left is rubber stamped with little scrutiny of the research and results
Thus people who are far left flock to these departments so they can get by with doing as little work as physically possible while pushing their own agenda.

It's also because right leaning people get into higher education less often and in different fields than liberals or leftists. Nearly every right wing person I met at my university who was politically active was in the school of business. 99% of the people I've met within the STEM departments were apolitical or passively liberal.

In my home department of Anthropology most of the best students are passively liberal or apolitical while the actively right wing or far left struggle as the department is more concerned with teaching proper anthropology rather than politics (Something that has been causing issue with the far left students which devolved into a teacher being attacked).

Yeah noticed the same thing. Reading through my uni's final year CS expo booklet, all 200 projects are relevant/address some sort of technical problem. Done a search on YouTube for final year dissertation vlogs and 3/4 of them are just leftists trash (e.g. 'queer societies in the 19th century' for an English Literature degree).

*rolls eyes*
Keep projecting, kikestein. You gonna shoot some more Palestinians with your terrorist buddies later on?

Attached: terroristState.jpg (625x416, 91K)

makes me wonder where these agencies get all their mathematicians and scientists. who do they even hire? doesn't the NSA supposedly employ a huge number of them?

Challenging social conventions is what arts is based on, what are you retarded?

There is nothing inherently leftist about assuming sexism exists.

Becasue STEM will actually have something in life so they end up conservative, where non STEM will never earn above 30k so they are prepped to be leftists.

how is a study of queer societies in the 19th century leftist? do you think they didn't exist? Do you think that it was the smae as now.

Yeah, it's not useful in everyday life but thats what they're studying and it's perfectly valid and apolitical to study something for the sake of it.

OP, it's much easier to infiltrate something that's got no objective truth. There is no 'narrative' in the sciences. There's just what's right and what's wrong. In the arts and humanities it's what 'seems right' and what 'seems wrong', and that's based on community consensus - which can be subverted and changed by organized effort. And there has clearly been an organized effort to change the consensus in academia.

You can't do that in fields with results-based 'consensus'. Either it works or it does not. Either it stands up to scrutiny or it does not.

>There is no 'narrative' in the sciences
Wrong. The narrative is controlled by what funding agencies fund and don't fund, along with what publishers will and won't publish.


Apart from funding, there is no narrative; the subject matter of biology, chemistry or physics is entirely neutral to the left/right paradigm

In theory yes but in practice no.

soviet russia implanted socialist agents into western educational institutions to turn them communist. people are a lot easier to manipulate when they're young.

Biology is right wing, just ask shitlibs
Leftists believe in lysenkoism, not biology

Attached: tinfoilhatday-3.jpg (1280x1280, 497K)

Explain your insolent actions.

Normies are very threatened by non-normative ideas / contemplating that the status quo might change, so they lash out with variations of "that's preposterous and you're an idiot!"

The what now?

> ask me about STEM

This. The academic world more or less operates on a dialectical basis. Anything you write is supposed to have a relationship to one of academic debates held in your field, which means that the premises on which the debate is held very much shape the academic world and the ideas that it instills in students. If your field is related to morality, this means that political bias can take a deep root in your field.

Lysenkoism is denial of genetics and human biodiversity in favor of Marxist equality narratives for political purposes which is given the veneer of science

Business isn't.

>The Long March through the Institutions.

> I could further elaborate what we learned in each one of those.

Based on pic related in a textbook link from one of my classes, I can only imagine.

Attached: book2.jpg (2864x1668, 430K)

>Marxists come
>study at university
>work their way up through graduation into the administration
>they support and convert the next generation coming in
>that generation does same thing
>at this point, all their arguments are being justified by the works of the previous generation of marxists for their sources
>meanwhile conservatives keep their head down and graduate, not wanting to get involved with the administration in anyway/

Attached: I wonder who was behind this concept.png (514x450, 330K)

heterodoxacademy.org/research/ sdasdadasdsadasdas

Because the Conservatives go to community college and becomes plumbers or something. You're not going to change universities if you go to trade school

Why sir, what a totally legitimate looking link you have!

>perfectly valid and apolitical

The problem is that "Queer" is a very politically loaded term with far-left connotations. When you consider everyone who identifies as "Queer" vs simply "Gay, Lesbian, Trans" you instantly know their politics are gonna be extreme left. It's a difference between wanting acceptance vs wanting to shape society to be completely in their image. The queers are all about the latter and are completely open about it.

>>they support and convert the next generation coming in
>>that generation does same thing
And this is were they fail. The next generation really believes the shit, where those (((educating))) them have some distance and see their moves as ways to get to power and effectively try to apply some policies keeping the educational machinery running, which the new ones fail beautifully by cheating niggers and females without talents through graduation creating an army of low talent fags that will end up in debt as the literal scum of society

It's what happens when you don't produce.

If you were in a science field like me (biochemistry), you would see that politics find a way to infect still due to some of the less concrete parts of science. ETM though don’t have much room for interpretation and deal mainly in hard numbers so they are much harder to infect

In my course, an ethic class, some enviromental thing class, sociology and philosophy of science and technology.
Not nearly as bad as yours, but I do have an optative that is called 'African presence in Brazil: Technology and Work.', I really doubt that many take that one though.