>Pitbulls are VIOLENT, SAVAGE dogs
Honestly, how uneducated do you have to be to believe this? It's the owner, not the breed.
Pic related is my Pitbull, so savage! so dangerous! He plays great with my baby too.
>Pitbulls are VIOLENT, SAVAGE dogs
Honestly, how uneducated do you have to be to believe this? It's the owner, not the breed.
Pic related is my Pitbull, so savage! so dangerous! He plays great with my baby too.
sage goes in the options field.
pitbulls are dogs designed for protection, so of course if you're operating as a drug lord you would want one
its why blacks are obsessed with them
This. White people who aren't dealing in drugs or pimping can get a security system for a lot less than a pitbull costs to feed and take to the vet.
>be a destitute black
>picks up a dog off the street
>nobody has ever taught you how to take care of anybody
>you decide to lock it up in a tiny, concrete kennel, where it stumbles through its own faeces and never sees any human besides you
>be surprised when someone else comes to interact with it and gets their face mauled
He really is a good boy at home. It's only when strangers come to the door he get's aggressive. He didn't do nothing wrong and that girlscout selling cookies had it coming.
They are not designed for protection. The are designed to attack and not let go until the target stops moving.
pitbulls used to literally be used to babysit children, you fucking faggots. it was only once they started being bred to fight and owned by niggers that they became feral
A nigger dog for a nigger,now where is your nigger license?
my friend has been a pit bull advocate for years, working at pit bull shelters. he finally adopted one of his own a few years ago, and i warned him every day not to do it. he's your typical lefty basedboy who thinks owning a violent dog to "prove" they aren't really violent is the ultimate virtue signal.
well, yesterday it sunk its teeth into his neighbor's leg.
The violent ones are imports.
Genetics bro. Cant argue the niggers are responding to instinct and ignore the obvious breeding of the bulls. Nothing "evil " about it, they were specifically bred for certain traits, in contrast to the niggers, with natural selection producing similar results.
The neighbor was a pedo though
Guide dogs for the stupid.
Piece of shit will end up mauling another dog or human
also why do pitbulls look like they have Down syndrome?
get back to us when he mauls your three year old daughter or her gran to death.
Pitbulls are good boys who dindu nuffin
Dog of peace
I hope your faggot friend gets sued and loses everything he has.
no, the neighbor was bringing over some stuff he was kind enough to let my friend has. and the dog removed a chunk of his thigh for it.
>anglo OP
>has a pitbull that plays with his kids
it's fine for anglos, it recognizes the beady eyes as a fellow dog so you don't need to worry, and the half shitskin part gives you animal smell so it also recognizes the smell as one of their fellow dogs
fuck you
Lmao go fuck yourself
lol british flag
>typical delusional brit
>government takes his guns
>Oooh we didnt need that!
>Government takes knives
>OOoohh were stabbing each other too much
>GOvernment takes more freedoms
>Ooooh we cant do anything about now we gave up anything we could have used to defend ourselves
>People tell him pits can bad bad
>oooohhh better not believe them like i did for anything else
>Get a good pit and decide that all pits are good like a stupid mother fucker
>Come home
>Pit is mauling kid and pakis are molesting other child
>Cant defend them cuz no gun
>Go down to police station and inform them of dog attack and molestation
>Oi m80 u know all pits are good! What nonsense u be talking man?
>And what??? An immigrant molested your child?
>Arrest this man for hate speech
Literally your whole country is delusional and known for ignoring the problems right in their face. Its no surprised ur a retard.
Only shills and retards hate pitbulls. They are a white man dog and make great pets when raised right. You have to be willing to be hard when they act up.
Obvious bait is obvious
>It's the owner, not the breed.
Nigger detected, my cars on my wrist says otherwise. Fuck you and your shitbulls
They have instincts, you stupid fuck.
My pitbull would tear that paki to pieces if he came in my house.
Somebody make a smuggie of this pls
>Oh Pitties are not only inoffensive, but the more loving, caring and children friendly dog breeds of all
>WTF do you mean they are "inherently more aggressive" it's the owner's fault, all dogs are the same
>I bet none of you have actually owned a Pitbull. You are being bias
>I, a Pitbull trainer and breeder who makes money out of selling this breed, am totally non biased about this topic.
“Hur dur, a figt dog bit me, the breed is broken” theyre not meant to be yorkies you dadt cunt.
a pitbull is a dog that was breed to fight other dogs. it's bite locks and is very powerful compared to other dogs. if one gets agitated enough it can do a lot of damage to a person, especially a child. theyre commonly owned by niggers who want a vicious dog to guard drugs, or by white niggers who insist that pitbulls never dindu nuffins.