What are Jow Forums approved news sites?
Not fox
fox is mostly neocon trash
tucker is the exception, not the rule
You can probably get 2 solid hours of "real news" from CNN,MSNBC, and Fox.
breitbart is also extremely kiked
they've sucked the jew even more than MSM
Jow Forums
Red Ice TV
spidr.today is all you need
Fox relies on the AP, it is okay, however, it is middle-of-the-road in my view
it only seems right-wing because CNN and the Washington Post are so far left-wing, but we have no counter channel to CNN and WaPo as they have too much power and influence over the normies
the biggest problem with Fox is that they are too reactionary, they are constantly on the Defense, they allow the Left (CNN/Wapo/NYT) to drive the storyline, and then Fox counters with a conservative viewpoint, such as the entire Starbucks story from 2 weeks ago
a real Republican/Conservative network would completely ignore the Starbucks Philly incident, it's just a simple police trespass incident inside a small coffee shop, it is not national news and not really newsworthy at all, but CNN and WaPo have the power to bait the Right with it and Fox always falls for the bait, instead of ignoring it
Neoliberal vs neocon is neither far left nor right nor any kind of middle of the road.
RT prove me wrong faggots.
Pro tip you can't.
Thats as great website thanks
The conservative treehouse
Let's suck neocon dick and guarantee wads of cash to their industry friends, hooray for corruption.
Jow Forumsthedonald is my only source of information. I just come on here to check out da dank maymays
Fucking retarded
Get off the electric jew
They are fake. Read books
cth is rock-solid. Sundance does what almost all modern so-called journalists no longer do: he presents news stories that are clearly annotated and sourced, and he readily identifies instances where his personal bias might be a factor. Been reading that site for years - one of the few reliable sources out there.
Recently, I've also been tuning into Dan Bongino's podcast. He does a good job, and he publishes his show notes (sources) each day, so you can verify what you hear and then do more research down the lines he's currently researching.
Other than that, I look for first hand info on hook, periscope, /pol, links inside comment sections, etc.
Fox News has never been approved. Goddamn boomers coming here in the last 2 years.
Vesti news on youtube is pretty good. PressTV as well.
Rantingly: drudge clone without sponsored headlines
Jow Forums, zerohedge, RT
Fox News for basic cable shit
>Laura Ingraham is based
>Bret Baier is based
>Hannity is kind of retarded but good for an occasional pump of Trump hype
>Tucker is based
Fox Business News
>Maria Bartiromo in the morning
>Stuart Varney after her
For non-cable news:
>the best "happening now" news service
>only prints known facts instead of pointless speculation
>not filled with bullshit opinion pieces
>Prints shit you should actually care about
>Opinion columns are written by conservative intellectuals
Financial Times
>For international news
>One of the most centrist papers I've come across
>costs a shitload for a yearly subscription but can be circumvented on the web with user agent and referrer extensions
>unironically the best free news source
>inb4 (((Bloomberg)))
>What are Jow Forums approved news sites?
That's a really hard question. if you are long enough here you will know when the media is lying. Personally, before i came here, I realized that Russia Today is decent but who knows.
Dailymail is nice, they provide quick and nice quick rundowns.
All cooperate journalists deserve the traitors laurel
Styx need to cut hairs, shave and put on shirt or he hangs with them
Fox has significantly improved compared to 2015, but it's still corporate trash looking out for billionaire interests. Same goes for all cable news. Why are so many cucks giving Murdoch a pass?
RT is the Russian state propaganda tube, the same way the BBC is for England, and the same way Al Jazeera is for Qatar's royal family. If you consider any of the above even remotely dependable then you're such a total slave that I don't even know what to fucking say to you. RT was going to report on the gas attacks as being fake no matter what, Fox was going to say they were real no matter what. Same with Russia sending oil tankers to North Korea. RT was going to say it's fake no matter what, Fox was going to say it's real no matter what. They're both right 50% of the time in this case, the same way a man and his dog have 3 legs on average. You cannot possibly consider this as a source of news.
As far as internet news: Breitbart, Infowars, Rebel, AMTV etc are all infotainment trash, same as their leftist counterparts. Even Drudge has become a cumrag, same for ZeroHedge, and even good meaning people like the Still Report are not reliable on their own. Your only option is to minimise slant by maximising the sample size. Cut out all the hilariously biased infotainment like Fox, CNN, RT, MSNBC, Breitbart, Infowars, ZeroHedge, Drudge, BBC, Buzzfeed etc, then read as much of everything that's left as possible. Support independent journalists and little youtubers to help you sift through these pile or garbage. But for the love of god don't watch or even click on any of these news giants.
My favorite is when liberals "Faux News" and you try and point out that faux is pronounced foe not fox. They just look at you with this vacant weird stare as their brain can't comprehend what you said so they go into panic mod "FAUX NEWS FAUX NEWS!!!"
Lou Dobbs on FoxBiz is one of my favorites, too
nu/pol/ in a nutshell
none. none of them are trustworthy
Tim Pool
I use youtubers, twitter users I like, and small websites.
I only use the MSM to get a general idea of what has happened and even then I am extremely skeptical of anything they have to say.
Jow Forums
I have it open and let it refresh like once an hour then when I see something of interest I google it to double check
Everything without kikes
America One News
The donald is contolled by turning point. Basically a right-wing version of Shareblue.
Sadly The Donald died on Nov 5th 2016
Buzzfeed is the most credible source.
Are you contributing to mankinds DOWNFALL or resurection???
>are you a lurker, a shill, or a bringer of truth and pills
Now is the time to join the fight , the enemy has
>paid shills
>comped mods
>corrupted embedded government
>satanic slave sex cults
There is an industrialized, organized evil afoot
An ancient order of evil video
We have a psychotic, artistic aristocracy called hollywood involved in SEX CULTS, CHILD SEX SLAVERY AND PURE EVIL
>allison mack rundown
What you have is the shadow cult is trying everything they can to stop Trump and stop the Neo-Renaissance
>mods cannot stop it
>shareblue cannot
>Rabbi Chaim Kibutzberg cannot stop it
Join the ARMY OF RIGHTEOUSNESS and let's expose these DEVILS
A Digital Prohpecy from the futureScape
CHN is my news source
This guy gets it
how about bret?
I stumbled on this the other day. Seems pretty alt-right. does anyone know anything about it?
this ones pretty good for showing news bias but you have to subscribe for alot of the articles
1. you know it
2. i know it
3. everybody knows it
>Fox News
Tucker Carlson and only Tucker Carlson
Good paper but watch out for the ((())).
Ruptly is great but everything else they do is trash. Stay away.
Good footage. Watch it.
>Daily Stormer
This is the best. Read everything here.
i get all of my news from CNN and the Israel section on Breitbart.
Fox is complete shit now. Hannity the birther. Hannity the secret slumlord. Hannity the conspiracy theorist. Hannity defending Rapin' Roy Moore. Hannity the eternal Kremlin stooge. I'm sick and tired of his phony shit.
>I N F O W A R S
After Alex's retarded WW-III stunt over bombing Syria.
I have ZERO trust in infowars for anything now. I deleted all their links.
Fox News is jewish loving republican garbage. Do your own research. don't rely on media.
After infowars and other old false conservatives fucked up over Syria....
WW-III panic...
FUCK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Breitbart, Drudge, Kiwi Farms, RT, Citizen Media, Gab, OAN, RSBN, Pontiac Tribune, GateWayPundit, Jow Forums itself.
/pol IS the only /pol approved news site. We wuz aggregators n sheeeeeiiit.
Man U guys never give up. Hope u are at least getting paid.
watch chris wallace..
very (((American))) isn't he.. ^ ^
>they allow the Left (CNN/Wapo/NYT) to drive the storyline
Every fucking Fox news talk show starts with twenty minutes of clips from CNN and MSNBC. It's almost as if they don't want us to escape it.
Same team?
FOX is not Jow Forums approved, they are no better than CNN. In my eyes they are worse as they pretend to be pro American traditionalists, and they lead many weaker minded people astray.
CIA Operation mockingbird, research it.
yup. very jewish orientated.
they'll shut down any idea that leads to American Soveriegnty..
the UN operatives are in all courts/medias/polices..
a split between the nwo/constitutional people.
most are nwo and don't know it.
beware the jews.
Nothing on TV period! Mine are secret sites.
Your stretching two hrs of the 24 hrs. I would say 15 min of real news out of 24 hrs.
In the new wars...
It is old conservative jews thing vs. democrats trying to uphold their poverty pimping...
They all just exploit the stupid for their own political gain...
I like Reason Magazine's site.
They're a libertarian magazine and they cover a lot of stories about government expanding its power that the mainstream press ignores.
Your mothers anus.