Is he right Jow Forums?
Is he right Jow Forums?
White American culture: social media, Twitter, proms in general.
So what's the problem then?
It's not his culture. His name is Jeremy, and he is American. Therefore he is incorrect.
Why is this guy having an English first name?
Can I be honest with Jow Forums, why are we defending thots
This girl is mocking traditional cultures, she is a total thot and deserves nothing more than contempt
You have to admire the nerve of a Chink who moves to the West and adopts every facet of our cutlure, and then turns around and whines that someone is wearing a dress that's styled like a Chinese dress.
Why are you defending hypocritical Chinks.
Thots are bad - but Asians are sub-human and need to be genocided.
I really want that the shit hits the fan. I don't care about this crooked and degenerated society. Her only mistake was wearing a dress that she liked. Let this shit sink in.
Chinks are bad, but an internal enemy is a bigger threat than an external one
Lmao man. Literally everyone trying to find one way or another to feel offended or oppressed. People literally becoming "trans" just so they can get a taste of the "oppression". So woke man. I need a twitter.
Whites have been trained to never be "racist" or tribal and look where it had gotten them. Chinks and other non-whites are now flooding into their countries and trying to pressure/dominate them into submission.
Whats it like have completely defective survival instincts, white boys? Everything is a joke to you.
Enjoy being our servant race. :)
Can you please stop posting such irrelevant shit. It's almost as bad as the people posting this shit on social media. Girl can wear a fucking Chinese style dress if she wants. Wtf is this full on facism and tyranny against a dress. Fuck..... America does my fucking head in with this trivial shit drama bullshit
>The benefits of diversity is that we can share cultures and create new things togeteher
>OMG only Africans can wear African clothes. Only Chinks can wear oriental things
Wow diversity sure is great the benefits are just so massive.
do i have to stop eating dogs now pol
Yes just because roasties are getting BTFO by the shit they push on a daily basis.
>chinese people have culture
>what is the great leap forward and cultural revolution
hahahahahahaha chinks saying they have cultural is even funnier than americans saying they have culture... chinks actively destroyed their own culture to adopt communism and killed their academics decades ago, no one under 80 years old even understands what it's like to live in pre-commie china
You laugh at it now, but this shit is going to get worse the more white people become a minority.
What you are seeing here is the first step of a process of dehumanization/domination that will end in your being made second class citizens to the invading mud-races that you foolishly let in.
Only in the US people think they own some copyright on culture.
Replace asians with chinks and you would be right
nothing wrong with fascism faggot
We don’t need three threads fo this, holy shit
we need a nuclear holocaust
Diversity is codeword for less white.
It's all about erasing white culture/heritage, while strengthnening their own.
Using the available evidence, he is unequivocally incorrect
>Asians trying to jump on the oppressed minority bandwagon
remember that asians vot dems 3-1
any retard who thinks they are on the same boat as whites are unaware of this
>This girl is mocking traditional cultures
no one fucking cares
You live in a multicultural society? You accept that other people are going to use your culture whether they're entitled to it or not.
Don't like it? Fuck off and let us have the ethnostate then and maybe it will stop.
When people say "haha white people have no culture" it seems that their idea of culture is wearing a certain style of clothing and eating a certain style of food. Rather shallow idea of culture.
Retard. China is a MASSIVE threat to you, both internally and externally. They are sending wave after wave of immigrants to your Anglo-sphere countries and taking all the high-tech jobs because white are too stupid/lazy for math.
Then they send any technology they develop here back to China ensuring eternal Chinese dominance in the technology sector.
If Chinks tried to pull this shit on us Koreans back in Korea they would be killed in the streets, but you cuckbois are too busying being feel-good addicted cuckbois to even recognize the threat.
You are a lower breed of life, I'd put nordic whites at the same tier as niggers at this point, you are just as arrogant/delusional.
Reminder all chinks are our enemies and le based maga Asian doesn't exist
>My culture is NOT your name
Chinks BTFO
No, you need a race war. Clean these chinks out, might makes right is the law of the universe, playing nice gets you stomped on.
This. My Korean/Chinese gloat about taking you over behind your backs. Asians (but more specifically chinks) are not your friends. If you don't organize and start purging, you are done for.
>Reading the twitter feed
>Black guy: Fuck off racist bitch, stop saying people of color
>Complaining about American pettiness
If this was the U.K., she'd be in jail by now.
Twitter is a mass-conditioning machine. The number of likes is entirely arbitrary - literally most of twitter “accounts” are bots used to make people think that certain ideas and viewpoints are popular. Selling access to these botnets is one of the ways Twitter earns revenue.
He obviously didn't go to prom.
>another thread about it from Jow Forums
>the same boring and useless arguments such as "white culture: X"
>muh 140,000 likes
do you people actually have anything intelligent to say or what? are you really trapped in a state of constant reaction? She shouldn't be wearing chink clothing in the first place. It's disgusting. When you defend shit like this you're defending other degenerate multicultural practices such as dreadlocks, etc.
>asian american
How come that all kinds of asians are really conservative but once you import them into USA they become the worst fucking SJWs? Is muttmerican influence just so soul-crushing?
Seriously, no one has bothered to point out;
>Chinese guy crying about culturel appropriation
>Named Jeremy. Wearing a baseball cap and sneakers. Speaking in english. From Los Angeles.