Stop discussing the Jewish question

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Yes, sir.
..I c-cleaned my room by the way


Attached: 65BD0F92-A8B1-4D2A-88DA-1487D930A8F9.jpg (225x225, 20K)

Yes user, another great thread!

no, the retards have to remain distinguishable

No. :^)

Good goy.

What a dumb kike. How can you be older than college age and unironically live off e-begging

>How can you be older than college age and unironically live off e-begging
He's being funded by (((them))). His e-begging is just extra sheckles from stupid goy


>tfw based gayboi finally breaks and shitposts about the Jews



The fire is rising

He said that he doesn't know enough to give an adequate answer, that seems reasonable.

Reminder that we are not question that jews have high iq. We are questioning their behavior.

>implying they actually test their retards and let it affect the average
Friendly reminder if they don't breed with the goyim every 3 gens or so they die due to genetic complications, dat inbreeding
>really rolls the marbles

He's saying that despite the numbers of Caucasians of European descent that have created so many of the significant inventions used throughout history and today; despite the societies they made, their contributions to cutting edge technology, ingenuity, any changes they made to the quality of life for the entire planet, we're not very exceptional, unlike the Jew


He knows. He is too smart not to know. He can't say it you dumb fucks.

You're retarded.

You dumb faggot. You can't say it in public. How do you expect that he will say it in front of camera ?

Start being pro-Jewish.

You dumb nigger, he has fucking NOTHING to lose from admitting to the JQ. He's already rich. He's already got a huge audience. His stated philosophy is 100% about only speaking what he believes to be the truth. This whole "hurr durr he's just pretending not to know" nonsense is EXACTLY what the jews want you to believe so you keep marching behind this civnat cuck down into your own White Extinction.

How many communist jew professors have you killed?


Sounds like you need to shut the fuck up then.

>if you haven't murdered random professors you might as well be support an anti-nationalist faggot
Gonna have to run me through the logic on this one...

He actively shills that the JQ is bunk because of higher jew IQ.

He's not "just not saying it" he's actively opposing it.

> He fights their marxist ideas and gender idiocracy.

> States nuclear family is best thing to keep raising the family

> States that the best place to raise your kids is in area where other kids have nucelar family setup

We all know what this means and to who is it targeted at. Do you know how many people changed their life with this goals set.

He did more for us then anyone in last 10 years.

Tell me faggot how is this marching cuck down into extinction.


can't post images

Mess up your room and clean it up again.
Brush your teeth
Read the Talmud
Wash your balls

I watched him and listened a lot.

He doesn't name them but he suggest on many things ideas that are inline with ours.

This benefits us in many way.

He destroys any left originated ideas. Their ideas. I really don't mind if he doesn't name them. What it matters that common sense is shared to as much people as possible.

But he is discussing it. He's discussing Jewish IQ and influence in extreme mathematical detail. Every alt-lite dude who would never consider listening to David Duke is getting exposed to truths about Jews by JBP that might pique their interest in digging for more.


It would be career suicide for him to name the Jew, public consciousness is simply not ready for it and all it would do is actively turn people away from the cause.

Instead it is much better to encourage people to pursue truth, and come to their own conclusions, anyone who digs deep enough will eventually find their way here.

JP is still our guy

But he attacks those who do pursue the truth. He doesn't need to do so. He goes out of his way to defend the Jews.

get ur anti-depression pills bucko


You stupid faggot. There are more whites with IQs of 120 in the US than there are Jews period.

It's racial nepotism, pure and simple.

I watched the video where he responded to this question. This fucking idiot actually belives they don’t help help each other attain positions of power. Hollywood is run by Jews because they only help each other. IQ plays no part in this strategy. Into the trash he goes. Next.

No, he's a Zionist sympathizer or an idiot.

He isn't ignoring the Jewish question in this video, he's bullshitting it:
Stop making excuses for your Zionist father figure substitute.


this people watch this

le buckos argument is garbage

I stand corrected, that video is some first class bullshit.

I would gladly e-beg for a living, if it was compatible with my morals (read: if I knew how to do it).

This. They may be 'smart' but there are way more of us. Their overrepresentation is mostly because of nepotism. Look at literature, science and art pre WWII. All of us. After WWII they started to sink their hooks into our culture, and you couldn't call them out on it because (((poor victims))). Now they are everywhere, because they favor their own. We need to start playing the same nepotism game.

all they have to do is go away and leave us alone

Except they are parasites, not capable of doing that.

It’s Kermit the Frog

Of course he has a lot to lose by talking about the JQ, you think they'd ever let him on TV again? Or publish/promote his books? Even most Youtubers shows he appears on would disown him. How to go from world famous professor to David Duke-tier Youtuber in one easy step lol