How come americans keep losing to muslim groups nonstop?

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The wars they lost had no clear Goal and the Population of the US had nothing to win in it.
They have a K/D Ratio of 5000 dead burgers to 1.7 Million Iraqis alone. Thats not losing nonstop
But they fought senseless wars, 10 years in Afghanistan,10 years in Iraq with infinita amount of Muslims ready to die in those meat grinders.
The wars just didnt make sense in the first place

Muhammad was an undefeated warrior, unlike the american army.

more muslims die because they don't have an air force, a navy or any heavy weaponry.
and still they win.

where did they win ?
and yes, the one with the better weapons wins in a war
pls drop memeflag, i cant take you serious otherwise

>where did they win ?
afghanistan, iraq, yemen and even germany.

Video related, the US isnt Germany, if you Count a refugee groping a german woman as a victory, i have to call you an idiot

Afghanistan, was senseless but the us and their puppet government are still there and have controll of the Country
Iraq, Saddam wanted to sell oil for Euro, not Dollar, US marched into Baghdad, killed him and safed their petrodollar. Thats pretty much a win for their industry, for US People it was senseless
I dont know about yemen

Because the West is not willing to wage total war on cowards who hide in the middle of civilians and we actually value the life of our soliders

Mohammed was a cuck who had to strike a 10 year truce with Mecca and then broke it when he felt he was strong enough because he was about to get fucked so hard even Aisha would have been like 'damn, that looks painful'

As fun as it is to kill millions of shitskins and suffer almost no casualties, it does get expensive. The american tax payer eventually gets irritated that their money is all getting spent in random middle astern shitholes just to turn mud huts into craters.

>Iraq, Saddam wanted to sell oil for Euro, not Dollar, US marched into Baghdad, killed him and safed their petrodollar.
iran used to sell its oil in its currency. not an argument.

>Afghanistan, was senseless but the us and their puppet government are still there and have controll of the Country
the taliban rule half the country

>we actually value the life of our soliders
if you value their lives then why do you send them to certain death?

>Mohammed was a cuck
if he was a cuck then there was not a real men in the history of humanity.

Muhammad has demon sperm up his butt. Demons sperm is lava so it's melting through him causing him a great deal of pain. He is licking up demon piss too. Demons like to shove their long spiky cock inside of Muhammad's anus and tear it and then cum their lava inside of him.

no argument has been presented.

The most real man in all of history was James A. Polk.

Muslims are notoriously terrible fighters. between 2003-2015 the US military lost 14 times as many service memebers to drunk driving accidents than to all enemy contact. The muslim worlds best fighters aren't even as dangerous as having a few beers and getting behind the wheel.

Same reason leftists keep trying to repeal the 2A and disarm American citizens.

>Muslims are notoriously terrible fighters.
then american fighters must be at the bottom because they lose to muslims.

certain death? sandnigga please
>2200 US soldiers died in Afghanistan
>111,000 dead Afghans
>4800 soldiers died in Iraq
>700,000 Iraqis died
The only reason more shitkins didn't die is we actually have pity for your civilians and we don't like to waste millions of dollars wasting camelfuckers like you

Then he flew his Pegasus to the moon.

>kill millions of muzzies

lol right
i mean that horse had the upper body of a woman, and considering muslims will fuck full on animals, you just *know* mohammed got it on with his flying horse
Muslims are the original furries if you think about it

>you win if half of your male population gets killed

>1.7 million kills vs 5 thousand
Why are muslims such weak fighters?

Lmao at the newfags taking this weak leftist bait. OP is obviously a commie homo and butthurt over the US kicking so much ass recently.

Kill yourself OP, you suck cock for fun and are unironically a leftist in the current year.

Leaving this fag thread, you all shpuld as well and should feel ashamed for letting this fucking loser OP get so many replies. Saged.

dying is easy for muslims but americans are afraid of death. this is why no matter how superior american military is at the end muslims will win unless america uses wide scale nukes. also birthrate in many muslim countries is way higher than americans.

You are an educated person.
>for US People it was senseless
However, they are not educated on average and think it was sensible. They easily gobble up propaganda.

is that emma gonzales

>Burgers bitching and whining when terrorist groups that they created have turned against them
You reap what you sow, stop whining biches

We don’t want to win.
It’s almost like somebody benefits from the continued destabilization in the region

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>mfw full house

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Guys stop posting in a fucking MEME flag thread you should know better

Allah is a holy figure and ET who is the leader of the Kingdom about to retake Earth through divine superpowers

I hope based leaf an apologies to this victim and gives him $10m for being oppressed by our false western narrative that he's a child solider

>be american
>join the army to "protect america"
>get sent to war
>Kill millions of innocent
>Still protecting Americans because killing innocents on their lands is somehow protecting america
>return home with 100+ mental issues
The only reason that america is still a superpower is because it strives off the suffering of other countries.
No country in the world is currently doing this.
The only reason that Americans can live a good life is because you assholes are stealing from us, making poor countries poorer.
There will be a reckoning, just wait for it you assholes.

He got his ass handed to him more than once
first battle of Mecca lol

Not having Weapons and being shit in battle is no excuse
I don't think America even cares about winning as long as they can use the mudslimes that nobody likes anyways for target practice
for drones, rockets etc (trump is pretty open about the tomahaws lol)

Anyone who shares the same ideology as the terrorists and supports them in any way is also a terrorist
There are no innocent muslims :/

>Muhammad was an undefeated warrior

2 posts in and this is how we know this is a larp/troll

close tab

user, I believe that i'm a good Muslim, I follow the Quran and the hadiths.
And I can say without a doubt that the ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Taliban have twisted religion to suit their own needs.
Why is it so hard to see that these terrorist groups are run by america?
The only one actually benefiting from the conflict in middle east is america.
Why don't you people realize that we are suffering, Muslims are the ones that have to pay the heaviest price.
Our regions are unstable due to terrorism caused by america and,I'll be honest, we have no love for america but don't you dare call these terrorist "Muslims" cause they are not.

Because a navy seal needs to have a commander that tells him what to do as a little slave boy, while calling him master/sir after every sentence

Meanwhile 10 year old arab boys are taking out entire platoons with a single RPG

Welcome to the world of reality, to the streets, the elite middle east 1 the united states of color 0

>No real victory conditions
>Military has it's hands tied with rules of engagement so it can't break the enemy
>((goal of restoring democracy))
>because the last point is impossible in practice, soldiers end up having to occupy land for years while being restrained the whole time.
This is all off the top of my head.

muslim apologists are disgusting, every muslim country is a literal shithole.

>And I can say without a doubt that the ISIS, Al-Qaeda and Taliban have twisted religion to suit their own needs.
nothing they have done wasn't done by Mohamed already, and as we know(claimed by himself) he's the perfect conduct of behavior whom everyone should follow and strive to be like

are you this dumb that you don't know we take it easy on them on purpose. we aren't allowed to go all out. its against the war laws.

multiple combat veteran

Its not that were losing. ITs just you cant win an unwinnable war that has no government to concur. We toppled Sadam in 3 weeks. I have personally seen hundreds of dead Iraqi and Afghan (((Insurgents))) but with no clear enemy you can never win. It doesnt matter how many sand/mountain people you kill there will always be more. Got shot at the first time over ten years ago fought and killed the faggots through 4 deployments. Nothing ever changes.

>go there
>homies step on IEDS
>go home

thats the cycle user it just repeats itself.

Because you can't tell who's in on the jihad and who isn't, so we need to kill ALL the ragheads. Obviously this gets you bad press from the kikes.

Literally it's the kikes.

In fact, if Mohamed were alive today he would consider them to be the true Muslims, as said in the Koran, those who fight against the infidels are much more respected/valuable by/to Allah than those who just pray and fullfil the non-combat obligations and will of Course be rewarded more plentifully than those who do not fight

im the poster above and we tried we dropped more bombs on towns that would kill all the military age males and yet we would still get blown up the next days.

An Iraqi General told us once that if you want to end the war that we would have to kill every man in Iraq.

Its just impossible. I am a patriot who loves this country and would die for it, but the sand people have no life or purpose other then to fight and the average american is a fucking pussy who cant stomach a dead american. IF we wanted to be serious we would just kill them all.

lol Mohamed would have been arrested and sentenced to 20 years in jail for fucking a child.

some prophet

>sentenced to 20 years
No, he would have gotten the chair for being a mass murderer

Because despite Americans killing millions of them morons like you seem to think the sand niggers "winning."

Muslims lose to muslims the most desu

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When you realise these guys are trained by, funded and originally supported by the USA and top American officers trained them in guerilla combat and know the ins and outs on how the US military conducts it's operations in the middle east it's really easy to beat.

I really mean ALL of them though, down to the last photogenic crying baby. We lost Vietnam not to Charlie, but to our own fifth column. The Jewish press plays to the white man's mercy and sympathy for the unjustly oppressed.

War is war -- it ain't pretty and it breeds killers. We had the technology to wipe out the gooks and the ragheads 100% but don't use it because we want to look like "the good guys."

I wish we would just be the fucking bad guy for once, like my man Donald, like everyone else says white men actually are.

WTF is/was James A. Polk?

We have an advanced society and our infrastructure is very expensive. They can do a lot of damage relatively easily.