Government Mind Control

Here's what I can tell you in short about the irradiation of humans and who's running it domestically:
1. The Marines control it.
2. Navy budget funds it.
3. Duncan described it in the Coast to Coast AM interview as a worse than lethal weapon system.
4. Duncan helped integrate HAARP into SPA-WAR ran by the Navy, and also integrated it into SIGINT SIGCOM a blacker than black organization as a weapon/surveillance tool.
5. Duncan's been to secret underground Navy bases to work on weapons/surveillence systems for the Navy.
6. Navy has directives to allow experimentation and torture of citizens.
7. The ballistic missile defense system is also a neurological/surveillance weapon. It has multi-purpose receiving and beaming lasers/antenna.
8. Navy was caught in 1976-1978 irradiating Eugene Oregon citizens from Alameda California Navy base 500 miles away per the FCC investigation in 1978 (proving this can be done).

Attached: nikolas-cruz__97049.jpg (850x1030, 511K)

Other urls found in this thread:

9. Aaron Alexis said he had info on the Navy's irradiation of humans and testing of the weapons for decades. After getting pwn3d by it himself, he killed 12 at the Navy Ship Yard, where he was shot dead and framed to look delusional by the FBI.
10. SPA-WAR stands for: Space and Naval Warfare Systems Command. Hmm, interesting.
11. These systems are all types of Signals Intelligence.
12. Navy integrates into NSA.
13. NSA has the capability to spy on and send signals into any citizen, and has space capability that's ill described (black).
14. signals intelligence : intercepting signals, electronic warfare, interferometry, holograms, irradiation tech - it's merely code for transmitters and receiver tech. sigint can be electronic communication, or human biocommunication, intercept keystrokes from space or brain waves from space type stuff. or torture irradiate. MRI scans, ESR scans, hologram construction from space.. ghost in the receiver, house stuff.
15. electronic warfare article on Wikipedia of all places (censorship heavy zone) even plainly states EW is also used to kill or irradiate humans with directed energy. department of defense articles conclude human brain is susceptible to radiation and EW (the mind has no firewall). there's freaking DOD patents to invade the brain and dozens of articles and stories have been run over the years, including CNN 1985's coverage of radio frequency weapons (enter main research page for full CNN clips). it's plain as day!
16. SIGINT/directed energy is NUKE level technology, more secret than NUKES (more secretive than the manhattan project!!). but it's actually quite well understood.

So many citizens chemical lobotomized, some have had lasers used from space to lobotomize them. And everyone's under secret mind surveillance today. Like The Matrix, agents can enter anyone's brain and body, as can computer programs, possessing and remotely controlling the person.

>9. Aaron Alexis said he had info on the Navy's irradiation of humans and testing of the weapons for decades. After getting pwn3d by it himself, he killed 12 at the Navy Ship Yard, where he was shot dead and framed to look delusional by the FBI.


Attached: RIP.jpg (698x472, 59K)

can a person defend against this sort of thing with a Faraday cage?

Robert Duncan said something to the effect that if your cell phone can't get reception than you are safe from the mind rape


>Deadly mass-shooter that had woppily-knoppily life kills 17 people

It makes sense.
Mind-control has nothing to do with it. Life can really get this bad.

good goy

I've been under attack from this program since at least 2009. Started with itching all over as I was trying to sleep, then they would make my muscles twitch all of the sudden as I'm trying to sleep. Took me until 2015 to figure out what the hell was going on. Then dream invasions started happening, sensations like I'm falling as I'm trying to sleep, popping noises coming from the walls and windows. It's pretty well fucked my life up, but I'm still alive.

another victim here, best thing to do is ignore the torture and not be provoked as they want

The gunman in this month’s bloody rampage at the Washington Navy Yard claims that attempts at government mind control drove him to the crime.

The FBI on Wednesday released notes retrieved from the shooter, Aaron Alexis, providing a window into a paranoid mind that felt under siege by “low-frequency,” Navy-developed electromagnetic waves.

“Ultra-low frequency attack is what I’ve been subject to for the last three months. And to be perfectly honest, that is what has driven me to this,” Alexis wrote before killing 12 and dying himself in a shootout with authorities, according to the FBI.

Messages found scrawled on the side of the navy contractor’s Remington 870 sawed-off shotgun read, “End to the torment,” “Not what y’all say” and “Better off this way.”

>Good goy

Prove to me that in-group out-group preferences don't exist from race to race, and I'll admit that I'm the goodest of obedient goys.

Nikolas Cruz had a loose screw in his brain, and it made his social abilities plummet (something that someone of his race sorely needed). There was no cushion when communicating with others, so people immediately rejected him.

He ended up 19 years old with nothing to live for, so he went on a shooting spree.

This makes absolute and perfect sense.

And the Mexicans pay for it, right?

He's soooo hot. Look at how smooth his face looks.

Wouldn't mind his purple helmet pushing its way slowly into my helpless, restrained mouth.

I experienced that, too. Coincided with my depression by the way

I've had these symptoms for a while, coincided with my depression


Internet issues, sorry. First told me that it failed to send the message so I sent it again

holy shit ive had this the last year or so, i thought it was just my sleep being fucked up or a sleep disorder
> sensations like I'm falling as im trying to sleep
this one is the most disturbing to me

take it to /x/


Dude you are just scitzo, deal with your illness seek medical help ;)

You know what other control weapon they use? Christianity and Islam.

There is a minimum requirement of cum you must guzzle in order to reach this pinnacle of government mind control awareness. Follow this good boy’s example user

Thick spurts of cum

what is this faggotry?

Guessing modified ssri's prime the brain for agents to take full control over easier etc.

good point

Zersetzung, Gang Stalking. THIS SHIT IS REAL BOYS. They target dissidents who appear a threat to the system. I'm an Iraq war vet, have been on this system for 2 years. I can't prove the EM weapons besides a systhensized ringing in my ears and my mind races uncontrollably at times with what feels like artifival thoughts. It sounds like Schizophrenia on the surface, but there is some serious fuckery going on here and Jews are heavily involved through the DHS, ADL, FreeMasons and other groups helping run this program on the ground.
I rarely talk about the EM weapons because it sounds so absurd/irrational but I firmly believe they're real and being used on American citizens who wake up to this Jew thing. Good posts OP keep it up

So when playing as someone else do you know if the agent or player is hooked into some type of assassins creed style animus device? Interesting to think about how much direct control over someone can be taken or if it's just inceptioning ideas leading to direct actions type control; guessing both depending on whats neccessary for the circumstances.



>we're so powerful goy don't you dare try to kill us and defeat us
Every time with this Egyptian God posturing bullshit.

If this tech existed we'd already have had massive wars with it.

the sensation of falling when you sleep every once and a while is common for literally all humans, walls and windows pop as your house settles into the ground, you've obviously got something really wrong with you if its not just a lack of intelligence id suggesting seeking help, something tells me you have much larger problems

"this is allah, lay down your weapons"

Already used in the gulf war

>his sources are rumors and a dead man
>oh and also wikipedia
Jow Forums will still bite though because theyre depressed schizophrenics

is this site down?

yes Jow Forums has barely worked at all since I posted this thread

Just stop spook. You're weak, that's why these subversion warfare tactics exist.

Attached: unimpressedcat4.jpg (750x999, 66K)

>How can a person even be sure that their thoughts are their own?
So npc theory is eerily true

So where this could get really interesting is how it could be used to control mass crowds of primed people in a type of eusociality caste system similar to hivemind insects like for example those womens marches or the parkland crisis actor walk out protests.
Like a live action rts game.

how come you can post pictures but I can't kike

This guy's closer. Some gang stalkers use low frequency weapons. Some use witchcraft and sorcery through masons and other satanist groups. Military links, religious links, political links, alien links.

Also lost pictures

American airlines started the chem-trail hoax to hide the fact that global warming is real, and rays from the sun are actually MELTING their poorly constructed ALUMINUM aircraft.

Post more user I'm the one you replied to. I'm currently AT WAR with FreeMasons/Jews. They've destroyed what little bit of life I had. I'll fight until I have nothing left. It's been a crazy two years


>So many citizens chemical lobotomized, some have had lasers used from space to lobotomize them. And everyone's under secret mind surveillance today. Like The Matrix, agents can enter anyone's brain and body, as can computer programs, possessing and remotely controlling the person.
A literal schizophrenic told me much this exact same story at a bus terminal like a year ago. Then he said Jean-Claude Juncker talks to him directly through the TV.

>*pretty much

>inb4 shill


Sometimes my life feels disconnected from the world around me. Then I read a post like this and think, thank fuck I'm not you.

Go fuck your mother.
Real. Doing to me also.

I learned black magic from my master in a very occult martial arts school & SIGINT as you're describing it is exactly what I learned.

Human brains interact with eachother via unseen wavelengths, this is the very exact process of "magic." Spirits are conscious manifestations existing on other forms of wavelengths or matter states i.e. radio waves. Humans can certainly do the same thing with the right technology, it's simply not even superstition. Moreover, humans can do the same thing with the right teaching & inner awakening.

This exact thread should be a beacon of understanding as to why random people exclaim on Jow Forums "magic" is "real."

did (((they))) shutdown Jow Forums?

You weak motherfucker

It's probably just a bug. Why would this site even concern them

certainly seems like its on some nigger connection tier wifi right now with how its working

>why would one of the most successful social engineering experiments ever created concern them?
>this is perfectly normal goy

>"can you feel it coming in the air tonight..."
>"oh lord, oh lord"

Imo People stay away from Jow Forums because kekistanis makes us look like ironic meme lords and Nazi larpers. But kay lets assume that Gook moot did sell us out and this is permanent. It may no longer be an image board, but we can still have discussions.

Think in a broader sense bigger picture sense user, was Jow Forums's existence spawned from a organic chain of events or was it more cultivated?
One of the only places on the internet today where said discussions can take place with absolute free reign, an ideological gladitorial arena.
The last bastion of the wild wild west of the internet

it's real.
when awan bros got picked up over a year ago, i was getting tailed for a week by some old dude.
following me into stores, leaving work, lunchbreaks.. thought he was a mob hitman or somehting.

month later family friend mysteriously dies in auto-accident, 0 public obituaries..

coincidentally shares same name as my best friend..

car lost control mysteriously.. dies 2 days later from brain bleeding.
get jury dutied...
get all sorts of fucked up shit.

not even gonna talk about it.

but that's how you know..
the dnc leaker was seth rich.

yup fmalam

It's messed up because the brain shit they do really does cause [[[psychosis]]] making it all the more subversive. I have no doubt in my mind there are teams of Elemental Experimenters running 24/7 wargames on the public through various novel material (or "immaterial") means... We are all rats in a cage. The song was not meant to be a metaphor...

The real question is... How do I become a lsd guinea pig?

you have to go to college, without actually going to college, most sources will be military and professors. gl.

Sometimes these things happen in sleep paralysis or deep mediation. I don't think it's the government that's tormenting you. You just have an over active brain in certain regions.

you know they probably have certain people who they datamine ideas from before the thoughts even leave that persons head.
With those datamining capabilities what I would do is have those who useful ideas are frequently harvested from forced into different seemingly "bad luck" or freak turn of occurences situations to see what types of thoughts they would produce under the influence of various different types of stimuli.
The most interesting part is those whose ideas are being used and harvested would have no idea the power their thoughts alone would hold.

maybe you just have worms.

Maybe he is the worms

Just believe the official story nothing more to it

>we are controlling transmission

Yes its real.

Cnn does it the most

this is a really important video, user. thanks for posting it

In Emma's defense, he's one really weird looking kid

exaclty, we are all victims.
what a fuck.

Q predicted this.

Hi Weishaupt Bormann

> arrested ad McDonalds
> eye witness reports seeing "full combat gear" and "unfamiliar rifles"
a.k.a. Mossad agents wearing all black, no flags, and carrying F/A Tavors
Nik is a fall guy, and is probably not even a real person.

>zero sources for any of your insane ramblings

you faggots are worse than the perfidious leaf


Dr. Robert Duncan is the source faggot he worked on the program

this thread, post and the bot replies to it convinces me that Jow Forums is a psyop to induce incel schizos into violence
Hello NSA


My tinfoil hat protects me. The aliens from Zeta Reticuli said so.

there is a medical condition that causes this too