guys we cant lose.
you know why?
because no matter how much breeding blacks/Arabs do with the Europeans there always going to be white in say 1000 years this is because blacks just became black because of the sun.blacks are black as an adaptation for the sun in Africa and people became white because there was less sun so if the immigrants in Sweden stay there for 1000 years were all clear
Guys we cant lose
When I see posts like this I think, this is the living embodiment of late stage capitalism.
A moron with the ability to reach millions of eyeballs instantly. No lid on this stupidity.
They'd have pale skin but they wouldn't be white in the classical sense. You are retarded.
That would imply a selection pressure for having paler skin (eg. better survivability due to sun absorption preventing Vitamin D deficiencies). Those pressures are largely offset now by modern technology and living conditions, so there'd be very little shift.
What a stupid spam/shill/retard thread.
lmao.. you think it's about the case of the rig.
You're such an idiot.
Are you serious. I'm shaking. This is the most pronounced synchronicity I have ever encountered. I literally thought this exact thing like half an hour ago. I am become the Logos.
>white in the classical sense
what does that even mean
Good points. Whatever the fuck it is.
Srs guys. How does something like this happen? How the fuck?
>communication and technology is a result of capitalism
>therefore capitalism is a bad thing
holy shit you're stupid
Even if natural selection repeated itself it would take 10s to 100s of of kiloyears. If we don't destroy ourselves in 30 years gene manipulation will make all this relevant. We'll be fighting against bubble-eyed dog boys and raccoon lads
Found the Suncunt!
Retard hive mind is the most likely cause.
The Eskimos have been living near the Arctic for at least 5000 years, or more, and they still have not turned blonde and blue eyed, like the Scandinavians. When will this be happening?
This has been thought by millions if not billions of people before you were even born you cock sucking potato nigger kys
I laugh so musch !
Culture, religion, bone structure especially will never be the same, if you dump Africans into the EU it may take upwards of 5,000 years for them to be similar, so by doing so you put humans in another dark age for thousands of years. If the weather changes and we have another ice age the niggers will either die or flee south/east.
You basically remove a large part of human progress for the sake of inferior humans to catch up.
If you really think it's only about the color of the skin then you are retarded. They're bone-structure won't change because they adapt to the sun, they'll just be albino-niggers. They won't behave like white Europeans, because they won't inherit any of the genetic European predispositions. They're behavior won't change, and worst of all, they'll still be fucking Muslim in a thousand years.
It's much deeper than just skin color you absolute mutt. Tell me something, ameritard, do you think in a thousand years time all the people living in the USA will become redskinned like the native americans? And even if they did, would they speak like them? Would they eat like them? Would they behave like them? Would they have the same values, virtues and beliefs as the native americans? No they wouldn't, and that's why you are a complete moron.
Think before you post, mutt.
>this is because blacks just became black because of the sun.b
lmao you wish nogger
Science proves that blacks are a type of sub species
>because no matter how much breeding blacks/Arabs do with the Europeans there always going to be white in say 1000 years this is because blacks just became black because of the sun.blacks are black as an adaptation for the sun in Africa and people became white because there was less sun so if the immigrants in Sweden stay there for 1000 years were all clear
By that fucking stupid leftist logic, eskimos and Siberians would be blonde aryan ubermensch by now since they have lived in the icy permafrost for 10,000 years by now.
>lefty reddit queer can't help shilling his community on an unrelated topic
On this episode of the gullible socialist who eats bait raw.