Why are so many Americans sleeping out of tents and cars?

Why are so many Americans sleeping out of tents and cars?

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>announcing sage


because slave labor is imported and replacing them

because they are replaced by immigrant faggots

Real wages haven't increased in 40 years and there's a constant influx of cheap labor. Real estate speculation has caused spiraling home costs to where in a most of the country the price of a home is twenty times the average salary.

Also most Americans have a consumer culture mindset and live beyond their means. When an economic downturn occurs this problem will get much, much worse.

Opiate addiction. The opioid crisis is fucking out of control and is wrecking parts of America. Overdose deaths have rocketed and homelessness has exploded.

true, we are being replaced by sub-humans

Food looks decent, tent looks cozy, she looks reasonably Jow Forums. 9/10 I'd put America's refugees up against any other countries' refugees any time.

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I can only assume that this is the people's utopia of california?

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Tent cities are all up and down the West Coast. But van dwellers are happening all over the country.

This. The final redpill is that the Keynesians/social democrats are totally right: wages were growing perfectly with productivity since ww2 and the new deal. Then, the two diverged during the oil crisis.

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This. Even druggie hobos are better when white.
Look at this lady, she created a semblance of order. Separate box for groceries, cosmetics, garbage can. She sits down to eat and probably cleaned her hands with that hand sanitize over there. Meal looks nutritious and includes fruits and vegetables.

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>pay 80% of your income in rent
>go camping and keep that


2 possibilities
*they are unwilling to afford more
*they are unable to afford more

lot of people are moving to house boats/boat houses

I saw some burn-out white lady in the Walmart parking lot and she invited this van dweller to come out and share her food and have a conversation. She was incredibly polite.

I'd rather live around people like her than some uppity middle class nigger.

last one
> tfw almost lost everything in a CA rent trap

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Because foreigners took their jobs and hope and Jews flooded the country with cheap drugs.

That's straight up slop
She looks like a methhead
Tent looks like a homeless person's paradise

Both parties are run by the same handful of wealthy families who need cheap disposable labor to make them money while they do nothing. They've been passing laws to keep wages artificially low and shred the safety net for decades. Eventually the economy will collapse when no one can afford anything anymore in a consumer based economy but the wealthy families will just move to some other country to ruin.

Wait until all the boomers die off, there will be nothing but cheap real estate. States and local gov's will have to tank property taxes to prevent abandonment.

Look at all these digits. WHOAH!

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That methhead is eating a more balanced meal than I usually do. I live in a house though.

Us wypipo should maybe consider doing this in bigger numbers. We could crash the system, become hard survivalist cunts, and with that spare time bond better then living in our cucksheds and isolated suburbs bracing ourselves to survive impending civil war.

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What if she's just some poor old white lady who struggled to make ends meet and the man left her and her son/daughter died and now she's just trying to scrape by to afford her prescriptions for her aging health?

Economy can only collapse when people can afford everything they want.
Elites rely on wage-slaves.
Increasing percentage of impoverished people while simultaneously taxing middle class earners to support the impoverished is just improving the efficiency of the scheme.

The mega-rich are just curtailing the resource usage of the lower classes.
They want anyone making less than 200k/yr carpooling to work so that (((their))) children can enjoy the same quality of life that they enjoyed.

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She's not though. That's a meth face.

Because camping is awesome and still nearly 100% white activity

There was a 'tent city' set up in the middle of the financial district in Sydney. These retards were all blaming whitey instead of the shitskin invasion.

Same in Melbourne. No doubt same there in Cali.

Dumb fucks, it's just the most brazen Darwinism.

Drug problems.

user in the us you don't have to be a drug addict or alki to be homeless. It's weird I know....
But what I do not get, why on earth would you chose to stay lit on the side walk in a tent if you became homeless? Why not just throw it up in/by the forest outside of town? Is it because they try to get these day to day jobs?

I mean if you don't have food, then why not by a lake where you at least can fish?

No such thing as poor people in america. Only temporarily embarrassed millionaires.

To make room for the great browning of America.

This thread reminds me, I should get a tent, ground sheet, sleeping bag and pad, etc. Should probably get such things while I'm in a stable place, as insurance in case everything goes to shit.

Methany here needs to save up some funds for sunscreen

Builds character.

because they are returning to their wild west roots

The ones here are doing so because of the hurricane that came by last August.

I worked my ass off for the first week to make my house livable again. I finally got my roof replaced about two weeks ago. There aren't enough workers to fix everything any time soon.

I for one support methnotent futurism.

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They won't tank taxes because they need that money. Those places will rot and urban decay will accelerate, especially because boomers love "reverse mortgages."

Financial crisis
>lost home
>rent increased

Just part of the capitalist system of governance. The lowering of corporate tax has taken their future from them
