There might be a glimmer of hope left in him, after his major setback yesterday
>inb4. Hurr Durr youre a cuckservative, neocon shill
what would you rather have at this moment, all Democrat ignorant gibs me dat niggers, or more "based" ones that might support our cause
K.anye Picture with Candace Owens and Charlie Kirk
Huge if big
na nigga thats DMX
>what would you rather have at this moment, all Democrat ignorant gibs me dat niggers, or more "based" ones that might support our cause
How about someone who will call out the Jews and not take pictures with them? Or take pictures with someone like Charlie "Zionist" Kirk?
pol is finally accepting the based black man meme, and its beautiful
White Ethnostate>Redpilled Nigger State>Ignorant Liberal NEET nigger state
Dmx is in prison for tax fraud
Get your pet niggers off of my pol, faggot
You are a cuckservative, neocon shill.
>twitter is melting down
With faggots like you. Plantation nigger so based dude. Much winning pedes. The majority of tweets the day he tweeted his maga hat were nothing but trump bot shill faggots like you and retarded Q boomers
Keep imagining this is good for "your side." The american electorate is so fuckin stupid i swear to god
a fucking white boomer
You're right. Stormfags want to alienate all nigs and keep in the leftists and kikes pockets for more gibs instead of letting them think for themselves and get out of that.
thats not kanye
>girl gets crank called in high school with racist language
>blows up because crankers dad was a politician
>girl thinks up most autistic internet solution to harassment possible
>other autistic girls used to being able to shout down anyone and have them cave to their autism attack
>original girl reacts in autistic way that only sees an attack and writes autistic blog about it
>gamergate autists see opportunity and quickly form alliance with autistic girl
>autistic girl becomes autistic right-wing
>gets attention of the most autistic musician alive
>gets to meet autistic musician within a week
Two blacks and a jew whats new
Kanye never looks too thrilled around Brucelyn
a fucking boomer
I actually haven't posted jack shit on pol in the last month and im not a boomer shill, seriously do you want the niggers voting for Democrat jews totally against us or republican jews who at least have one fucking policy that doesn't jew the whole country, i personally would rather have the base nigger meme since were not getting rid of them anytime soon, however an Ethnostate is optimal
>If you only knew how bad things really are
democrats being gibs me dat niggers has woken a lot of people up on the right though. no denying that.
how do you think the south became so conservative? it wasn't because our black neighbors were "based" lmao
Could you imagine that being your father in law
Most niggers hate trannys
A fucking leaf
>redpilled nigger state
Stop spamming this nigger. God i'm so sick of all the spics, niggers and nigger lovers flooding this board. Fuck outta here queers.
Stormfags are too dumb to understand that we already need BASED MINORITIES to win elections. 60% of whites are right-leaning, and whites make up 70% of the electorate. 60% x 70% = 42%
It's branding. He knows that people like Candice and "redpilled" niggers are a hot commodity on alt-media. He is milking it.
Leave and take your ugly brown hordes with you.
eat shit stormnigger
Michael Jackson would have become Lando Calrissian?
Keep sucking nigger dick.