Daily reminder that Michael Aquino, satanist and inventor of US Army Psyops , has no wikipedia entry under his name.
Daily reminder that Michael Aquino, satanist and inventor of US Army Psyops , has no wikipedia entry under his name
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make one you faggot....
Neither does the inventor of Hemalac; what's your point.
with i still had the weird infographic where user was having dreams of this guy and he laughed at him so aquino got pissed and stormed off.
> (OP)
is it not suspicious at all that an army general has no entry , even though thousands more minor military and gov officials have pages?
And it just so happens that this guy was the father of psyops?
Listen to Ted Gunderson goyim
looks more like a lieutenant colonel to me
Wikipedia doesn’t even have an entry for a dickfor.
This nigger looks like Richard Dawkin's dad.
>Ted Gunderson
read his books or do you have a specific talk in mind?
But NPR recently interviewed Jimbo Wales on the matter of how to stop all the fake news on the internet. Because, you know, it's totally a new thing and it's not like the internet hasn't always been full of every imaginable kind of bullshit.
He says the wikipedia editors are very careful about getting everything right, and they won't allow any fake news on wikipedia.
Wikipedia article about Temple Of Set has a bit of stuff.
It says most of their members are in the IC
he did used to have one but it was scrubbed last year
Whats a dick for?
>>the psy op has saturated
Bump for interest
Wearing make up in uniform. Fucking disgrace
Don't post this - are you the same user that posted the Masonic symbolism redpill last night? It totally killed Jow Forums after it was pruned 3-4 times
Btw, Aquino and the Temple of Set have a direct link to Jow Forums by way of Nick Bougas aka A Wyatt Mann, creator of the Happy Merchant meme
Is this supposed to be a joke? No way could that guy be in the military with those faggoty-ass eyebrows.
he's 100% real
his wife is named Lillith
>those eyebrows
That's a Centauri spy!
Star Trek was funded by RAND corporation.
Even CIA disinfowars covers it:
That's Babylon 5, you fucking goober
Probably in another 10-15 years my eyebrows will be able to do that. At present both have a few hairs that apparently don't fall out or whatever and just grow ridiculously long, stiff bristles that jut out and up
wtf is wrong with his eyebrows? Is he a mentat?
>he's 100% real
Yeah. I'll bet he's real. But reads like he's LARPing and puts this info out about himself to live the dream even though the vast majority of people will never give a fuck.
t. alien
Interestingly enough he does have a Wikia page, which claims any information on Wikipedia would be disinformation.
Also, the Temple of Set has a Wikipedia page, which serves as his page too by proxy I guess.
That wikia page was just written by some random truther guy. But it's telling that he has no official wiki page. LaVey and the rest do
He's the founder of Temple of Set
Well make a wiki and see how long it last.
oyyy vey
Whu fookin' gives a shite?!
>Wenlock and Mandeville the olympic all seeing eye mascot
holy shit this is taking me back to 2012 when I first came to Jow Forums
What kind on lastname is Aquino?
Polish, Italian?
Portuguese and Italian
Burger gets the blender! YAY!!!!
Italian I think
he used to have a wikipedia page but they deleted it like 2 years ago. he names the jew in interviews so idk
for fucking your stupid little mom's brains out
I despise Pentagon Satanists
His child-raping roommate, Presido controversy, and cover-up arson don't have wiki pages either. Funny how that works out.
>James Lebron
wtf I love Jay-Z now
should we pray for them?
Cause they don't want anyone to know. Add some info user. See if it disappears.
I don't think I appreciate those god damn eyebrows...
his website is xeper
temple of set
You do realize Aquino and LaVey are just massive Jew fag pedos right?
Agreed, 100% influenced & hate mein government now. Need Wikipedia for Aquino or all faith is lost. Surely the queers will deliver.
>Naming them both in the same 13 word sentence.
this is oversimplification. they are trying to out paganize and satanically out magick jews. they are trying to beat them at their own game.
also pretty sure they all want to be vampires and live 1000 years.
troll hard comrades
So is he researching the Black sun bullshit?
in an interview with some podcast fag on youtube, aquino said that jews are sadistic perverts who hate the natural world and all non jews... so idk he cant be all bad.
Looks like some anime villain
>not a single citation
>trying to use Christian religion to scare whites into thinking it's anything but kikes
Hm.. Sure is kosher in here
this 2bh, i mean aquino even wrote a book about the nazis shouldve won ww2
If you have enough info with proper citations on the guy just create an article at infogalactic.
It is by will alone i set my mind in motion.
>Wikipedia doesn’t even have an entry for a dickfor.
Very strange indeed.
I never really could make a decision about him
Granted I haven't seen anything about his conviction and shit, that sounds more like he's a pretty fucked guy. I was always under the impression he was just larping as some super spooky guy to scare people into thinking they(temple of set, intelligence agencies, etc) were super spooky. This serves two purposes; people think that the cult is powerful and actually bad people think the cult is bad so they try to prove themselves to the cult, by doing so they basically sign their life away. The intelligence agencies get a patsy/puppet/slave and they also weed out fucked people. I suppose that's just wishful thinking.
I read his psyop paper, it's about what you'd expect. There's a pdf online if you're interested.
So the nazis tasked the thulean society with creating a new aryan religion by combining the best of various world religions like the absolute loyalty to your lord from bushido or the middle path from buddhism. They were sent around the world collecting artifacts (this is what indiana jones is about) and either forging germamicesque copies or claiming they discovered them there. The back story was taken from a 1800s scifi novel about vril-ya who were giants who used the energy vril (like chinese chi) and were waiting in caves to take over the world (for the aryans) (this is how scientology started as well). Then some low iq nazi larpers found out about an occult group after the war and thought the nazis had rediscovered some super secret ancient religion, which i suppose was the goal in the first place
Those eyebrows are a curse
t. Bushy eyebrow fag who is trimming eyebrows fortnightly
>Remove faggots from army
>Remove cultist
Those fucking eyebrows are a psyop
all church of satan, and temple of set people are only initiates. They dont get the goods like the royals do
I swear I have seen his wikipedia page before. I checked it out about two years ago after listening to Douglas Dietrich talk about him and the satanic pedophillia that goes on at the military bases. Anyways he's honorably retired right? so he can hit up the public sector of any base he feels like. also i'm pretty sure his page listed his religion as satanism.
don't know for sure but I do remember the President of the Philippines used to be en.wikipedia.org
Her husband was also born there. Maybe it's Spanish.
Well it's Setianism. Not Satanism lol.
Pretty sure that article isn't real, but I do believe he is one.
There was a video on YouTube I remember seeing a couple of years ago where they were saying all these new rappers get brought in and taken to parties like something out of Eyes Wide Shut, and they're told by their 'handlers' to stuff ludes up their asses. After they get high enough, the jews start fucking them in the asses and filming it.
Part of their agreement to be made rich and of course if they say too much about it, the video gets put out on the internet.
So of course they have all these obedient rappers that wouldn't dare say a bad thing about them, saying what they want them to say or else.
>Michael Aquino could be from the Philippines
>Jim Watkins, the Freemason who owns cripplechan and 2chan after buying from Hotwheels and Hiro, lives in the Philippines
holy shit
It's real.
Imagine being a chuuni into your 70s lmao
>Michael Aquino
he used to have one, i sweat to god, i remember reading it.
You probably read the "Temple of Set" wikipedia page because Aquino never had one.
>has no wikipedia entry under his name.
He use to.
>A government specialist in psychological warfare has a connection to the chans.
That would make perfect sense.
>weaponized memes and an almost endless supply of unwitting autists.
no, he had one.
Sup with the brows, brah?
Do you remember any particulars? An user itt mentioned reading the religion he sported was Satanism. Well, that's not true at all.
>jesuit paganism
>jesus paganism
ah no
thats called "Catholicism"