Why is MGTOW so appealing when it goes against our basic instinct of survival; reproduction?
Traditional family values are arguably a staple to society's means to sustainability. Isn't MTGOW's philosophy ultimately a polar opposite of feminism's end result of eroding female traditional gender roles, thus the erosion of family and family values?
MGTOW seems to be a rising ideology among men in recent times, but isn't it ultimately a means to an end?
The world is overpopulated just like in the mouse utopia. People lose their incentive to reproduce when there are too many people.
William Long
That tv is bigger than you manlet faggot
Adam Moore
>(((MGTOW))) /thread
Jeremiah Stewart
Breeding is for after the apocalypse
Hudson Murphy
It takes balls to set up this picture with such a poor muscle build and sad bulge.
Ayden Taylor
MGTOW doesn't go against reproduction, you dipshit. It's nothing but anti-marriage/anti-cohabitation. Tradcucks are the one who delusionally pretend marriage is necessary for reproduction.
Liam Bennett
Mgtow is a method to lower the over inflated smv of women, once it's back down, trust me you'll see the white babies rolling in
Cooper Davis
Its more "men kicked their own way" or, in other words, old Jow Forums. Since old Jow Forums is pretty much Jow Forums (or at least a large portion of it)the board is already in league with them.
Charles Butler
this but if we killed all the non whites we'd be underpopulated
>Why is MGTOW so appealing when it goes against our basic instinct of survival; reproduction? Because *THAT* is how toxic women and "the system" have become.
Landon Baker
Altright neonazis are total losers, maybe women hurt their feelings just by existing or something, rightists ALWAYS get offended
Caleb Ross
Faggots gonna fag.
Bentley Long
Real incel hours who up?
Jordan Scott
It's appealing because it's a lazy ideology that rejects accountability and responsibility. You don't even need to do anything to become MGTOW, every loser virgin on earth can just slap that label on.
Jaxson Turner
The game is rigged and after awhile people learn not to put their quarters in certain machines because they never have a realistic chance of success.
Also to put a final nail in the coffin of the issue the people doing MGTOW is generally bunch of white men and apparently only white men and a few asians seem to have the ability to not be slaves of instinct and impulses.
Liam Diaz
"Roasties", anti-feminism, gamergate rage and even pepe itself (not the first appearance but certainly its rise to prominence) came from there faggot. No it wasnt from reddit and your shit cock sucking cult sub. There was a masssive exodus years ago before the election when /lbgt/ scum raided the board.
Gabriel Brown
that is incorrect, there have been increasing tensions between how the genders have perceived one another. the ideology affects men of different calibres through my experience. something is not right.
Matthew Jackson
Gamergate started on /v/ you newfag, and anti-feminism has been a thing since feminism has been around. The only thing that came from Jow Forums is roasties. The reason is because a lot of men have gotten tired of the behavior of women, attacking said men isn't going to suddenly make them not tired, if anything you're just making things worse.
Lincoln Anderson
Depends on which version of MGTOW you're talking about.
The original was more like social conservative. The "levels of MGTOW" version is some bullshit designed to bring about catastrophe and collapse to punish society and was probably thought of by an incel. In between are guys who are basically trying to stay focused on themselves but have to get together and reinforce each other's avoidance of women.
Jace Campbell
Yes there is schisms between the genders, MGTOW is the other half, not a solution, but a defeatist none action.
Brody Gutierrez
>Why is MGTOW so appealing Because low T betas that can't control women. Most MGTOW actually think women are human.
Tyler Gutierrez
>Be a knight >Another knight comes and slaps you in the face as a challenge (feminism) Do you: >Back down and whimper "lets be friends" (tradcuck)? >Get on your horse and charge to kill the other knight (mgtow) while the other knight whimpers "I thought you would back down, lets just be friends" (anti-feminism)?
Josiah Flores
It is just a symptom of a broken system. Fix the system and the symptom vanishes.
That is what many of these idiots complaining about it don't get. Find a way to bring men back to the table, and the only way to do that is to undo all the damage wrought by government interference. The current generation of women are pretty much screwed and will most likely off themselves at 35 or have to date and procreate with dregs of society who will most likely kill them anyway.
Jonathan Morales
>designed to bring about catastrophe and collapse to punish society bingo
Andrew Hughes
women have become so vile and disgusting that men would rather drop out all together than put up with their stupid bullshit
Nathaniel Fisher
You can make things fair all you want now. Im not satisfied until I see your heads on a spike.
Ian Turner
FFS MGTOW has no clear definition. Nothing that says in it "men going their own way" is going to be clearly defined, cut and dried, and have any kind of dogma. For some MGTOW is some kind of monk's life. For others, they still get laid but on their terms, whatever that is to them. Nobody is required to agree on it. A man who decides not to be a "settled for simp" and goes out of his way to decide to have a family and then becomes the one who makes the selection of what woman is good enough would be said to be "going his own way" these days, in spite of the fact that it was the way our ancestors did it every time. MGTOW is not an end game. It's the beginning.
Cameron Richardson
Though many are just sitting back and letting society burn itself out. No real point, just letting the beast known as feminism starve itself while they simply watch as the said empowered women try to scramble for whatever available men remain.
If women want men back, they need to abandon all they embraced and that is easier said than done. Men have been treated like shit for decades, so these idiots are in for one long ride.
Dominic Torres
amazing picture.
Alexander Williams
If you guys hate us so much, why don't you just start dating eachother? Homosexualism is the way for independence. You can also start dating transgender feminine males...
This isn't so hard for you guys.
Isaiah Rogers
MGTOW is selfish and self-serving. But isn't that the point?
Why would you risk getting false rape accusations or getting divorced-raped just for the sake of being "traditional"? Until the legal environment improves, the best move for self-preservation is to not engage in any entanglements with women.
Thomas Cook
I can understand your point, but I don't want to give up on the profoundness of natural instinct between male and female. It doesn't exist as much today but there should be a solution to bring it back without destroying society
Lincoln Johnson
Because decades of MRA activism have done precisely nothing, but less than 5 years since MGTOW started becoming big the roasties and feminids are terrified. MGTOW is like going on strike till you get better working conditions, and people shill REALLY HARD against it because it IS working.
Sebastian Morgan
Because white knighting and continuing to prop up these fucking women by doing 'muh male duty' like a damn cuck is exactly why feminism has persisted for so long. Here's a newsflash, if women were actually forced to fend for themselves without men continually sacrificing themselves to prop up civilisation for them (all while women wax lyrical about how useless men are and women are so much better), feminism would die overnight.
You think women are going to clean the sewers? Collect the trash? Maintain the power grid? Drill the oil? You think they actually *want* to work full time for forty years? Fuck no. Fortunately thanks to their eager beta providers they can easily settle down to part time work in their thirties at the latest, while patting themselves on the back for their 'hard career' of ten years. Yeah you go girl, fucking men who needs them right?!
Anyone who actually thinks feminism can be directly reversed at this point is delusional. The ONLY way things will ever go back to traditionalism is if you give women actual, real equality. Force them to suffer all the things that men suffer. Force them to work their entire lives, work shit jobs, support themselves entirely. No free ride, no pussy pass, no girl's night. Nothing.
They'll be begging to be chained up to the kitchen within a few weeks. That's when you get traditionalism back.
However as it is there seems to never be any shortage of despicable white knights ever eager to ensure women remain a perpetually privileged class even while they run roughshod over all formerly male-only privileges. And they do it all with a smile on their face, proud that they're 'being a good traditional man' by bending over backwards for a woman.
Carter Foster
>Men have been treated like shit for decades
How many men are getting raped, killed, selled, trafficked, kidnaped, tortured by women anually? I know the opposite happens a lot
Henry Parker
ITT: virgins
Jack Moore
MGTOW are anti western cucks who deserve to be bred out of the gene pool. Anal rapings and HIV/AIDS will come to their rectums, but only if you type "fuck betas user"
Gavin Wright
Why risk STD's and shitting your pants from a loose anus when you can just go fuck yourself.
Xavier Fisher
>I can understand but Automatically considered a shill.
Julian Morgan
Treated like shit as in laws fuck them over and ruin them financially and imprison them for inability to pay child support arrears.
Treated like shit as in false accusations while even if the accusation is proven false, the woman isn't punished like the man is for wasting resources and ruining one's life.
Its old Jow Forums - wizardchan v2.0 disguised as a serious movement by proclaiming to be mainly composed of middle aged divorced men which is clearly false since its mainly populated with actual incels. Its falsehood is supported by the cringefest seen in some threads of the forum like the one about women "hitting the floor" because they look like ass either without makeup or due to the effects of old age. Thats exactly the stuff said boards/forums did.
Adam Gomez
Good fucking god. Bangladesh and Pakistan combined have as many people as the US.
Wyatt Scott
thats a pretty interesting though, maybe mgtow is how modern men will bring about a new expression of masculinity, i can only hope it works
Josiah Ramirez
Untrue. One of the key tenets of MGTOW is self improvement and understanding how sexual market value works. If you're not getting women, it's because your SMV is low so do what you can to raise it. MGTOW understands this.
This is VERY different from being an incel.
Sebastian Williams
>women have become so vile and disgusting This is what i think everyday when i see the news of another woman raped or tortured or abused or killed by misogynist men like you.
Jeremiah Butler
>If women want men back Too late for that, thats my point.
Caleb Collins
Didn't read what was also in it >these idiots are in for one long ride
By the time men even will consider bothering, these same harpies will be either old, defunct, or dead.
Because kikes convinced women to treat men as competition for material gain instead of man and woman being two halves of a whole. A roastie will sell you out for whatever she can take from you because Schlomo Shekelberg used the media to tell her she can ditch you AND take your earnings, because that's "empowerment."
James Brooks
Do you think that's worse than being trageted by male violence in the ways women are?
If men lose in laws of child support is because men historically have tended to leave women alone with their children. Many dont like to assume shared responsability
Juan Lopez
MGTOW is in accordance with an arguably stronger instinct: avoidance of discomfort/pain. Once you've ejaculated, your sexual desire recedes for a time. But do you ever stop wanting to avoid pain?
Benjamin Watson
Women ruined the idea of marriage.
I make almost 100k a year at 24. My girlfriend, who is a single mother of a white child makes 10/hr to working at a grocery store.
Would I marry her? No. Should I surrender have my shit to her? No.
Fuck marriage. Women don't want to be successful they want to ride the coattails of men.
Jaxon Brown
>being open to ideas and not blindly following one idea is a shill
>>only women are sex slaves and raped Most of people sold in forced prostitution are women. Some are male children, which is worse.
Men are more likely to be rapist, abusers, and violent in general, than women.
Luis Murphy
It's a reaction to women infected with the Femin virus, which causes female hosts to hate/attack masculine males among many other things. MGTOW is pushed both by men who want to escape from this and social engineers who want to further implode birth rates.
basic gestalt:
>its a retrovirus >strains of it have existed forever >ancient ruins and mythology depict it as a warning of what it is, how it manifests, who it effects, and how destructive it is >it seems to start to naturally show itself when a civilization starts to build dense cities/industrialize >women stop wanting to have kids, only want foreign men, hate males >everyone turns degenerate/pedo/gay/trans >society collapses everyone goes down with it >cia/paperclipped gnatzis figured out what it was and identified a strain >it was weaponized >it was released in the ghettos of america and poorer areas of western europe in the 70's >today whites are infected as shit >it is sometimes being administered in söyböy food products like starbucks drinks >a cdc official was murdered for exposing it >the who calls it disease x >all feminists have it >there is no cure
>Texas contractor arrested while investigating Femin virus archive.is/x0rqD >murder, leadership change at CDC over Femin virus archive.is/zh1bg >WHO announces Femin virus as “Disease X” archive.is/QwzgO >The Oxytocin hormone and it's importance to pair bonding, maternal behavior, in-group preference, pregnancy and other functions archive.is/HOGiQ >Biological and psychological differences between liberals and conservatives archive.is/mpHHf >Birth control causes frontal lobe brain damage, as well as other things like infertility, cancer and depression archive.is/vXXr8 >How Civilizations Fall: On the role of radical feminism in the decline of civilization archive.is/6GonD >Gloria Steinem's history with the CIA and use of the Femin virus on American black communities archive.is/6WoM7 >The Bronze Age collapse was caused by a Femin outbreak archive.is/t3cvv >Elevated Femin infection rates helped cause the Cambodian Dark Ages archive.is/45gAp >List of symptoms Femin hosts display (work in progress) archive.is/mH9nn
Femin is a retrovirus that inserts its genome into the human genome. The inserted genome disrupts the DNA sequence and expression of a gene involved in regulation of oxytocin hormone signaling.
This causes disparities in oxytocin, which is involved in maternity, pair-bonding, ingroup preference, and dopamine/serotonin regulation, all things that feminists tend to lack.
The Feminist is immunized against all dangers: one may call her a nationwrecker, whore, roastie, slut, it all runs off her like water off a raincoat. But tell her that she has an incurable virus and you will be astonished at how she recoils, how injured she is, how she suddenly shrinks back: “I’ve been found out.”
>demographic most in favor of abortion: liberal women >least in favor: conservative women archive.is/tke5R
>Even Women Didn't Want To Give Women the Vote >If women got the vote, they would have to serve in the army and on juries. There would be fewer children but more divorce. Men would become less chivalrous and reverent of womanhood. >Women would take up men's occupations, and men would take up women's occupations; the result, according to an antisuffrage booster, would be a "race of masculine women and effeminate men and the mating of these would result in the procreation of a race of degenerates." >"If women achieve the feministic idea and live as men do," wrote a male doctor who opposed female suffrage, "they would incur the risk of 25% more insanity than they have now." >Of the 535 members of the 108th Congress, only 73, or less than 14%, are women. All but six of America's 50 governors are men. archive.is/xdB0C
Remember that turning a society's deities into feminine forms or worshipping snakes is a known sign of a femin infected civilization which is approaching a total and complete collapse
One of the cornerstones of MGTOW could be based on the old adage: When a woman won't give a man her best years, then no man is obligated to be there for her worst.
Men are crying and want to kill themselves because women have sexual freedom..
what would happen if there were millions of men sold by women in an international millionaire market of sex slaves/prostitution? What would happen if women killed men at the same rates they kill women in the world? What would happen if there were always news of a new serial killer fan of BDSM torturing women or killing them very painfully? What would happen if there were a single case like that one in Spain, were a group of 5 men gang-raped a teenage woman and the accusers had a penalty reduction?
Nathan Morris
It ends when we die, user. Hopefully.
Joshua Nguyen
You seem to be really bothered that information about the virus is spreading around.
Men in pic related weren't killed by women or in wars women created...
Christopher Phillips
Yet that very same sexual freedom is creating a gilded cage for themselves in which they will become miserable. You could have empowerment, but the wardens become your peers instead. You are still judged, but it is far more harsh than what you would have been used to. A woman fears social ostracization more than anything else.
Levi Wilson
This map is so misleading. Japan, Nigeria, Brazil, Mexico, all look as big or bigger than the United States yet each one has a lower population than the U.S.
girls don't let to fuck them and you can't legally rape. it's like cows that don't want to be butchered and you can't butcher them against their will because of the law. we need to take away ALL rigths from women. they are just meat holes. here in Russia we have catastrophic situation with demography. only islamic regions increase their population (because in islam woman is not a human). white Russia is dying with advanced speed.
Nolan Morris
You guys are disgustingly funny. If anything, it's women the ones that should be going in their own way, just to avoid being targeted with male violence and hate. All men secretely hate us and want to put us down.
Men will always want to subyugate us. Look at porn, is all about male domination of women. That's what turn them on. Our pain, our humiliation, our suffering, their power. Men will always hate women freedom, happiness and success. All they have for us is hate. Men hate us. Men want to dominate
Male violence in women will never end. They will always be brutal crimes on women because that's what men want and can do
Robert Allen
Yep, it goes against basic instincts and biology which is a sign of how badly the power balance between the 2 genders have become. Most if not all MGTOWs would love to have a wife and children and experience life to it's fullest but either through reading statistics and stories or personal experiences they have come to the conclusion that the risk-reward ratio is terrible and therefore won't participate.
It's settling for a 5/10 life instead of risking having a 2/10 life for a 10% chance of 7+/10 one to put it in rough numbers.
Joshua Baker
Wrong thread. This aint tradcuck thread.
Jordan Young
>The world is overpopulated By shitskins. We fellow whites must outbreed them so we can't give up.
Chase Clark
You are likely infected with an incurable virus, please do society a favor and quarantine yourself.
in a age with little religion in the west the men who would be monks are now MGTOW. And please do not find alt methods of breeding. Single father produce just as fucked up kids as single mothers.
Isaac Garcia
Which is why giving up isn't an option if you want to survive. a solution will eventually rise.
Adam Martinez
>It ends when we die, user. I don't believe this anymore. I want to but experience has taught me that things get worse over time.
MGTOW is all about not putting you back in the kitchen. You should support it.
Bentley Cruz
Men are so psycologically weak they can't even take responsabilties.
Literally the ones in power for most history in all cultures and still blaming others for their actions. Blaming women, that for most history were father's or husband's property, and weren't able to make any free decisions in their own life, much less in their communities
You all hate us so much you can't even handle it. The women's redpill is to learn that fact. Men are vile, hateful, evil, violent creatures.
Bentley Davis
>that for most history were father's or husband's property Quit it with this kiked lie you fucking pussy. Uppity women given any kind of rights is a recipe for societal collapse, or a prelude to it
The point of MGTOW is to wake women up and make them realize that men don't need them, so if they want their attention, they need to seriously bring something to the table.
Samuel Clark
>so appealing
Justin Perez
>for most history But not today, you idiot. MGTOW didn't exist for most of history, too. Women are fucking society up *now*.
Joseph Taylor
>You all hate us so much you can't even handle it. The women's redpill is to learn that fact. Men are vile, hateful, evil, violent creatures. Yeah I can't handle it's just so awful. Guess you'll leave us alone then roastie because you are not wanted. If you didn't have a wet hole no man would ever pay attention to you, because men always make for better friends