If you don't support Palestine, you're a filthy kike, end of story no two ways about it. Don't even try to deny it because I know a bunch of ""hurr durr I hate both kikes and Arabs"" concern trolls are gonna reply. Fuck off, you're a full Jewish Zionist kike unless you support Palestine, plain and simple
If you don't support Palestine, you're a filthy kike, end of story no two ways about it...
support palestine, let israel be destroyed, then gas palestine.
easy as that.
I support Israel
You get the gas too.
I have ex Muslim Palestinian family members and was raised by a Nazi, yet still despise practicing Muslims. However I understand their plight, and want Israel nuked to oblivion so the extremist mudslimes stop spreading like herpes.
Agreed. White people should support the pals based on the principle of revenge alone, being that israel is their prized possession. I would support any group that goes against israel, if they do it there own lands. Once they come to white lands, gas.
Being that israel is the jew's prized possession I should say