Juden Peterstein admits Jews run the world

In this video, Peterstein actually admits that Jews run everything, but that it's actually a GOOD thing

Is this guy doing more to awaken people to the JQ than anyone else? People are going to be more likely to look into this now.


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Juden Peterson
jej that's gonna stick

Has he addressed the hollywood pedophile ring?

Peterstein is a harvard glow in the dark who took over Timothy Learys position

Peterson is a transparent agent.
His little warbly cuck voice goes through me too, that's more of a personal thing though.

I started following peterson some years ago because of pol or some redpilled subreddit at the time.

Peterson knows about it all. For those who know his work is seems silly to think he does not. He even had videos where he explained in neutral terms that naming the jew is suicide.

He knows too much about it. And that is exactly why he is so private on this topic.


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scrub your scrotum goyim

Peterstein u retard lrn2read

are you saying that Peterson`s vids are uma delicia?

I think he knows what's up but the Marxists all have eyes on him. He'd be torn apart in less than a day if he told the whole truth.

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Spoken like a true Protestant.


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Someone needs to square up with him and ask him ONE question:
>Did the jews create communism?

Ya nailed it.

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This may be true, but I think he legitimately thinks the "far right" is scarier than the left.
Somewhere down the line someone put pressure on him to "fix" the far right before it gets out of control.
He has completely deviated from he conquest of destroying Marxists to end the growing "far right".
Which is insane because he knows the left going out of control always is what creates the "far right" to put it back into control


>Juden Peterson
that communist kike rat needs to be gassed

But he isn't private on the topic. He talks about it all the time, always to attack those who speak the truth and to cover for the Jews. Why can't his cult see this?

Totally disagree, he is way out of his depth when he tries to talk about pomo and liberalism.

pls explain postmodernism.

>Juden Peterstein
where's the lie?

P.S. I solved a captcha for this.

>you evil coward
peterson getting a bit flustered isnt he

had this cryptokike been BTFOed yet?

I'm not sure he understands how online communication works. He is a boomer, after all.

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I read these in his goofy voice. He's so adorable.

I'd love to bash this crypto kikes skull in with my bare hands

Fuck this guy is is the ultimate good goy

>He knows too much about it. And that is exactly why he is so private on this topic.

And it is exactly why Jews are behind pushing this question on him over and over again - to destroy him, because he is the anti-dote to their program to destroy Western Civilization.

Have no doubt Jews are behind the "JQ" for Jordan Peterson.


>Jews are behind the "JQ" for Jordan Peterson.
this theory stretches plausibility rather severely. isnt it more likely that hes just an old boomer and he cant bring himself to think 'nazi' thoughts

KYS faggot
Juden Peterstein had 3 options

1) say I'm not answering the JQ
2) answer it and go full 1488
3) be a cucked boomer pos destined for a firing squad

Sadly he chose 3.

Juden B Patreon (the B stands for Bucko).

>Juden Peterstein
top fucking jej

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Do white nationalists have an attention span of a gnat? He's never denied how prevalent Jews are in high IQ/complex positions.

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what the fuck is that pic? he has a gay bdsm dungeon?
>clean that cumshot bucko

You niggers really are pathetic.


Pure faggotry. Now jerk off in your little echo chamber nigger you probably post on facebook about how sad you are you can't find a girlfriend.

He had jewish friends before he started his research, and certainly before he started pushing back against SJWs. Now anti-SJWs are pointing out the JQ and he's reacting EMOTIONALLY to it, rather than logically assessing the evidence. You'll never get him to take it seriously, especially since half his life's work was trying to understand the fucking Holocaust (which somehow he never bothered to see if it was real, just studied the psychology of how something like that could happen).

JBP is a smart dude, but he's got his own blind spots. Taleb is taking the right approach on this: call him out when he's wrong, ignore him the rest of the time.

do perterstein tard have a brain? his explanation isnt sufficient

solid arguments, you're sure to convince us of the error of our ways

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i think jordan has some insecurities about being a professor intellectual guy. he's always referencing how he comes from a tough part of canada and he uses tough guy language and exalts physical confrontation. and on the other hand he's completely pedantic about everything as a defense against taking a side, which in itself is cowardly (another thing he's insecure about since he's always calling people cowards)

It sucks how much he has fallen in my eyes. There's just so many things wrong with him like he's a weird guy

Yeah I like just the Juden its the most simple

>1) say I'm not answering the JQ
kike media: JP is an anti-semite
>2) answer it and go full 1488
kike media: JP is an anti-semite
>3) be a cucked boomer pos destined for a firing squad
kike medai: We've got nothing. Shit, they are still listening to him, what do we do?

Sorry, Schlomo, your tricks don't work here

That's a lot of words for a snot nosed rat faced kike.

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Fun fact: an army of well funded, well organized jew shills patrol the internet in effort to shut down any counter-jew discussion and to promote the SJW globalist jew agenda.






>Israel’s Online Shadow Operations
>Numerous well funded, organized projects by and for Israel work to flood social media with pro-Israel propaganda, while blocking facts Israel dislikes. The projects utilize Israeli soldiers, students, American teens and others, and range from infiltrating Wikipedia to influencing YouTube. Some operate out of Jewish Community Centers in the U.S.

>Why Facebook and Google Are Complying With Israel to Delete Certain Content

>Israel launches secret squad to challenge negative image & boycott campaign

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How do you manage all of the alternative realities you have to believe in to explain the jews out of the picture

Is he Canadian?

Dear lord this board is full /ptg/ aint it

His arguments on why are pretty weak. Ironically he took a page out of the "white nationalists" playbook and said because of IQ scores they deserve their over representation in Western countries, while simultaneously having their own country.

Which if you think about for "2 or 3 seconds" as Juden Peterstein would say; doesn't make a lot of sense or pass as logically sound.

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My sides

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>Jews are successful because of high-IQ
>There are more high IQ people in any race then there are Jews in existence

How does he rationalize this inconsistency?

>In this video, Peterstein actually admits that Jews run everything, but that it's actually a GOOD thing

Yeah he doesn't realize it but he's already gone against the (((narrative))) when he admits jews run the west. His "but its because they have high IQ" is him trying to weasel himself out of anti-Semitic accusations, and eventually will fall down to the floor.

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also if we accept the iq argument, well...that kind of invalidates the whole leftist project of saving the blacks

there is really no correct answer except some handwaving about jewish 'culture'

Why does he need to rationalize anything? he's worth 8 figures by now.

They're over-represented in positions of power when IQ is controlled for.

how the fuck do you deny nepotism among jews. i just don't understand. at least he should say like yea it occurs but it's not a big deal or whatever. but to just flat out deny it is so pathetic. the way he treats jews its almost like how leftists treat non-whites like they can do no wrong. A sensible person would be like yeah there's an evil jewish cabal but the majority of jews aren't part of it, etc. But to just flat out deny all of it as if it never existed and doesn't exist now..it's just fucking crazy to me

fully automated gay space communism

you can say that Jews run things if you make sure you dont sound like a Nazi. Jews themselves sometimes do this in a self-congratulatory manner

Can it get more obvious this guy is a shill?

Shouldn't you be at The Donald right now? AWOOO!

The white man keeping the black man down isn’t entirely wrong tho. The red pill is that is good and proper. Savages need someone to hold the whip to keep them from being savages.

>A sensible person would be like yeah there's an evil jewish cabal
lmao. you're not even wrong, it's just the way this sounds

Jews being in power in white countries wouldn't be such a big deal if Jewish elites weren't so anti-white.

> Juden Peterstein

in the present world it is completely wrong. A lot of money passes from white to black hands through tax-based welfare, foreign aid, etc.

jews are the most tribalist group of people in the world. how the hell do you deny that they behave in tribalistic ways if they are tribalistic. god. it just makes no sense. even if you don't believe in conspiracies, they have the ADL and other organizations defending them as a tribe. They have a country that is for their tribe only. their religion is heavily xenophobic. and yet he denys nepotism in positions of power? Something that naturally occurs among all groups of people, but somehow doesn't apply to this super tribalistic group of people? fuck

The Jew is strong in this thread. Mostly 'claiming' to be the 'real Jow Forums'.

He tries to say his argument is different from "White Nationalists" because he's not talking about the average but about the tails and the Jews are so likely to be geniuses that it explains their over representation. Therefore you can still save the niggers AND allow jews to rule over you; its the perfect argument!

So according to Peterstein:
>80% of Hollywood are geniuses
>95% of MSM employees are geniuses
>30% of US congress are geniuses
>40% of the US supreme court are geniuses
>Seth Rogan is a genius
>Amy Schumer is a genius
etc etc
Its a pretty fucking hilarious argument when you think about what he's really saying. Its some of the most obvious Pro-Zionist propaganda going today.

Peterson seems like a confused guy

Because having those thoughts is what Nazis thought and to them Nazis are the worse human beings in history

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Is this guy just blatantly unaware of what people are capable of?

Poor analysis.
1 could have given him plausible deniability.
>I’m not gonna grant that the dignity of a response
It’s cucky, but not as cucky as 3

Jews are here indeed, like mosquitoes to a light you kikes are.

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If Peterson is actually aware of the situation and wants to help us without fucking himself over, he should keep saying "Jews do control the world, but that's good!"
Jews don't care if they are seen as good or not. They don't want to be seen at all, because when they are seen as in control, they get attacked. Hence why somehow stating the fact that Jews do better than every other group is "antisemitic"

He seems autistic but then he'll pull human emotion out his ass.

everyone but me gotta learn its not funny

Please, this.

in the US jews actually don't do as well as Indians

>would be like yeah there's an evil jewish cabal but the majority of jews aren't part of it, etc.
Except that the majority of jews ARE part of it, in that they benefit from it and would be willing participants, if there were any openings. They fight each other for a seat at the table planning to fuck over the goyim. Those who aren't actively a part of the plot are in positions of influence and take their marching orders from the evil cabal. Other jews, when not taking direct orders, just generally try to fuck over goyim for the good of other jews.

All jews are jewish supremacists, both in that they believe jews are superior (god's chosen people) AND in that they will work to fuck everyone else over and benefit their own kind. The only reason they haven't taken over the entire damn planet yet, after so many thousands of years, is that they always overreach and get shut down by goyim when their shyster tricks are revealed. Rather than just helping their own and leaving the goyim alone, they are COMPELLED to cheat the goyim and try to fuck them over. It's not enough that they win, everyone else must lose.

The next time they get caught, and I mean really no question about it, digital evidence of a giant criminal conspiracy is coming, they're all going to be slaughtered and their religion banned for a thousand years. The pogroms will be a fucking joke and I'll just sit back on my porch and tell them "told you so" before I call the gestapo on their asses.

Looking at a few of your posts, I was talking about you.

>Jordan B. Peterson
>Canadian Neocon
>Agent of Political Influence
>anti-American Subversive

>Jordan Peterson RedPills

>Red Pill Videos

>Hypocrisy on Free Speech
>"Identity Politics" is not an argument

>Essential Reading
200 Years Together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn

The truth EXPOSED: Jordan B. Peterson is a ZIONIST Rothschild puppet. (JQ, Jewish Question)

Attached: Jordan Peterson - A New Glenn Beck - American Subversives Edition.jpg (765x1170, 211K)

They will always be anti-white because they will always be an outgroup. Just like blacks will always hate whites. Diversity+proximity=destruction

I though IQ is culturally biased and this is the justification for why blacks do statistically worse. By this logic IQ test favor Jews and we keep going in the same circle of who is in power.

Yet I don't see US fighting India's wars. Nice try though.

Yep, they are here.

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And that is a good example of the black man holding the whip over the white man

Britain Empire Still Enemy No. 1 of Civilized World

The British Empire is Now Fully Exposed, It Must Be Crushed!

Desperation of British Imperial Elites Forces Them To Make a Big Blunder!

Q2: The Necessity of focusing on the Queen of England

Sign our petition: Congress, Investigate British Subversion of the USA

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>people still listen to peterstein after vox day casually ripped apart his jew IQ bs

i giess they were too busy 'bucking up' and 'cleaning their room'

That's because Indians are even MORE blatant about their nepotism, but nobody can call them out on it because they're a dark-skinned minority and protected by diversity legislation. That shit needs to be REPEALED.

This is a myth based on "income averages" but even that is clearly not honest.
Just how nobody ever mention the Rothchilds in the "worlds richest people" lists, they also dont count them or any other bloated billionaires as "jews" when they configure these averages because they would skew the data so severely. Even though they most definitely are jews, its too damaging to count them.

And then even if Indians made a couple thousands dollars more, they still dont control Government or Media the way jews do so it would still be misleading.

However in this case its just a bold faced lie AND misleading.
You're a good goy for repeating it, you twat.

was just stating a fact.


Before I die I will kill Jews. Jews like you only accelerate this.

>I though IQ is culturally biased
It's not and you're fucking retarded. Kill yourself.


This. I'm sure the guy is well aware.

This has become an inaccurate meme. He's not a boomer, he's 'Gen-X'.

Any Jew that reads the Torah is aware of its teachings about the goyim, and is thus complicit

>they also dont count them or any other bloated billionaires as "jews" when they configure these averages because they would skew the data so severely.
how do you know this?

Also calm down and stop insulting me, it is relevant that Indians do as well or very well, better than any other group, when Indians don,t have the political power that Jews do.

>a tough part of canada

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that was satire btw

That's the faggiest comeback I've ever seen, Peterstain is such a joke.

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