This is a tiny yield tactical
This is NOT what we see with the ammo depot explosion in Syria.
This is a tiny yield tactical
This is NOT what we see with the ammo depot explosion in Syria.
she needs lotion or somethin'
This place is full of morons, so what do you expect.
Also, the prompt gamma radiation would end up killing tens of thousands in the surrounding area. Small nukes still have bad radiation.
I love this fucking model, gib sauce
If it were a tactical nuke, the electrics would almost certainly be fried.
Any explosion large enough will create a mushroom cloud like this one. What make this a nuke specifically?
I can provide the "something".
Moar whore plz
Just like that Nuke in Ukraine and Yemen right? It's totally not fake this time guys!
looks like my brothers ass desu
that's hot. who is that little trap?
All nuclear explosions are immediately preceded by a blinding flash that is bright enough to ignite anything flammable and cause burns and blindness. The flash can kill you also but if you are close enough to get killed by the flash, the proceeding blash and shockwave would have killed you anyway
that thing could have a 9" for all I care I'd still smash
It was a nuke and the Jews are freaking out so much they've started accidentally typing Hebrew.
If it was a nuke they would be screaming because they lost their eyesight and the flash would be way brighter
there's no way bombing an munitions depot could cause an explosion like that; amirite tho?
Yes. It's a she fuck nugget, her name's Sara Miao.
If that's a nuke, then bombs away! Seriously, I'm having a core meltdown in my drawers... I never knew radiation sickness would feel like when the school nurse took my temperature with a rectal thermometer in 6th grade.
>H-how tiny is it's yield?
Really? Lemme get your Bro's digits, Bruce!
lol the good people
how tf is this not a component of chan mindfuck flyers?
Nukes don't exist, retard.
no it isn't.
mushroom cloud is not synonymous with nuclear explosion.
they didn't have this when I was in school... when did it start?
Yeah they do. They are called Onions
This is hilarious because of the obvious reasons and, OOC, what leverage do the Palestinians have outside of screaming "You are mean!"?
yeah right we want our american backed brutal dictator back
That doesn’t make any sense tho, why not just use something like. MOAB to achieve the same effect but without shoahing your entire race and country
You've probably just blocked out the memories. I've heard most boys who had male penis inspectors, usually gym coaches, can't remember it...
The fact that Nazi retards on this website want any excuse to have Israel bombed off of a map.
What if they figured out how to downsize it? What if the early tests were like Albert Hoffman taking an epic 100x dose of LSD and going for a bike ride, and now they've learned to microdose?
what are they checking? cut v. uncut?
are you lost?
Major case of dude face
No. But unironically posting about a nuke being used on Syria with zero evidence is beyond retarded. And Nazis are the only ones retarded enough to be spouting this kind of stupid shit to support their accelerationist bullshit.
>Richard dong
>dick dong
>head penis inspector
Looks legit
Thanks user
Where could I buy that swimsuit? For....purposes..
>i have never seen a woman without makeup before
Nice touch with the signature.
nigga you is blind
I'm thinking brap is pretty funny
Imagine waking up one day and finding yourself in her body. What would you do?
That is NOT a transmission.
masturbate in a fun house until I die of dehydration
Obviously the only other correct answer to this riddle is to hold on to her hips and keep pounding away.
No, it isn't.
It's your Muslim bffs leftyfag
I despise this "theme" but would do a 180 and support it if it were reserved for "thicc, ethnics" I mean it's like 13yo delayed ball droppers want to make fart jokes when they see an attractive woman.... seriously? Save it for the cellulite-riddled ethnic, hot sauce and curry powered,l Kim Kardashian NASTY ASS shit otherwise it's very clear who has fucked at least one hot white bitch and who hasn't but still likes fart jokes. It's "Anti-Fa" levels of cringe unless only used vs "thicc" nigger nastiness.
This one's for you
Use these because I don't kind people posting images like op so I brappost
Besides brapposting is fucking BASED
id nuke that ass
World Peace leads to the rise of the Anti-Christ.
I like the way you think.
>nuke blast
>filmed with a cell phone
pick one
That's not a low yield tactical nuke
That's a bum
The one she's wearing, or one like she's wearing?
>being that autistic
that's an oil depot going off in Yemen, you can see a flame engulfing that spot before the blast
>Mushroom cloud
>shoot at mushroom cloud
>ham sammich
>mike hawk director of genital commissions
not emissions
that one is literally SCUD missiles getting hit by a bunker buster
As the (retarded) theory goes, it's actually neutron bomb, that was detonated on the ground for some reason, but nobody got microwaved so that's not really a viable theory
It is a nuke because in a nuclear blast (depending on the size and the amount of energy released) your going to see a blinding bright light for several seconds.
No other kind of explosion gives off a luminous quality like a nuke. Not c4, not gas, not anything.
Thats because its not burning, its a nuclear reaction.
That is a low grade nuclear bomb.
lmao no its not a nuke, A) this video is so old i dont even remember how old it is
B) if any nukes went off recently it would be front page news
I was about to kill myself if that was a dude.
> demands king nigger to pay the bill.
Top kek indeed by king troll
Camera operator would be human jelly.
People are really bad at describing or understanding unfamiliar things. See, every ammo dump, train crash, refinery, fireworks factory explosion ever.
Wild Weasel is till sellling fine wares for the ladies out there. Sara of OP fame is probably 35 years old now.
Well at least it's hilarious, clever, and original all at the same time. Totally Jow Forums and not reddit-tier at this point. Keep on keeping on!
>she needs lotion or somethin'
Damn she is almost as fresh and clean as this hilarious new "BRRRRRRAAAAAAaPPPP" meme I picked up on this nigger(or is it dark-net?) net! All these fuckin TOR using Beastie boy listening silk road payin' 10x for that smack stuffs all be using BRAPPPPPPPPPPPPPP!!!!!!! So fresh my diggity dog sneeezy!!!!!!!!!
Muhammad, what if I told you "she" was a 12yo Brit with an asshole that only 43 shitskin dicks had ripped the stitches out of previously.... Will you trade a dentist visit for the final elasticity in her ass if combined with cricket mallet? This seems fair and we both have brit child sodomy license, yes?
>incoherent shouting in burger
wtf are you on about u sperg ?
>What is Google image search
>What is Tineye reverse image search
What words confuse you, my fellow brit child anus connoisseur? Or is this a sting? If so, I renewed my "fuck any 12yo Brit child that I please in the ass" license last week!!
Before you sound off again know I have yet to use my "Part and Parcel Legal Wildcard" yet so choose the words that come from your poo-colored toothy mouth carefully!
wtf i love world peace now
big conventional explosions also cause blinding flash close to ground zero (watch chinese factory fire heppened years ago)
Tianjin? Yeah, China had just announced an aggressive move against the dollar the day previous. Coincidence? Now the Petro dollar is being threatened.....hmmm
Who cares, we need to focus on our own nation and our own people.
Well until that becomes a realistic option to our elected leaders those of us stateside WILL be affected by what we do overseas regardless if we want that to be true or not.
Obviously, I do not disagree with you.
However, closing our eyes to what our tax dollars/military are doing on the battlefield overseas is not a responsible/realistic option. Sad.
>Richard L. Dong, Head Penis Inspector