So what happens when Israel is attacked and broken up? How does the world proceed after that?

So what happens when Israel is attacked and broken up? How does the world proceed after that?

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Will not happen. Israel is our greatest ally. We will protect them with our blood.

Will you accept American boots on the ground to defend Israel?

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speak for yourself kike

for fucks sake.

Complete propaganda that report was.

This. I'd rather the US got nuked than a single hair on the head of an Israeli child gets bent.

Stop giving me blue balls, just fucking invade kikeville already.

They don't even call them irregulars anymore? Christ.

You're already spoken for, goy. You don't get to decide who fights for us. (((We))) do. Shalom you meshugganah.

The sayanim that infect our governments and media will use our resources to obtain revenge, and in doing so will hasten the public's current course of softly removing them from power.

Most muslim countries would get samson'd, leaving the middle east open to get overrun by africans and poos

>How does the world proceed after that?
with a golden age of peace and human advancement

I hope trump lets them invade lol

>80,000 iranians in a base in syria
>a iranian base in syria just exploded with a 2.6 richter scale shock
>yfw israel just killed 80,000 iranians in syria for no reason

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When the draft comes, I'm going to put a 9mm hollowpoint in my kneecap. I'd rather die by bleeding out on my patio than die for Israel or her allies.

fpbp and /thread.

>that pic
Uhh huh. Yeah don’t fucking call it WW3 just because it’s Israel getting pwned.
Because it wont be.

If Iran was actually successful then I doubt WW3 would even happen in our lifetimes anymore.

why the fuck does an invasion of israel have to mean ww3? fucking kikes.

also, yeah what happens with them? do they get absorbed into a democratic arab and jewish state? or do they get gassed and we have to have another 70 years of holocaust bullshit.

Let them nuke each other. We'll collect debts on the survivors when they rebuild their counties.

I’m going to shoot as many Jews and Arabs as possible. Remember to shoot them all and let god sort them out.

>only 80,000? That's like one army. Not a lot.

to be fair he's right it's what would happen

When Israel gets rekt faster than it takes for their allies to join in the war

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user if you're going to do that just go for the big artery in your thigh. Why shoot your kneecap? Do you know how much pain you're gonna be in before you die? But instead of doing all that you should fight to stay alive.

Open borders for Israel! They need to be enriched by little Iranian girls.

Religious southern fucks will rally to send troops, I promise you because muh Chosen People. Except the casualty rate would catch up with all of the deaths in the Iraq War within a month. What happens next, as far as willingness, is anyone's guess if if drags out longer than that.

If you dont think every politician in the US would unanimously back defending Israel against Iranian fucking shits you are delusional. (besides probably Rand Paul)

80,000 Iranian fighters?! Well then Israel was completely justified bombing that base to prevent 800,000 Iranian soldiers from launching an attack. Israel has the greatest military in the world but it is a small country and even they could not hope to repel an invasion force of 8,000,000 Iranians!

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Israel is impervious to physical attack tbqh. Nothing short of a diplomatic solution, a deal, or a tactical orbital nuclear strike on Jerusalem would end the sand kingdom.

they'll all come to their second home. the US

>Iran invades Israel
>US joins to defend Israel
>Russia joins to defend Iran
>China joins to aid Russia
>UK and France join to aid US

The world needs a reset. This one has been overdue as the memories of the last major conflict persisted due to advances in film and audio. However, as the memory of the last Great War finally fade, the world is itching for a refresher in how bad things can get. Think tanks estimate at least 3 billion dead in the next global conflict and that is conservatiVe. More will die if it goes full nuclear.


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and germany backstabs NATO and annexes poland

>when the power of your blood sacrifice goes to Amalek



nothing because it won't happen

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>the world doesnt realize germany is going to get that fucking lebensraum no matter the bodycount

The Bushes, HRC, & SES have been selling nuke teck to lots of countries for decades. Now Trump has to deal with it. Some Iranian General just threatened that they could sink any US ship, or carrier.

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You think Nationalistic Orthodox Jews who will defend the holy mount and the city of God to the death, will just roll over and take it like a european onions boy cuck??? Nah motherfuker, Star of David flying over head as rains of fire wipeout your entire army of mohammedin scum...


Then you will lose your blood. To your own brothers.

onions boy in place of oinions...

With Trump as President, you think it's gonna drag out. The others dragged out because KBR, Halliburton, and friends got amazing contracts and wanted to keep it going.

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basedbooiiiii in place of onions

The state will be subverted by its own people if they go that route.

you cant say S>>O>>Y>>>B>>O>>>I

Thats the dumbest suicide plan I've ever heard. Why don't you just shoot yourself in the balls?

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The Juden disperse back across the world and we'll be back to weimar levels degeneracy within a few years

rare flag

Why dont you just show them your post history and you will get autisum excluded

Samson option


just pretend to be 'tarded

Positive attitude
Imagining israel destroyed.


Its not WWIII. Why come every time kikes get in a war everyone starts saying its WWIII. Why cant the fucking kikes fight their own fucking battles for once. The world doesnt give a fuck about israel enough to declare another world war.

We are already in Weimar levels of degeneracy minus the hyperinflation.

I wish I had the opportunity to kill a bunch of arab scum. what a waste of a good time you'd have user.

>launch fighters
we wuz jets

Only 1 post by these shills.

Nah son just go out fighting there's no other way to die

No you won't; you forget Obamas parting shots. Those people are still around Jew.

Watch your step. Nobody in the west will fight for the Jews. Except other Jews, it will be much like what happened when the US was not in WW2 yet, American pilots joined the RAF.

Just start talking about how Jews are extra terrestrial aliens that suck blood from baby dicks and they'll leave you alone.
Even during a draft they wont take you if they think you are a crazy who might be dangerous to your platoon

>minus the hyperinflation.
Soon. Protip: It will be the massive surge of 30 something lazy fucks on SSI because muh back or my depression that will be the catalyst.

Lol is this a joke. IDF would BTFO those "fighters". You need artillery and armor to have a chance against Israel. And you will suffer massive casualties. Israel has unquestionable air superiority in the region

>muslims kill all the jews
>freedoms kill all the muslims

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>Alright now alright, now you kids settle down here

Nothing will happen.

Agreed, but 80,000 is a fucking large number and once they breech; air means nothing. Think the Battle of Hue.

Israel has always been a leeching parasite we best let nature take its course and worry about our own problems instead of others

Listen kid. Do you have any idea how to feed and supply 80k fighters? LMAO.

Did you think Blitzkrieg means driving thousands of Toyota pickups across some shithole desert border?

you know user... Im not a fan of Trump, but you cant argue with results. NorK putting away its toys, no additional troops in Syria, a decent economy and now Israel getting BTFOd by the Akbars... Keep this up and he might just get my vote in 2020

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Iranians have always used swarm tactics; it's why they use small fast attack craft they expect 95% of them to get blown out of the water.

Be weary they would have considered how to move fast.

>Implying Israel would ever be בָefeated

>durr what is the six-day-war

Would take more than 80k troops

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That and once the petro dollar gets overturned by the petro yuan we will be up shit creek without a paddle because no gold standard

It's Iran. They walk a nuke into the centre and light the candle. They told you this is what's going to happen. Into the sea a sea full of fire.

Bet they have a nuke from some old soviet block; back in the late 80s some seriously fucked up stories circulated about loose warheads. Entire submarines missing.

>Israel broken up by 80k soldiers from a base with barely any logistic support
The Jewish lies are blatantly obvious sometimes, aren't they? Next we will have a chlorine gas attack from that very base that mysteriously only kills muslims (which would not be proof that the Mossad would be behind it, but only of Arab ineptitude)

The Enemy of my enemy is useful. I stand with fucking Iran.

Shut up Krassenstein

We need pro Iran memes now!

>Go through training, get deployed, go AWOL and kill kikes.
>Nah just become an hero.


>our greatest ally
More like the biggest thorn in are ass. No tears here if you got clobbered. But if they start a draft to fight for israel ill be in Canada faster than you can say John McCain created ISIS.

You won't; it's a huge base of people. All trade could end tomorrow and Murica would be just fine. Adjustments but just fine.

*our ass


We pave over the area and move on with our lives,

tfw I can just use the German word sojaboy. "I can only speak English boys" BTFO

Your rare falg makes me jealous

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We will happily sacrifice every last man, woman, and child in the U.S. before a single hair on an Israeli head is harmed. The chosen people infiltrated our churches and convinced us to worship them and their state above and beyond Christ and his teachings, and we'll sooner die one million deaths than have these child trafficking pedophiles and criminally corrupt international pariahs' power threatened. After all, the Talmud says Christ is burning in hell in his own excrement, calls his mother a whore, and says even God bends the knee to the Rabbis and their Talmudic wisdom... why would anyone be so stupid as to fight them?

Covert assaults against any remaining cultist factions and mop up operations against intelligence agency hold outs.

Then it's back to the good old days of waging war for national profit. This should especially help Africa if we can keep our noses out of it and the chinese fucking off.

>germany is going to lose 3 TIMES
3 Strikes and yer out, they're going back to the confederation days

Best case scenario is some Iranian soldiers invading, killing all the Jews, then the Jews desperate, launching nukes killing millions of sand niggers and dropping one final nuke on themselves to "preserve their holyland".

Two birds one stone. I'm sick of all of them.

Iranians deserve a Nobel Peace Prize after they wipe Israel off the map.

>We need pro Iran memes now!
This, Jow Forums needs to meme the holohoax into reality

If Israel does get invaded the best case scenario we can hope for is that Russia does not get involved. If they do it will be a world war. If they don't we may get lucky and just get Iraq 3.0/ whatever happened in campaign for Battlefield 3 (or was it 4?). Make no bones about it if "Best Ally" gets attacked and the US doesn't get involved they will lose credibility on the global stage. No one will trust us again with their defense. Not to mention all the mad Jews with money in the country that would rise to help push politicians out of office which would cause unrest in the nation. It fucking sucks to be tied to a country that acts like a fucking rabid dog with no leash and attacks for no reason. For that reason if this night doesn't end in war we should slowly and surely begin to stop allying and destroy political alliances with Israel.

The Israelis know the fight they are in. Its just land anons. The Iranians can take it 100 times. They have to be able to hold it. Hitler made this mistake with Stalingrad never over extend your supply lines. Attack like Mongolians. Keep out maneuvering them

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