The absolute state of Indian IT Workers

Most of them can't even write code that compiles.

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Let me tell you about Indian Engineers.

Be it coding, electrical, mechanical, or whatever, all these lazy fucks do is steal the white mans code, change a few things to make it look like its their "own", and everything runs worse.

You wanna know what my job is? My own job PLUS theirs. There is two of us Whites and around 20 of them. My boss doesn't give a shit who does all the work, just as long as it gets done.

All those Indian fucks do is steal code from google during work, yes google, we watch them during the day and they literally copy and paste shit without even testing it, as long as it compiles they think its okay.

Then they send it our way and of fucking course, it doesn't work. So my co-worker and I have to unfuck everything then upload it to our testing circuits. All the while those Indian shits heat up their stinky fucking food and look at pictures of women with huge tits while popping their tiny ass boners that they try to hide, but jokes on them there is nothing to hide.

I am sick and tired of these sub-human fucks, over 20 of those stinky fucks taking over 3 days to fuck up something that my and my co-worker do and fix in less than 6 hours.


Create a competing product and sell it to your old companies clients at a significantly reduced cost.

Ever considered taking it up with the boss? Sounds like he could do some major downscaling and save a lot of money, no?

anyone that works with them knows they are shite.

Why does management keep hiring them?

Please do the needful

to drive down the wages of the whites

it works. I earned more money 10 years ago.

it's messed up.

>So my co-worker and I have to unfuck everything then upload it to our testing circuits. All the while those Indian shits heat up their stinky fucking food and look at pictures of women with huge tits while popping their tiny ass boners that they try to hide, but jokes on them there is nothing to hide.

Holy fuck, that had me rolling. Nice one, user. I bet those retarded street shitters have to google search how to print "hello world" in C++.

find a job without indians, I really have no clue how difficult is it in US, but after yeart and half with them in multi-corp here I swore "Never again" and for past 10 years my life is way better.I think it's not worth it to waste you life with indians, it interesting experience, it opens your eyes a little, but enough is enough.I can always laugh at stories about brilliant indian engineers taking our jobs...incompetent lying backstabing gypsies pretending to be human.

This times 1000x:
present competing "Indian" team where you're the only member
insert periodic fuck-ups you can fix later

If he's already working side-by-side with them, then it's already too late.

"Ramesh from support says that his cousin Suraj could replace our IT for half the cost."
t. Womyn in management

What about all those Indian doctors? And those chink doctors for that matter, considering how much the Chinese cheat at exams.

anyone surprised by this?
working with them, just means that you have to do all the shit, then you have to first clean up all the mess those 10-20 indians did and lit fucked everything up, then you need to do their job.

the managers usually fire them when they realize how much damage they have done, the job isn't done. it must be done from scratch and first off that costs a lot of money, they wasted money on them and not to mention all the time wasted for this.

twice I've done this, we told it from the start but they didn't listen. in one case they went on for like almost two years(don't remember if 1.5 or two) and these retards let them do it. it was just a fucking conversion job on top of it..... I eventually had to jump on that project with another guy and do the whole shit from the beginning....

I know their hiring process too
>they just take random people in from the street
>you don't know c#?
>you learn!

thats literally the first thing they teach us
also user here is possibly exaggerating some of our family friends living in murica make six figures in reputed it companies. u don't get there by copying code from stackexchange. While our country does produce terrible software engineers like the ones mentioned by user, only the best go to work abroad.

I think you can just buy papers there too.
There was one guy that worked at our office before I started there, this is my previous job.
He had just bluffed on the office and an engineer got really susp on what was going on. Turns out he wasn't an engineer at all, and he couldn't even fucking write a god damn .bat file. He was fired, then they heard he started another place which turned to near catastrophy..

But it didn't end there, now he all of sudden was a petroleum engineer and was heading for the north sea... jesus fucking christ...

>You are to create a complete IT routing algorithm and compile it just once

Oh snap, it failed. Boy I suck!

I worked with two though, that actually knew what they were doing. But there were tons of them, most in india they only screwed up and frankly didn't know what they were doiong at all. Probably just dragged in from the street, the guy hiring them shared office with me for a very short while..... He was such a jackass against them down there too, one chick started to cry on the phone he laughed at it, I got pissed as fuck.

I didn't stand that place and changed fast, my first job after edu

moral of the story you should take everyone under one comb as we say here, but this is a MASSIVE problem

Yeah, but there are affirmative action quotas that allow dumb niggers and poos to go into these engineering fields without any experience.

I can confirm this. Poo IT workers are worse than Nogs in the Military. Basically H1B visa welfare heads so corporate can say they diversified the company.

Spend my entire day unfucking all the shit they fucked up while they drive down my wages.

>b-but user, sheekhiahmohammadheekia joe has his xyz cert and you don't

I know only one Indian who would work as a normal human being and deliver what he supposed to deliver. He is US born and raised tho, so I think the whole "being lazy" part is mostly cultural.

the pajeet H1b visa is purely the product of the boomer mindseth, where quality doesn't matter

Glad I am going into security so I don't have to deal with these chromies

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>only the best go to work abroad.
Fuck you, "the best" are just willing to work for peanuts on am H1B visa.

lol what you get for being a code monkey. gettin cucked by indians lmfao

write your own shit or get a real job

I'd like to see how actual number of other country compare.
Most programmer candidate are like that. Most of them lie, and the % of creative and competent candidate is maybe roughly similar to the chart.

India is super cheap to live
Even if you earn $300 per month you can live a comfortable life in the middle class so what you think in wage slave is a lot of money over here

You know I also most Chinese engineers don't know shit either. Granted they kinda of learn how to copy people's code and get it to compile but god damn its still pretty shitty code.

We need designated shitting streets.

I'm a person of Indian origin. Let's make something clear:

99% of Indians are RETARDED. Retarded. Clinically. Socially. Unicornally. Whatever.

There is a 1% of the gene pool not filled to the brim with Mudslime rape and Aboriginal trash.

There's nothing to be done with genetic incompetence, if gassing is out of the question.

You know what I refer to must Indians as? 82s. That's what they are. Never forget t.hat

> 18000 Rupees

Hate to break it to you, but that's nothing. Drivers/guards may make that much in most educated colonies.

If I had any power, I'd immediately cancel all H-1B visas and stop issuing any new ones. All current holders would be required to leave the country within 30 days. Yep, a shock for the tech industry; fuck 'em. They can hire locally if they want to replace those people. Plus, we get better people. I've never worked with a good Indian. The culture difference is too large.

>anyone that works with them knows they are shite.Why does management keep hiring them?

this + literally all their CVs have fake degrees

It's the same shit everywhere, you get what you pay for.

Fake as in paid for.
India and China are built on systematic corruption.

Indians are subhuman. What part of "poo in loo" did you not understand?

Kind of anecdotal but whenever I am researching some new way of making electric or heat for my off grid cabin, I find something a little new or different. Lets say a gasifier or a absorption fridge. Everytime there is an indian in the comments asking for plans and drawings and how they work for a university or something. I can guarantee they want to patent it.

Because they are cheap as fuck

Jesus Christ why are we full of these """""people""

Yes this is my point what you think is dirt money means a lot in India we are Africa tier poor

Typical NRI holier than thou response.Guess what faggot? you're part of the 99%.Now do everyone a favour and rope urself asap

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The sheer amount of butthurt in this thread. cry moar faggots.

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Fuck happened to pajeetchan you parambuthooris?

Shitpost as much as you want
For once i get my adult passport i will poo on your front lawn and via chain migration bring in thousands of other pooing Indians and we will all poo together and all your rivers, cities will overflow of poo and all of your kind will be extermined .

the final designation

If Indian engineers are so incompetent why do you keep hiring them? The fault lies entirely with you if you can't figure out that every Indian will lie about his education and experience.

>31% can write code the compiles but is non-functional

These are the people H-1B visas go to.

i had one poo that was respected by many co-workers come to me and tell me that i do not have to do everything "they" tell me to do. by "they" meaning management and by "everything" meaning completing delegated tasks on time. was a shit workplace good for poos and poo likes.

im not a fan of poos.

Nice try, pajeet. Trying to get the heat off yourself.
Unlike your smelly shit coloured friends, Chang knows what he's doing and is giving US companies a run for its money.

>not fucking the shit out of the female ones
Whats wrong wu?

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>If Indian engineers are so incompetent why do you keep hiring them?
Human Resources hires them, not the actual boots on the ground. HR is known to weed out the best talent in favor of what they feel is the "best choice", much to the ire of management and employees who quickly figure out that HR is barely qualified enough to staple papers, let alone hire people who know how to do the job.

You know, if you got your fucking fellow Indians too stop being so unsanitary and LITERALLY polluting the oceans with your shit that reaches all the way to South America, and causing LITERAL shit storms, people would stop making fun of you. Also you're gene pool would become healthier so you stop giving birth to abominations and tards that can't into coding or pooing.

the left doesn't realize software engineering requires an above average IQ. and not just slightly above average. you can't do it with 105 or 110. it's more like 115 at the absolute minimum where you would be a code monkey. it's sad to see them force it on the general population. mandatory education in """coding""" will never work

>Pay h1b nerds 1/2 as much as domestic engineers
>Make them work super shitty hours for the privilege
>Hiring is managed by diversity-quota feminists

I'm just bantering when I yell about Indian programmers, I'd rather make $5k/month than $400 too. For me it's discontent with the systematic outsourcing to skip paying Americans.

This is why I have a "holier than thou" attitude, 82.

I'm 2 standard deviations above the White average IQ. 1% is underselling how much better I am than most Indians.

Now go blame Whitey for the Muslims who've domesticated you.

Indians aren't even one people. You can look at most people and know where they're from/the status of their family. No need for me to pretend all genes are equal, on Jow Forums of all places.

Indians will work for minimum wage.
Indians can be sardine-tier packed into apartments.
Indians don't have a country worth stealing technology for, unlike Chinese workers.

Because they're cheap. Same reason why construction companies hire spics even though they can't use a measuring tape.

They're also the people making your next Windows 10 "feature update" that breaks everything for six months at a time.

as long as it's cheap it doesn't matter

Still using XP and W7. With all the problems endemic to W10, it's probably not worth updating. Good thing there's long-term support for W7 for CAD.

The poo education system makes the Mutt's look like oxford or some shit.
Conceptual learning is unknown to Indo-Pak region.
Copypasting is what everyone here does, from students to teachers.