You know who really killed Seth Rich?


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in pop culture, the running joke is that aliens abduct kids and also anal probes. this is best reflected in shit like South Park.

what's strange is that there are allegations about Podesta being a child abductor who is part of an underground satanic cult that fucks kids and then kill them and eat them. i'm not joking. there is evidence. looking into this shit made me lose 2 days worth of sleep.

the fact that Podesta is interested in aliens, and that he mentions aliens in his leaked emails, shows that there is a connection.

Obviously, UFOs are flying rape dungeons where the luciferian cult dress up like grays and vivisect children.

I truly hope that any aliens out there looking for signs of intelligent life don't accidentally land near a Trump rally or in any rural/suburban area, otherwise there goes our chance at first contact

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I hope the aliens just bomb is from orbit to be honest. It'll be a hoot

Based Podesta

Aliens = Demons
High-Tech = Magic

Real question is: can we fuck them?

>maybe if I anally rape and eat more kids, the aliens will take me on their spaceship!
literally what Skippy thinks

Podesta has been on about this for a long time. It was via greer i first hears about this fucker. knowing what we do now I cant say i trust anything he says although i want to believe. its the perfect cattle call for people on the fringe.


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aliens... does he mean interdimensional psychic space vampires?

The truth is too hard for feeble human minds.

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>watch ancient aliens ironically
>Podesta opens
>muh aliens
>mfw he is calling pizzagaters conspiracy tinfoil hat wearing nut jobs

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TFW the deep state reveals aliens before they reveal the JQ.

Give me a quick rundown

Best fucking timeline hands down, Happy Full moon to you anons

he thinks all us anons will like him if he talks about aliens


Yeah, him and every single President since the 40s

This is, uh, a pretty decent analysis. Have a (You).

Please watch clip, only 1 min 30 sec, Podesta on tape acknowledging ET contact, planets, hidden (for months) in end credits of film "Unacknowledged".

Greada treaty was for children. 501 (c)3 was formed that year to facilitate laundering.

You cant imagine the scale of this.

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Basically he's blaming /ourguys/ aay lmao for abducting his own victims

god, this guys is a retard

So Trump is cockblocking Project Bluebeam?

I remember seeing him recently on Ancient Aliens. The show has really gone downhill since they got rid of the guy with the crazy hairdo!

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If trump is hiding info about aliens
wouldnt it mean Obama is hiding info about aliens

theme :

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>Trump 'investigates' aliens.

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just like pol predicted , his name is associated with pedophilia , they are tryin to change it t ufo nutjob

Children are Earth's primary export commodity.

Without the primary export commodity there will be serious reprecussions. Trump is buying time.

Most of that crowd is not human. I do not mean that in the funny racist Jow Forums sense. Trump got in over his head despite having known what he was up against. Despite that, he has done a fairly decent job considering most of those non-humans are against him.

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GO ON...

>I'm not a pedophile
>Look over there, an alien!

This might work to get the truth out. Making alien disclosure an anti Trump thing.

A fellow Q, I see.

they already landed dude there is trace every were you just have to dig 6,66feets under the kikle at this adress : 7121 Lonzo St, Tujunga, CA 91042, USA

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so i guess it was aliens that abducted Madeleine McCann huh skippy?!

follow the pizza :

But dont worry Bruh we have bigger nails !

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Look into
SRI International
Grill Flame
Remote Veiwing
MK Ultra
Stargate programs
To the stars academy
Tom DeLonge
Harold E. Puthoff

we gona BBQ (((their))) ass back to were (((they))) are from

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>8 years of Bill
>8 years of Hussien

if anything to be true. (((they))) probably don;t tell any president about this as it is not a direct national concern.

Holy shit you're right

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Podesta doesn't care about this white nation or white people because he is a different race.

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Well they would land in a city, but have you ever tried to park in New York? Their first encounter would land them so many parking tickets.

There's three ayys and a jew in that picture, Good job

Podesta will say/do anything to get the focus off pizzagate, spirit-cooking, child-rape etc.

very good catch.. people don't realize that alien souls are in human bodies on this planet

literally look at zuckerberg and you will see exactly what i mean

the jews literally hide the truth in plain sight

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