Who was in the wrong here?

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: nyc-subway-pitbull.webm (474x720, 1.91M)

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Everyone, for not punching the dog in the head.

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why is that black womans foot in the dogs mouth?

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the black was clearly in the wrong. Based doggo did nothing wrong.

The woman was a cunt and I wish the dog would have killed her. Dog did nothing wrong. In fact dog did good protecting his master.

The fuy who took an unmuzzled pit bull on the train. I can't see if the lady kicked or provoked it, but still. Keep your big shit dropping dog off the train unless its a REAL service dog

they should have fucked that dog up together

Nigger, for being a nigger.

Pitbulls aren't nigger dogs when raised by non-niggers but they have that bloodline of hatred for niggers.


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why would you punch the innocent puppy ?! The evil rabid blacks clearly instigated the young puppy.

Doggo sensed the evil of the niggress. Doggo deserves snack

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Probably from a lineage of dogs bred for slave huntin'

Every pitbull should be beheaded.


Not really the kind of dog you can punch in the head and do any damage to. You could punch it in the throat or gouge the eyes out, those would be better options.

IIRC the nigger in the back hit the dog and started a fight resulting in it biting the wrong person.

>muh dindu dog he a gud boi

Anyone who has a pitbull is wrong no matter what.
And he proved that he's a complete idiot by thinking he could pull a pitbull off of what it was biting.
He's lucky the dog didn't bite anything important.

Not having a "dangerous dog" in a muzzle while in public is illegal in most states. Certainly in counties with subways.

at this point you strike the dog. Right on the face. Continue to hit him until he lets go.
This owner is a pussy.

pitbulls are the niggers of the dog world and should be treated as such

i thought it was attacking the gentle old woman at first but then i saw it was only protecting everyone from the feral negress.

i can only assume it's a service dog laying its own safety on the line to perform its duty

Start video right after the black women kicked the dog in the head right?

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we need the full story. The puppy is innocent.

Let me redpill you on dogs and why they're man's best friend Jow Forums

Ever noticed how dogs just go fucking ballistic at black people, yet totally different around whites?

It's because dog's don't see shit like we do. When they look at a black person, all they can see are the whites of their eyes and their teeth.

Dogs look at black people as "like themselves". i.e when a dog see's another black person they react like they're seeing another animal or another dog. The different smell they output is also a big thing too.

Look at all the fucking zombies too busy trying to get a good video to be bothered doing anything else to help.
A good culling wouldn't go astray, and a bullet for the dogs head would be warranted also.

literally nigger canines

Attached: pitbulls.webm (850x480, 2.97M)

>hundreds of thousands of years of selection to have an animal that is bred for loyalty to owner
>one century for it to be violent ravenous animal

Only a nigger acts on instinct and disobeys upbringing, hence the phrase "uppity nigger." A dog cannot be inherantly nig without nigger owners.

Owners of such dogs should have them muzzled and be required to carry tasers.

You're aiming to shake its brain not shatter its skull.

why in the fuck would you help someone getting attacked by a pitbull? it obviously went nuts on a stranger and they can obviously switch to your dumbass with no remorse.

do canadians even understand self preservation?

You can actually see her getting dragged along by the dogs

See, where you are wrong is believing a nigger would raise his dog with love. Its the nigger not the dog.

Women were a mistake. Maybe the homotopia isn't so bad after all

I'd shoot it, or rip it's throat out.

Black on black crime, who gives a shit.

Police dog bites black woman
Who's fault is this?

Pitbull owner is an illegal immigrant


>Nig, dog, and dog owner sit together
>Nig berates dog owner for letting his dog sit on the seat with them
>Dog owner disregards nig
>Nig pushes dog
>Dog owner says not to do that
>Nig does it again
>Dog chomps nig foot

Dogs don't belong on seats with people but everything was fine until that cantankerous nigger woman started getting snappy and pushy with the dog. She initiated physical contact and continued to do so from a verbal exchange. Pitbulls are dangerous and only a hopeless idiot would push them not once, but multiple times while arguing with its owner. Might as well throw this nig into a lion's cage right now because sooner or later she'll end up there on her own.

LINK $1000 EOY

dog knows that around blacks you never relax

after seeing my goofball pittie (shes not supermuscular like others) i'm 99% convinced that aggressive dog behavior stems from larger dogs not being exercised enough and wanted to start shit for their owner

you're canadian, you aren't even allowed to know what a gun is.


> twitter.com/WildGoose999/status/990525235920277504


I think in the case of self-defence against pitbulls, stabbing keys into the spine at the base of the neck is the best defence. I'm not sure if it would work, it's just theoretical.

>dogs on a train
fucking third world shit

>wanting to sit next to a nigger dog
I would get up and say "CONDUCTOR WE HAVE A PROBLEM"

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the nigger for being in this country
dog deserves a treat

Holy fucking nostalgia

Oh fuck off with your dog sitting in a seat. What a dick.

Not even memeing- pitbulls caused the majority of problems I saw at the dog park and one bit my dog, who was playing very nicely. I fucking hate pit bulls

Why would you have such a violent prone dog you can control, that owner needs to learn a lesson, letting his insecurity (and needing a pit) threaten innocent ppl
I fucking hate humanity, we are so soft, disconnected, I wish we could minimize government, no more hand holding watch how fast the pop drops, people freely selling meth and dangerous drugs, drinking and driving, blowing themselves up or shooting themselves
I keep a utility razor, just clean slice around the jugular, sleep well nigger compensation dog
I saw a vet say, shove something up their ass they always let go

>new york city

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I won't defend shitbulls but the sheboon started slapping at the dog and getting uppity first.

The pitbull owner has some heavy foreign accent. I'm betting illegal.

I woulda fucked that dog up

I honestly don't know why people don't kick the shit out of these dogs when they do that.

Everytime I see mexicans with these dogs I wont to kill them both, drive up put a bullet in both of em.

still nothing worse than a nigger
cant create dogs to protect us and then get surprised when they protect us

The dog wasn’t relaxed

Fuck, that cat have plenty of time to take off. Domestication weakened its instincts.

Look at the dude. 100% chance that shit dog was a """rescue""" and he made sure that was known as often as possible

>other dogs dont like to play tug

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Fucking morons. Anyone that talks shit about a nigger but defends a pitbull is a nigger themselves.

The point is a nigger is a nigger because of its brain. It's too aggressive and goes on instinct and has no brains.

I don't give a fuck about how much a loving environment your pitbull has, it is still a wild animal and can snap at any time. Just like those tigers did Roy.

>Onlookers to the incident say the owner sat down and placed the dog in the seat next to him when it bumped into the woman in the next seat over. The woman asked the man to remove his dog, which escalated into an altercation between the two passengers, and the dog responded by latching onto the woman’s shoe.


Blame Kaanada

Put it in a blood choke and hold it until it's sleepytime forever.

>Believe in human genetics
>But not in dog genetics
t. brainlet

Owner was arrested

Kill the dog owner.

Other dogs let go when you boop them on the nose

Isn't the proper way to stop a dog attack is to lift it from it's hind legs? Hard to attack when you have no leverage and lose contact with the ground.

I don't know but that's a really funny image.

this is now a dog vs. human combat thread

>can you rear-naked-choke a dog?
seems to me like controlling the head would be a pretty solid gameplan, as dogs lack shoulder mobility and thumbs etc. to try and grapple with you. My advice would be go for the guillotine or rear-naked. Don't let go, even when you think it's dead, until animal control arrives.

You have to stick something in it's bum. Like your thumb or tongue

Also, I don't think a choke from behind would be good unless you were very strong, because the dog would constantly be twisting it's head round trying to bite at your face from that position, with its incredible neck muscles..

It's a nigger dog that wouldn't hesitate in ripping your kids face off

I've killed more than one

The dumbest thing you can do is pull as hard as possible. It just tears the flesh. You need to pour water in its face to choke it, choke it out, or kill it.

Precisely my thoughts. That cat was weak, nature reclaimed it. Women shouldn't be allowed to walk dogs they cannot control. This wasn't a small woman either.

always good to know the full story. stupid owner indeed but i imagine you could sell real estate for NY subway seat space

>posts video without context
>who was in the wrong here?
Have another type of leaf for your b8



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these comments

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after further reading, anecdotal evidence suggests blood chokes do work on dogs. In (OP) instance, I would go for guillotine with a leg triangle around its body.

like says, I don't want it in a rear naked in case it manages to twist and literally rip my face off

I'm 6" and 1/2/3/4 so I'm pretty sure I would;
>a) get bit
>b) literally crush the dog to death

Niggers should be muzzled and their owners should yaze them at all times.

due to years of racist attacks against it the pitbull was pushed to extremist views against blacks. I blame the black community. We need more obedience programs for at-risk puppers and jobs for them when they grow into doggos.

foh bringing a pit bull on the train and then putting it on a seat. sometimes I appreciate how black people will call out nonsense like that.

nigger dog attacking niggress, probably both. the cunt probably did something to stir up the dogs nigger genes

The cops

The woman shoved the dog several times before it bit her. Then everyone stood around screeching, filming and slapping at it as the guy tried to pull it off. If the dumb bitch had just sat her ass down and let the employees enforce the "no big dogs allowed" policy nothing would have happened. Instead, for whatever reason, she had a stick up her ass and decided it was her sworn duty to try and wield some kind of authority over someone when she neither had said authority or a reason to beyond her own ego. Even going so far as to shove the dog like it would accomplish anything beyond making her feel like she was jn control for one fleeting moment before the animal did what all animals do when presented with hostility and bit the dumbass. Moral of the story is let the subway company enforce its own rules and mind your own fucking business, at the very least don't go around antagonizing things and then crying when you get hit back.

Doggo did nothing wrong

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Execute both the nigbull and the nigger

Why do people always try to get a person to stand up when they are dazed, injured or traumatized ffs.

There was a story about a little girl in Mississippi being kicked out of a KFC because the other customers were uncomfortable with her wounds suffered in an attack by pit bulls. The story was apparently bullshit, the KFC part at least, and made up by the family wanting to start a Patreon for free money.

This was back when O&A was a thing and I remember Anthony Cumia called pitbulls the velociraptors of the 21st century. Hilarious and accurate.
TSSSSSSS cawksuckah muthafucka

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Kill yourself dog cuck

>Niggerdog attacks nigger

Black on Black violence.

sorry but not even this happen on the third world