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We're not having another election.
Damn, I believe it, Those people that made that are almost as smart as all the people in the media and Hollywood I worship.
big if true
do u mean forever or now?
I like how democrat prediction maps keep getting closer and closer.
Soon they will be posting "drumpf btfo" with a red California.
>Implying Sanders will live long enough until 2020
This is a joke right?
>thinking Sanders isn't going to be a senile old man in 2020
Wisconsin or Michigan would be more believable. No way he wins both Wisconsin and Michigan but loses Arizona.
>alive in 2020
Such delusion
Couldn't these electoral votes change significantly if illegal aliens aren't counted in the upcoming census?
>implying virginia only went blue in 2016 due to Tim Kaine
>implying it won't go red in 2020
>Hey so we going to screw sanders who always had a clean record and basically let Hillary, who has been a controversial figure, win
>Nah that won't piss off our supporters
>No don't worry they will still vote for us
Fucking democrats shot themselves in the head and they are crying about it. I have no pity for them.
>and allowed to run again
get the fuck outta here meme fag
They're gonna resort to holding up Shillary with strings like a marionette and run her again.
demonicRats BTFO
Considering how retarded they were with the last election, I wouldn't be surprised
>nigchighan goes red again but pennsylvania doesn't
Pic related is a more realistic scenario ihmo, give or take a few EVs.
And in the case of an EC tie, I don't think the Dems are going to make enough gains in the midterms to turn enough state delegations blue.
best Bernie sign ever!
I hope so! The look on all the libtards faces would be even better the 2nd time around.
Hillary/Satan 2020!
>Year of our Lord 2000 + 20
>President Trump vs. A Fucking Corpse Puppet
>Libshits will still chimp out when they loose
It'd be fucking glorious.
make wi, mi, oh, sc, tx blue and itll be right
I’m a democrat now bois
>Texas outlaws Sanctuary Cities and its Voter ID Laws are to be upheld
>Going blue
Think again, Nigger.
Going blue
>implying Trump won't win Pennsylvania, Colorado, Nevada and New Hampshire