Why is it that women who sleep with multiple are considered whores yet men who sleep with multiple women are considered...

Why is it that women who sleep with multiple are considered whores yet men who sleep with multiple women are considered chads?

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because we live in a society

Lock and key metaphors, m8

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Psst, OP, your autism is showing.

And that goes to my Kurisu file

Thanks user

Cos of the patriarchy. Glad to see it crumbling down and at the end of the day you all will all still be virgins lol.

The male need not bear the responsibility of raising his young.

Until western women start taking photocopies of IDs, I'll be hopping from city to city impregnating Stacies using fake names and rented cars.

First post dank post

But anyway, one is harder than the other, OP, you can see this , no?

Because even fat ugly women can find a thirsty fucker to sleep with them.

Because women. Men aren't going to call women derogatory names for giving men what they want. They're both faggots either way, save it until marriage you degenerate shits.

They both are adulterous whores. The real reason is because men cant get preggo so they dont have a negative social reprieve from the immoral deed. Whereas the single mom now is a financial drain on the economy as she cant work as productive as a man and requires additional expenses that are priced in an economy off a two parent household. All basic goods apply.

As soon as men start to hold their sons in line is when we will see this chamge. As it stands the swinging 60s really fucked us because they thought the world would end before they could all circle jerk their neighbors spouses.
> see nigger pops.
404 not found.

Because a good key is one that opens many locks, and a lock that opens to many keys is a piece of shit.

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Case in point
> found the nigger
Didnt even have to scroll down b4 I posted to OP.

Enjoy being an animal. Men of God kill animals like you when shit hits the fan. You aint gon be alright. Ight? Thats just ignant.


A key that opens every lock is a good key. A lock that opens for every key is not a good lock.

I find this logically fallacious and low iq.

A good key opens one and only one lock. A key that can't be replicated is betrer than a masterlock key that could open multiple cheap bike locks. Or a shitty pos car that can have its ignition started with another genuine manufacturer key because they repeat designs and only have so many tumbler combos. Just a clone of the game using corny pick up lines is no way to find a wife off tinder thots.

Because they are whores. And it is the same for the men who do that, they are whores too (and I have had 10+ different partners so its not incel rage). Its just women who have distorted view on those men.

I believe men who do not sleep around should be viewed as highly as women that do but women dont and I cannot change how their mind works.

Because women only have a couple hundred eggs and will never grow any more of them while men produce millions of sperm every week and probably billions over the course of their entire lives, and they don't stop until late in their lives.

Because a woman's chastity is valuable, while a man's is not. The reason being that men want to ensure that their children are their own, and that their wives are their own. Women, on the other hand, seek out men to be provided for. It doesn't even really matter if he is faithful to her, and it certainly doesn't matter how many women he had before her.

All of our instincts are based in nature and evolutionary pulls.

Because for men, getting sex is difficult. A man who sleeps with many women is sucessful.
For women, getting sex is extremely easy, and a woman who gives it away lacks self respect. A man seeks to impregnate as many women as possible to secure his genetic continuity, while a woman SHOULD seek a single man, ensuring that he provides for her and her offspring.

A key that opens many locks is a master key. A lock opened by many keys is worthless.

Reverse psych for (you)
A key that opens no locks is perfection. A lock that opens for no keys is useless.

Parable of the monk and nun.

> t. LORD Varys

Shitty lock, master key.
I'm just as against men slutting around as I'm against women doing it but my opinions don't reflect the rest of the society.

Define success. In your own words. From your own heart.

So many fuckin parrots in this cesspool of regurgitating bird brained wisdom. Give your love forever-Benny Hester. True Success imho. The rest think they, are winning the game of life but end up as slaves to vices.

Parable of the tortoise and the crow.
> t. The grouch

Both are degenerate

They're only admired by people who wish they could be degenerate too

a shitty lock is easily opened and worthless
a masterkey opens many locks and is useful

Shill thread, check catalog to see what they're trying to slide and don't forget to sage this shit


WOMEN can Always find a man to fuck them and its not a accomplishment for them where a large section of men can and do go through life never fucking one.

People pretend to forget or not know this to try and excuse women.

On the contrary. Mans chastity is valued by God and used to be admired by true ladies of the past eras. Only in this banylonian world do we find kardashian cloned thots and fuckbois perceived as idols. To say it doesnt matter is to project yourself onto others. All are morals are based in the divine concept of virgin conception. Blows your mind if you think too hard and deep bout it.
> inb4 thats what she said.

Why is it that men who have slept with zero women are mocked as virgins yet women who have slept with zero men are considered a high value commodity.

>Selective breeding patterns millions of years>Feminist bullshit 70 years

vagina = lock

dick = key

Probably the syria shit. Its too early for any east coast drama.

Because the man that cums inside multiple women hasn't had the spermatazoa of multiple men burrow into his the cells of his reproductive organs, comingling their DNA (nominally.)

Based soiboi. You figure that out all by yourself did ya?


Fuckbois wear protection unless they broke ass niggas. Dont be such and obvious incel. Only monogamous long term dating chads wear no condom.

Because whores are sly about it and manipulate and play with dudes heads while chads just fuck chicks on 1 night stands and the girls know what they're getting into

Repels. not repulses or am I forgetting something

No i'm not you're stupid foreign niggertier player

The autism on this site is fucking hilarious and astounding

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Actual gender roles.
It's just that leftists twisted it to include trannies to further fuck with nuclear families.

Civilization restrained men to an extent in that regard, but no, women's cavewoman brains like a man who has been with as many women as possible.
>All are morals are based in the divine concept of virgin conception.
Morality far outdates Christianity.

finally, unretarted post.

Because women get pregnant and men do not. One single man can impregnate hundreds of women while a woman can only carry the spawn of one man at a time.

Women are the gatekeepers of our genetic lineage. It's why we're so fucked.

If I knew you in real life I would probably kick the fuck out of you. No offense but that's just what guys like me do to wimpy little babby men like you. Its the natural order of things

A gorilla roars

A dog barks

and buddy I hurt people

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Men fuck, woman get fucked. Woman get worn out/used up in ways men donot. Its a much larger cost on woman but they get fooled into thinking otherwise, its both hilarious and tragic.

>and buddy I hurt people
This board is for +18 only.

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Both are degenerates that will get the rope.

Because that's human nature.

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>muh nature
The shittiest argument ever

>that's human nature
Nigger nature, marriage has been part of whites for ever.

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a key that opens many doors is a master key

a lock that can be opened by any key is a shitty lock

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pic related and sage for low value thread.

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In general, women prefer men who have had multiple sexual partners over men who are virgins. You should be asking women this question.

Women want to have kids with a man that all other women want. Men that want ot have kids want to with someone that will take care of HIS kids not someone elses.

shit thread, sage and report

This is why we come here after all

Because women have a lower sex drive than men. A woman who is hyper sexual usually has some sort of mental deficiency.

You do know what metaphors are, right? They describe a very specific scenario which isn't supposed to work in different situations.
Let me rephrase it for you:
A man who can seduce a lot of women is a hero while a woman who lets everyone fuck her is a slut.


Chad is a derogatory

Because it's easy for a women to sleep with many men.

For a man to sleep with many women actually takes considerable effort and skill, even if you're good looking.

It depends on who you ask and on the context
Neither men or women who have had multiple relationships and had sex within those relationships are whores in my book
But if either men or women have casual sex with multiple people, then they are

Exactlt this. Man sleeping with 100 women is a stud. And this is not fair..but nature just isnt fair. Look at elephant seals. There arent many males breeding, unless you can kick ass. The male seal that is breeding with 100 females has his head covered in scars from battling. The femalea all just sit and wait to be fucked. The male seal that breeds is not only strong, but more than likelt much older than the females he breeds with. A wise old tough male with battlw scars is mature and experienced and can protect the females he owns. Female seals live life on easy mode, theu just wait around to get fucked or for one of their babies to come suck on their tit.
Seals are mammals, humans are mammals. There is no reason for men to be made to look bad by society for being able to seduce many women. A decent man is usually taking care of his wife, kids, and taking care of his mistress on the side as well(wining and dining her, giving her gifts). What woman pays for a man's meal when shes on first date? A woman puts 0 effort into getting fucked. Women only spread legs and thats about all the effort they need. This is why they are sluts if they sleep around and are easy. Female seals that are easy in the wild will carry shit genes if they allow the genes of a weak male in her womb. Its unfair abd politicaly incorrect, but reality is what it is. Fuck this bullshit push for women to be treated as "equal". Females who bang 100 men are sluts, but men who can manage to fuck alot of women are studs. Its just how the nature works.