Nanking Massacre a hoax?

I get you guys think the Holocaust was a fabrication created by the Jews. We were always pushed about the Holocaust happening when we were younger, and how it was the worst act in history. What about the Nanking Massacre though? It killed more people, raped more women, and even bayoneted some infants. Japan itself tries to push that the Nanking didn't happen at all. I've never heard of the Nanking Massacre when I was younger at all, nor have I heard you all claim it didn't happen either.

Attached: Nanking Massacre.jpg (236x250, 21K)

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Don't most people here claim that the six million number is ridiculous? I've always got the impression Jow Forums focuses on why they deserved to be interned and removed.

What do you think of this video?

It doesn't matter if it happened since it's not used to brainwash, manipulate and exploit the Japanese people, like the Holocaust is used against us.

Similar to the Holocaust,
Yes some deaths happened.
But, not 2 million.
Chinese people were killing Chinese people before Japan came in and invaded.
They may have killed people but, not as many as the Chinese claimed.
Also Mao thanked the Japanese for invading.
Without the Japanese invasion they would have never established Communism.
Which lead to a higher death tolls then any Japanese body count could incur.

~t.hapa who’s granddad fought in WWII stationed in China.

It's a hoax created by Jews too. Who makes a hoax to bash others other than Jews?

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How bout you give me back my family's real estate Kraut? I hope your mother is raped by muzzies for what you did to us as god's punishment. Also praying you stay miserable and lame. Black Germany by 2030 :))) my family served Germany in all wars till ww1 and my great grandfather awarded iron cross.

kys kike

Somehow the number stays the same despite huge drops in official deaths, example the Auschwitz plaque.

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