Japan needs immigrants to sustain it's economy

>Japan needs immigrants to sustain it's economy
How is this an argument? You're working for the people or for some arbitrary system like an ant?
And why exactly is low population bad? More land for everybody, less mouths to feed, easier to provide with limited resources.

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christian discord: /U2nc3dK

Debunked user sorry for your time living in decepción

>Japan needs immigrants to sustain it's economy
No, we don't. The world is going to keep turning, either way. You can keep your Unicef funded Dindu horde off our shores.

Also, fewer workers = higher wages = increased consumption = economic growth.

Machines can replace humans in a LOT of fields.

OP was agreeing with you...

>Machines can replace humans in a LOT of fields.
Yes they can, which leads to low skill people being fired and with no job since they aren't skillful enough to work anything else, which means they are now dependant on the state to provide for them, which means people who aren't replaced need to pay more so that people who aren't can survive.

Birth rate would not be a issue, but the old people have to get their pensions from somewhere and the number of old people is increasing day by day, especially in Japan where people live for a long time. These people are a burden on the state, but have earned their rest, so you can't exactly just kill them.

Japs cannot type English that well even though they learned it since they were in fucking kindergarten and good luck trying to speak with them in English
>weeaboo english teacher detected

>Country X needs immigrants to sustain it's economy
>For the rich

Good luck. Japan wouldn't let them enter and they'd be shunned from their society. Japan doesn't want them and they don't like them.

Keep fetish posting though.

>I have a large pizza and 3 friends to eat it with
>in order to have more pizza, we should bring in more friends
>everyone now gets more pizza because reasons
Globalists must burn.

are you retarded ?
less people, less customers, less $$$
less tax less everything

underrated lad

Aftermath of the plague in europe was a glorious time of plenty.

The only ones bitching and moaning, aside from those immediately lost family, were the blue bloods who had to come down from their ivory towers and actually work the fields.

Contracting populations are fine. It just means fat shit heads can't continue to get fat off skimming from the majority in skimming off the top through taxes.

>more gibs is a good thing
>because gibs fall from the sky
>more rapes is also a good thing
>more crime is also a good thing
just kys

>And why exactly is low population bad?
Because the Globalists want to flood the world with niggers with two digit IQs and no real sense of purpose in life other than fuck and get money.

thats because these days companies are international and dont give a flying fuck who works for them, be it local folk or some folk from anywhere around the world, bussiness relationships are way more complicated than those in middle age europe, can you not think on your own ?

iplying you need tax for only gibs, where do you think money for roads and infrastructure comes from ?

yes but nobody needs more non college educated people and you only need specific fields covered by immigration assuming you need anything

japan doesnt need american immigrants going by what we produce with colleges on average so they need zero african or middle eastern people

its not like any random person on the street can work any job. no country needs more manual labor. every country has people that wont go to college. they fill those roles. japan doesnt have a lack of medical staff or lawyers so they dont even need americans and we need the few engineers and chemist we produce with higher education. the middle east mat have clock makers but japan has factories that make clocks

you're intensely opinionated.

why don't you start a podcast or something?

> And why exactly is low population bad?

Because in the case of Japan, the situation is much worse than just low population. There are so few births compared to deaths that if something doesn't change in the demographics, Japan literally will not have enough 'real Japanese' to keep society functioning.

Just about ever problem in modern society is made worse by a growing population.

Space, food, pollution, road congestion, school system, hospitals, everything.

We aren't employing people with picks to dig canals, or axes to chop down trees, or hand-casting fishing nets. All of the economic growth has been in small companies since WW2. There is no need for huge populations.

Why is the argument always for quantity more than quality?

Apparently all land must be packed, no exceptions. I reall once reading an article stating that "Latvia has too much uninhabited land" and that we should give some away. The stupididty of these so called journalists is astounding at times.

Don't be stupid fatclap, japans population is only decreasing in comparison to its baby boomer generation and is already stabilizing.

Remember user, japan has 127 million people living on a landscape the size of utah and takes 30 percent of its food from unsustainable deep sea fishing.

Why is government tax incentives to have more children never discussed as an option?

explain yourself

Says the larping English teacher/military queer

Says the meme flag faggot

>implying that giving out more and more gibs will somehow raise tax income
Hey brainlet,
When you give out more and more gibs, there will be less shekels for everything else.
Worse yet - when you have to fight more and more crime, then there will be even less shekels.
Put more and more nig nogs in prison, and there are even less shekels.

>mental disease flag
checks out

They can do like they do here in Swedistan. Fuck 'em. A 101 year old got turned down a spot at a nursing home. It just so happens that she lived in a area dense with sandniggers. They need care that takes spots from our elderly and they are worth more money so our elderly is getting thrown to the side.

Imagine giving your whole life to a country, your blood and sweat and then being treated like that.
A nation that doesn't respect it's elders should perish, they are undeserving of existence.


Aye, that we are. Such an end is not befitting any decent human being. Extremely sad to read about yet all the sheeple in Swedistan is more concerned about "child" immigrants. Sweden YES isn't even just a meme at this point.

Japan lacks of male porn performers.
Yall should try your luck.


Fuck you pastor mike

cheapest labour is drug.

Hey Dave, how’s life in Japan?

When the government says we need immigrants, you need to ask who "we" is. It is almost always the greedy politicians in bed with big business, or just big business directly. Immigrants are an enemy of the working class people, but society needs them because the ultra rich want sweatshop priced labour for there businesses. Or in the democrats case, a nation of indentured servants to the welfare system that have no choice but to vote Democratic to keep their measly handouts.

This is always a trap. It is the duty of everyone here to try and respectfully wake up family and friends to this cancer, it has never been in our interests. Many of our younger generations cannot find work, and these greedy arseholes want to make the job market worse for their own financial gain.

>No, we don't. The world is going to keep turning, either way. You can keep your Unicef funded Dindu horde off our shores.
so when are you leaving?

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think about it
how pathetic and decadent would your country have to be to NEED immigrants, people from the outside?

Japan is wise to stay Japanese. The only way they can improve their society is to breed with whites. But that goes against our natural instincts.



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Japanese "men"


>to sustain it's economy
To understand this ''argument'' you need to understand how modern economies work. They say that immigration is the long hand of capitalism. What does that mean? That for an economy to flourish it must continuously beef its numbers up and for those numbers to beef up (and keep up with other economies) you have to attain an increasing amount of people that will use products and services provided by said economy.
Japan lately aims to stabilize its pop. A stable pop has a stable consumption, which means that e.g. a company making 10.000 phones won't need to make more so it won't increase its profits.
>inb4 but isn't that sustain?
In theory only, because what sustain means practically is that your economy GROWS parallel with whatever 'debt' you have. If you stay stable, you ironically fall behind.
>inb4 but I checked and how can the entire planet be in debt? who is it in debt to, mars?
tl:dr debt is a hoax created to promote the very thing you inquire about, plus dependence, plus consumerism, plus profiteering, plus whatever.
Let's hope it all implodes and we revert to a more healthy form of capitalism.

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Don't you mean "Japan needs immigrants to make more money for jews."?

Japanese women need multiple injections of wite boi semen daily.

all this jewish "need immigrant to sustain X or Y " is fucked all over by simple marriage wich removes needs of contraception & abortion.

there is no infertility problem anywhere, its all fucking abortion & condoms.

jews are so stupid.

>Many of our younger generations cannot find work, and these greedy arseholes want to make the job market worse for their own financial gain.
Yes. I think one of the 'easiest' ways to redpill people is to explain that an economy does not depend on people having a job, so it does not care about them. It depends on having consumers.

Consider the fable of the lazy village. The mayor is also the owner of the gigantic and only farm that provides food for the village. No one works, except for his workers. He sells meat and bread to everyone, to whom HE distributes welfare to, so they can buy his meat.
The mayor's gdp will never increase because people will eat a finite number, even if they are all fat. So the mayor invites another village to move in, gives them welfare and maybe some of them work too and boom, his gdp (and probably net worth too) has doubled.
That's what immigration is.

"those numbers to beef up "

Fucking remove condoms?

I would migrate to Japan if I could.
I have a real nasty case of yellow fever recently.

Good luck schlomo. Have you ever had to deal with the Nigerians in Tokyo? Japan knows better.

Removing condoms and abortions is a solution yes, even though people can still pull out. But regardless the point is everything is part of a greater scheme to control populations by removing any sense of 'collective (ethnic) identity' and replacing it with seeing yourself only through social and financial status.
>who/what are you?
>Not Finn, French, Christian, Man, Father, whatever
>I'm an IQ model with 5 figure income

>How is this an argument?
It isn't, it's just one dedicated spammer/shitposter.

You don't need to keep society functioning if its members disappear.

Sign me up

The globalists want to remove social and financial status as well but they haven't figured out how yet.

Our style of capitalism is based on an ever growing population.

Imagine a town of 10,000 people, there are 4 restaurants. All data projects there will be 9,000 people in the town in 5 years and 8200 people in 10 years. You want to open a new restaurant. What are your odds of success if the town was relatively happy with 4?

Now imagine a town with 10,000 people, in 5 years they project 11,000 people will live there and there are 4 restaurants. Projections say there will be 11800 people in 10 years. Now what are your new restaurant's chances of success.

Same is true for everything. It's very very hard to carve out market share for a new business or product when population is declining.

>it's a "Jow Forums discovers it disagrees with fundamental tenets of capitalism" episode

That's 100% because there wasn't enough food before the plague. We don't have that problem anymore.