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Anything, just to finish my work day early today

Coming from Israeli source...
It's fake news. Nothing is happening

>iran tonight

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>mfw all the sandniggers leave to wage Jihad on Israel

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it was fun while it lasted kike, you were a worthy adversary.


>tfw the khanate of london declares war on israel

Hope Iran isnt getting b8ed into something reckless. Assad is winning the war. The shiia crescent is forming and solidifying. No need to rock the boat as long as Israel isn't acting on a scale that could really change the outcome in Syria.

Imagine all of the ME uniting and ending Israels bullshit and nobody in the West cared.

Did you see last nights explosion? Israel just demolitioned a significant amount of military supplies. I get the feeling that would effect the Syrian war effort.


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I want Iran to attack Israel, and then for Russia and China to veto the inevitable US-lead UN resolution for war. An unambiguous War For Israel™ might be enough to break domestic US politics completely.

Do you have a non Israeli source?

dont care. let sandpeople nuke each other.

Supposedly that’s what happens. Although USA would have to be neutralized first...the whole Babylon the Great has fallen and all.

That statement was made days ago if not mistaken.
This is all fake news

Do you really think uk, us, saudi and israel will just accept the loss of dominance in the middle east and allow iran to build their pipeline through syria to europe?

International Kikery spent huge amounts of effort and resources into creating the "New Middle East" (a fractionalized and conflict ridden mess that suits them) and it is blowing in their faces to such an extent that Iran is establishing a foothold on the borders of Israel.

Not shilling for the Jews but i think their not joking around when it comes to this simply because it is the "beginning of the End" if they allow it...they have no other choice.

It happens in Biblical prophecy - but they get BTFO by God.

You should photoshop an orthodox jew with

Maybe with the curly bangs coming off it.
Ya poofs.

Sounds fake.

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Remember the Samson option.

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That's what sucks about Israel...Jews actually having to do honorable labor. In the West you could be doing comfortable "intellectual" shit but in Israel the White goyim is not around to do the honorable labor for you.

Says russia and iran for the 50th time

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A reminder that Israel has a doomsday weapon that triggers if its soil is struck beyond a certain point. A reminder that most aren't aware of this, including Iran. A reminder that Dr. Strangelove wasn't entirely fictional.

Your day just might end early permanently

Oof, if he does nothing Allah is a joke. Decisions decisions.

Doomsday shroud

It was nothing that couldn't be replaced by a single shipment from Russia.

Time to die jew-mutt worlds going to be better off without you.

>Jews actually having to do honorable labor
they don't actually work user, they use palestinian slave labor. And they still can't keep a functioning economy without billions of ZOgbux.

I'm fine with this. Maybe the next intelligent species will do better than us.

>Israel has a doomsday weapon
sure thing hymie.

Of course they are aware of all the technology and billions of dollar support israel received, but war is inevitable.
They are still playing around with their 'resources' to test each other though.

Conventional war is more of a strategical game when everyone owns biological weapons, nukes and worse inhumane shit

I hear medieval christians already believed that the Muslims and Turks were punishment from God? Even Martin Luther said that.

It's bullshit. Their missiles are old, Russia is busy arming everyone around them with AA weapons that can shoot down ICBMs so jews wont be able to do much damage with their 200-400 nukes.
It's a gamble I would accept. There's no other long term solution with the jews, these psychos are so insane they threaten all of humanity if they don't get their way.
So it's obvious humanity must find a solution to the jewish problem that is AGAINST jews interests.

is pic related accurate?

is 9/11 an analogy of the death and destruction of the west at the hands of global jihad against YT?

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Would you be willing to lose a dozen major world cities if it meant all of humanity would forever curse the Jew?

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I hope you get glassed.



You are now aware that Israel's missile defense systems are fake.

Iran knows this, that's why they are so sure of themselves.

They have already tried that. It didn't work out for them then, and it won't this time either.

Literally the school shooting equivalent of nation states.

We probably had a chance if people had revolted the past 20 years. But everyone cucked out for a few more years of Chinese junk.
Wasn't a very good choice.

The Russians do not make a move unless they are 100% sure to win.
They don't engage in a war with an uncertain outcome unless they are invaded.
I fully trust that Putin has a solution to Israeli nukes available already.
Otherwise he would not engage in this policy of encircling Israel and trying to basically choke the Jewish state.

guys hold up here, if Syria strikes Israel back, doesn't that mean the US have to get involved to protect evil Israel?

I kinda don't wanna fight for faggot kikes desu

>It's a gamble I would accept.
Exactly this. Call their bluff. 400 nukes would fuck shit up and most of us would die, but it wouldn't be the end of the world.

No it's more like John Wick of nation states

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Bullshit. John Wick was attacked and took revenge on attackers. The samson option nukes innocent states that will most likely not be involved with whatever threatened them.

Samson option is about taking revenge on the attackers.

I doubt that most of us would die. 20% would probably fail and 50% shot down before reaching its goal.
Maybe some jews would even refuse to follow such an order.
If the first strike is done by us then the odds are even better for all of us.
I genuinely doubt that human loss would be anywhere near WWI or WWII. Maybe 2 or 3 unimportant cities will be hit successfully, all of them somewhere in the Middle East.

One thing's for sure though. You can't have a player on the world stage that takes the whole world as a hostage.
The US and Russia has nukes too, but they only pledge to use them against those who attack them, not to exterminate humanity alltogether if they loose a war.

it will be cyber warfare type of samson option ,israel of is capable of shutting down electric,water,energy systems , it can easily paralyze nations, its it industry is very developed.

9//11 is rawest analogy possible of the destruction of the white world by the ((globalists)) (soros, bush, neocohens) and their legions (swjs, shitskins etc...)

SWJs should be confronted everywhere with WTC being a symbol of the destruction of white civilization

anyone who supports globalism/immigration/multiculti supports the brown jihadists

Wasn't it revealed that the list of targets includes most world centers?

This. Most sandniggers can’t see past larping as jew killers. Nobody can defeat us.

'Every battle is won before it is ever fought.'

>Samson option is about taking revenge on the attackers.
No it's not, it's a final fuck you to the entire World. Allies and enemies alike will be nuked, if you believe that the Samson Option is real.

No, it's about destroying EVERYONE in the world if the end of Israeli is ever imminent. The Samson Option does not discriminate between attackers and non-belligerents. It is a plan to literally Armageddon the planet if the Jews ever face final defeat by any foe.

Every nation with nukes has them capable of hitting any possible target.
The thing that seperates it from other nations is that most nations woiuld only use nukes if someone else did.
Isreal would use them if they were taken out as revenge on the group that took them out.
But it would only be used against those enemies

I think it's evolved into nuclear black mail. Scores of synagogues around europe hiding small yield tactical nukes.

>greatest ally ... kek

I honestly can't wait for IRGC-QF to out-jew you with terror attacks.

claiming it's a nuke is the new method of sliding?

About time, Achmed.

Someone on zerohedge has said that Israeli aggression and strange alliances is more about water shortage:

If it is that bad Russia could potentially aggress there while not making a huge display on the world stage. Israel may just come off even worse and Russia won't even be known as the trickster. One possibility for lower level warfare.

I would be willing to lose every city over 100k in America. In fact, I'd rather than not.

Seems like nothing. Nobody has the power or balls to do anything about Israel’s expansionist aims. It’s going to take Americans not only abandoning them but calling them out on all their subversive activities past and present to end this nonsense.

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Enough is enough and Iran is going in head first!

Where abouts in Sydney was this?

Any survivors are welcome to settle in Europe.
In muslim neighbourhoods.

>mfw god doesn't turn up

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>implying the Lefty liberal shit-tiers commie Chaims in the US will come out of this unscathed

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If Iran decides to act up there will literally be flames from heaven that swallow up all of Iran.

It will be glorious.

>tfw the khanate of london declares war on israel
They declare the UK as Israel. They start raping kids, commiting murders on whites, and bending over cops while beating them with for sale signs, and tearing their anal cavities.

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That would be too bad if they took out London, DC and New York for us nationalists.

Literally yes
More christian means more based people.
Means they wont let jews rise, christians understand that jews was chosen once, but they also understand, that they are a treat and harmfull on higher positions.
Also christians mostly mate with their own culturally background, because they dont have divorce.
Means once you are married, the death is the way out.
Also it forbids sluttery.

(((They))) destroyed the christian culture to plant their sons in banks and ministrys.

>There's no other long term solution with the jews, these psychos are so insane they threaten all of humanity if they don't get their way.
>So it's obvious humanity must find a solution to the jewish problem that is AGAINST jews interests.

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The Samson option targeting European capitals or Moscow is TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE.
It would mean the total and final extermination of the Jew from Eurasia and it would mean a wave of unprecedented antisemitism in the US.
Please, please, Israel, nuke Europe.

Psalms 2:1-6
Psalms 83:3-8
Joel 3:1-16


I share your grief. Same goes for any metropolitan shithole in the white world including my own country. Immigrants problem and degenerates problem solved automatically.

Please IsraHELL nuke Rome. It would be an improvement.

Also all 28,000 Jews living in Italy would be lynched.

Fucking kikes are enemies to humanity itself

They tried preemptively attacking a bunch of Arab states?

Yeah nah. It isn't the 1960s anymore dude. Iran and Syria both have SAM systems capable of blowing western tech out of the sky courtesy of Russia. Even the shitty export models are superior to everything the Yids have.

In fact, as of that stupid tomahawk attack, Syrian S300 countermeasures have a better track record than the Iron fucking Dome.

Basically if it comes to war, Israel no longer has the tech edge, and they rely ENTIRELY on air power and a handful of decent tanks.

Dialectical Materialism applied to foreign affairs.
"The Capitalists plan for every possible situation, we only plan for what is going to happen."

Lucky for you Putin is a pussy

>Yeah nah. It isn't the 1960s anymore dude. Iran and Syria both have SAM systems capable of blowing western tech out of the sky courtesy of Russia.
Yea they used them to destroy all the tomahawk missiles during the last strike lel.

>they get BTFO by God.
Not gonna happen.
Jews have become the whore of babylon and will be destroyed.
Have fun falling away judaizer.

>supreme leader ali
>cant even spell khomeini
the absolute state of journalism