CNN declares anti-Trump comedian Wolf winner not Trump

Michelle Wolf's rant against Americans who voted for Trump, jokes about abortions, and jokes about Sarah Huckabee's weight were great according to CNN.

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everyone at that dinner is a piece of shit

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Doesn’t realize trump does what wolf did on a daily basis and controversy is the sole reason why he won.

It’s like the goys enjoy dancing for us!


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Looks familiar

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So fat shaming is okay now

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I've seen even CNN anchors say the event was horrible and it played in trumps hands considering he went to a rally with the people instead.

I used to be against any form of wife beating, but jesus christ if someone's wife acted the way she did or made the same passive agressive tone she made during that speech I'd understand why they'd give em a good belting.

:^) I love it when I’m right.

considering it seems it is, people should start shaming Michelle for that ugly mug of hers

Stunning photo!

She really couldn't have been more of a jewish caraciture.

Why didn't she made any joke about Trump being Orange?

That’s an opinion piece. Multiple people on CNN have came out and said that she went too far. Quit baiting you fucking bitch.

Her whole performance was just another episode of "The left can't meme"

... and it's beautiful


And It's Beautiful

>Trump wasn't even there.
>CNN still has to let people know that Wolf was the winner, not Trump.
Yeah, I think she might have lost.

You’re probably a Jew so shut the fuck up

Sanders seemed genuinely upset which is understandable considering she's the genuine article. Did Wolf make any comments about Trump being partly responsible for North Korea disarming its entire nuclear program?

Was thinking this too,

How the fuck was he going to "win" a dinner he didn't even go to

>also "winning a dinner"
Everybody snowflake does need a prize these days

So carrot top is a tranny? When did this happen

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he's 100% correct

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>b-b-b-ut she said mean things about us!

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I skimmed over the vid and most people didn't even laugh

bad batch of roids. Was actually onions.

Donald Trump was the big winner of the 2016 election, not Hillary

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Never interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake. These people are undoing decades of previous democrats work. I think we should keep letting them fuck up. This kind of thing just serves to further alienate the average voter from the Democratic party. They're circling the drain, but are too stupid to realise it.


They keep talking about how there is an attack on the media. Uh no, the media is garbage and they have lost trust. It's not our fault, it's their fault for chasing money. Fox news pioneered this in the early 2000s.


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They should all be destroyed.

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Where's Don Imus when you need him...

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I love Trump.
I’ll vote for him again.
But stop acting like he doesn’t do the exact same thing when he shit talks about other people’s weight, disabilities and other fucked up shit.
I accept it, because that’s the NY Italian ass hole type personality, but let’s not fake shock when the left does it back.

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literally a who?

some jew??

Who is Michael Cohen?

Crude abortion jokes ftw

More fake outrage from conservative liars. When the outrage is being caused on their side, far from complaining, they love it and double down For 18 months, I watched Trumptards on the campaign trail at Trump rallies. Here are just a few of the t-shirts worn by those in attendance: Fuck Your Feelings, Hang That Bitch, Hillary Is A Cunt, 2016 Don't Re-nig, Slavery Gets Shit Done, Put The White Back In The White House, Hang That Bitch, Rope Tree Journalist - Some Assembly Required. I could go on and on but you get the gist. I watched Trump's supporters openly assault protesters and the press as Trump egged them on. I watched for a year and a half as Trump talked about imprisoning and beating political opponents as his supporters cheered and spit at reporters and the media.
And now, all of a sudden, you fascist faggots are suddenly offended by a few jokes?
Fuck you.

you know I want to vote for Trump but then he does retarded shit like let in 800 caravan illegal immigrants and I can't support him again. Like wtf can't he just do what he says for once

Trump has no principles and I can't trust a man with no principles

>CNN declares
to a bunch of people in airport terminals watching youtube videos on their Iphones?

Nobody cares what CNN says. They're not even entertaining, at least FOX has Tucker.


They are desperate to be recognised, just like Eminem was.

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People are offended that they sent an unfunny no name comedian at the behest of the evil kike media to do a 15 minute verbal attack on the President.

Liberals are offended because Trump defeated the entire process by not showing up and letting this talentless cunt hang herself.

This is a great shirt. I wish I had one.

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People are mad

>literally mission accomplished for a comedian

No. The cringy part will be when Trumpfags, who honestly don't realize how outnumbered they really are, go out and try to restart the civil war they want so badly....and get exterminated. That will be cringy.

Didn't she have sex with a dog?

>literally mission accomplished

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That doesn't even make sense retard. Why would you cringe at something you obviously want?

>he does retarded shit like let in 800 caravan illegal immigrants
He had no choice. If they come to the border and claim a need for political protection, the US must allow them in.
Blame the fucked up immigration law and those who don't want to change it.

>fake outrage
Who the fuck are you to tell me my outrage is fake?

>he thinks the majority of people will support the kikes in a civil war
You should try getting out of the bath house once in a while

Yeah. Totally!

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>he does retarded shit like enforcing the law

Turn off your memeflag, you're a disgrace to Dixie

Poor dog.

Turns out the truth in comedy is triggering a lot of pol-flakes

Wow, was the homophobic part neccessary? This is the hypocrisy of the left in one post. Do you still cry when you hear President Trump?

Why are you so mad?

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Was Tom Gropaw there?

as if the gatekeepers of the perception of reality are suddenly going to concede that they lost

>tfw poured all of your squandered youth into dozens of aborted fetuses

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God damn is she ugly. Is she Wasserman-Schultz offspring?

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She never joked about Sarah's weight--if you watch the whole thing she shits on CNN, morning Joe, everyone.

52 I might have believed, but there are in all honesty plenty of women aged 52 who look far better.
Maybe 62 with dyed hair.

If you need to state it in the title, then the opposite is true.


How mad will you be when trump wins again in 2020? Do you think you'll have some sort of break down?

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>jokes are so disgustingly crass and snarky even CNN can't get behind in the mainstream
>still hate trump though
>change the name of the writer and slap opinion on the side article

did that bitch even exist before the dinner?

Damage control. It also looked like they were flooding the youtube comments section, in order to get people to ignore their lying eyes and ears. Surely nobody in their right mind, thought that was anything but cringe.

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comedians are supposed to make people laugh but i guess thats what happens when everyone is a humorless self-censoring politically correct jackass

My God!

>But stop acting like he doesn’t do the exact same thing when he shit talks about other people’s weight, disabilities and other fucked up shit
Every time he does that it's in response to something they already said. He never goes beyond what was first said to him by his target.

Trump is just giving them miles and miles of rope to lynch themselves

No normal person outside the beltway hears these "jokes" and thinks that they are right

Isn't the purpose of a comedian, to make people laugh? Either way, I thought this was the greatest thing I've ever seen. Could not have asked for a better showing from the establishment, it was a beautiful contrast from Trumps rally.

>Trump Chad Populist Rally vs Virgin Elitist Dinner

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The best part is that Trump had Sanders go to the dinner and then they mercilessly made fun of her

Any normal woman is going to feel bad for Sanders and hopefully "feminists" can begin to wake up. The evil feminists can separate themselves from the naive "gurl power" feminists and realize the democrats have jumped the shark

Honestly the only jokes that were out of line were the sarah huckabee jokes

Trumps not italian

aww did the comedian trigger you? do you need a safe space?


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I'm not sure it was really that bad. If you think about it Joan Rivers would have been more abusive. But she would have been funnier.

Right, because voter fraud didn't happen and it was her turn?

If we were really outnumbered how did he get elected? Even with machines switching votes, illegals voting, dead mother fuckers voting, EVERY STATE REPORTED FRAUD, and you still think she had a chance?

Trump won by a fucking landslide, Hillary couldn't even win by cheating.

How can you not see how outnumbered YOU are? Is it because math is racist?

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>according to cnn
>and thats a good thing

Except the left claims thats body shaming. Its the hypocrisy not the comments that make people mad

she's not even funny she's a fucking shill

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>Stop trying to apply our rules to us!
Sorry bigot no more fat shaming for you

I thought you all died of aids? John podesta murdered your co-workers who "quit".

Not really but i have trigger ready to pull on your troll ass

>>and thats a good thing
Why does everyone keep saying this?

How brutal is the Trump Curse going to be to her?

The reason Trump let them i. Is bootlicking faggots like you who will vote for him no matter what. Trump has 0 push back from the right so he caves to the left.

How about you take off your meme flag, shill.

Google the phrase. It's a shitty line that liberals put in way, way too many of their articles on various ""news and/or opinion"" sites and it's apparently starting to become a meme which I for one think is a great idea.