Teenagers at getting sneaky about vaping in school. Pic related
Teenagers at getting sneaky about vaping in school. Pic related
Let the kids vape. Back in my day all types of goombas and tittlywomps were doing all types of drugs in the bathroom. Vaping is tame comparably
teens are allowed to vape if they don't get caught
id rather catch my kid vaping than smoking black tar
Is there an age limit on vapes? Can students use vapes on campus?
The whole enjoyment of my childhood was having a crafty cig in school toilets/various neighbouring gardens.
id rather my kid smoke black tar. at least they would get real life experiences instead of being a hipster pussy
why can't they vape with their vaginas. That would be really liberal if you know what I mean.
how is that sneaky? those things produce a huge cloud of whatever the fuck it is
They vape weed and its odorless that way.
But you have to burn weed to release THC was always my understanding. Are these CBD vapes?
>When I was a kid, girls would take parasitic worm eggs to lose weight
>We put cigarettes in our sandwiches
>We hung niggers on trees
This is nothing
odorless? you ever tried that? it still smells, just not as strong or for as long.
and they are complete sluts by that age
Those are teenagers...?
I hate thots and that but that thotstance gets me sometimes especially in shorts
Better to vape than smoke cigarettes you turbovirgin
holding a cig in a coke can always worked well. been vaping for 3 days after 20 years of smoking. Jow Forums needs me alive.
How based is this cunt
No. 18 yr old family member told me you can't smell it. Maybe you can a bit.
Dude they’re 16
Day of the rake isn't coming fast enough
You're just wrong. Vaporizing THC is better and gets you more high because it doesn't burn it
I fail to see a problem
Vaporizing the flower, or bud, causes smoke and a LOT of odor. Vaporizing the oil, or wax, is less smoke, less odor. The odor fades quicker due to it being a vapor from oil and not plant matter.
If you know what THC smells like, you'll know, the chemical itself has a distinct smell.
that's the age of consent over here. Literally the only thing that makes this country bearable is that I can bang highschoolers like it's dazed and confused.
If she smokes she pokes
>Is there an age limit on vapes?
In the United States, since e-cigarettes are a nicotine product, users need to be 18 to purchase liquids and delivery devices, and to vape. Exceptions include Alabama and Utah (19 yrs), and Oregon and California (21 yrs).
Nicotine-free liquids are not exempt from smoking laws.
Can students use vapes on campus?
Many university systems have enacted a no-smoking policy, which also extends to e-cigarettes. This is poorly enforced, if it's enforced at all. University police are generally busy with traffic enforcement.
Exception is if student is vaping some sort of cannabinoid product, to which the police will throw a giant get-together party and issue a prize in the form of handcuffs.
you only need to get it to a certain temperature
It reeks. Trust me, that's how I got caught lol.
It's weird nowadays. The girls look older and the boys look younger. Must be gay frogs or something.
They should be allowed to vape. I was a smoker in high school, and going the entire school day without a smoke was torture.
In Aus they fall under the same laws as tobacco.
You don't vape the weed itself for oderless you vape the oil carts that they sell, and the oder depends majority on the strain, grape ape was fruity as fuck but if you get something with the traditional smell you can definitely smell it if you are there for the exhale
If she vapes, she gapes
damn I look younger than these "teenagers"
vape fags are such annoying homos, goddamn
It's essentially aeresolized thc
toppest of keks m8
>No. 18 yr old family member told me you can't smell it. Maybe you can a bit.
Wow, what an argument you imbecile. Also seriously fuck off, gramps.
>Vaporizing the flower, or bud, causes smoke
vaporizing anything doesn't create smoke but vapor. That's the point of it.
It’s whatever but people think they are soooooooooooooooo cool that they vape. Like “look at me, look how edgy and cool I am.” It’s not my thing but whatever
tobacco companies are finished for good. the juul the real deal.
Some of these products are poorly made and you do end up burning material.
Just kill yourself now, degenerate addict
source? looks old enough to smoke to me
what made you think this was a worthwhile addition?
>calls me degenerate
>literally a dog fucking leaf
>muh hipster
Hipsters smoke cigarettes dude
damn fucking normies ruined all the meme
smoking is for fags
kids shouldnt vape though, its better then smoking obviously but still not good. but they are going to anyways. nobody was able to stop me in high school from smoking weed. i wasnt able to pass math class until i started showing up high. but in retrospect that wasnt wise, since cannabis is a lot more dangerous to the growing brain then the adult brain.
yeah this person doesnt know what theyre talking about, but I imagine thats good news for you.
btw we are going to start massacreing boomers soon so hurry up with that natural causes shit.
Checked. Got the cucumber mint flavor now. I bet juus are behind juul somehow.