I identify with my religion more than with my race.
I identify with my religion more than with my race
if you are not muslim you should reconsider, christianity is a weak religion that attracts weak people and foreigners
What's ur Tumblr? I wanna read more abt ur shitty life
t. lebbo christcuck
you're abrahamic cancer.
That's a good sheep, divide yourself from blood and suck the mutilated dick of khazars
The religion of Jow Forums is entirely defined by a single line of the bible, exodus 3.14
>God said to Moses, “ I AM WHO I AM.” And he said, “Say this to the people of Israel: ‘ I AM has sent me to you.’”
ill make my own race / species and religion.
I shall go back in time and call them Jews.
noice thread we got going here aye nigger ?
You niggers and voodoo.
Voodoo ? WHERE?!?!?!?!?!?! Im scared.
oh wait thats not fear.
If you identify with any religion - why are you on cesspool of degeneracy such as Jow Forums? This strikes
me the most when I see religious fags on here.
>I identify with my religion more than with my race.
>t. sandnigger
>If you identify with any religion - why are you on cesspool of degeneracy such as Jow Forums?
you think pic related is good?
Is it really just a cesspool of degeneracy anymore? I think it's grown past that, long ago.
I would hope so. A religion is selected based on beliefs and faith, you were born with your race and it has zero meaning or beliefs attached to it. FFS.
have a song for a good post.
are you a christian catholic by any chance?
Christianity is the truth of everything.
Of course its more important than race, even though race is important as well but in a different way.
The two shouldnt be compared
>sealed archives.
yeah ok.
More often than not Christianity has a bluepilling effect on people (just empirically speaking). Jow Forums Christians tend to be exceptions (though unfortunately there are plenty of fedora-tier christians here too).
No reason to push back with the no true Scotsmans guy, it is just an empirical fact.
>the cesspool has grown
now it's a cesslake
There are more nonwhites who are devout Christians that whites who are registered as Christian in any way(census, parish birth records, for marriage, etc.)
>it is just an empirical fact.
lol so your uninformed meme opinions are empirical facts. Gotcha boi.
And whites are losing while nonwhites are winning. Coincidence?
So god doesn't play favourites? Good to know that's the god we are supposed to be worshipping, and that is apparently a core part of our white heritage
You don't make any sense. Go to your hugbox then try again, Autismo.
And L2English while you're at it.
Voodoo is half Catholic anyway.
>Voodoo is half Catholic anyway.
American education.
Maybe where you're from, faggot.
That why ''religion'' is wrong
>That why ''religion'' is wrong
Grow up.
Nice bait are you a (you) collector bot or something?
How's that Christianity doing to prevent the violent tendencies of Latin Americans or Africans.
And speaking of Africans how's that whole thing working out for the Boer versus the Bantu...
Oh wait, it ISN'T.
Religion doesn't magically make everyone get along user. If everyone was Christian there would still be violence, genocide, ect. Your people will accept you and embrace you and together you can protect each other and build stable beautiful communities and countries. Your people share your values and your tendencies. And with group identity will vote in their best interest. Religion will not and hasn't accomplished this and never will.
Religion is for pussies. How can you explain the universe in a single book ?