What are you doing about the bully problem Jow Forums? bullies are the real niggers...

what are you doing about the bully problem Jow Forums? bullies are the real niggers. bullying makes shutin NEETs who contribute nothing to society (me) and should be banned! no bully

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Pope francis is a bully


You can't stop bullying. You can only prepare yourself for it.

The problem is that modern bullies are too soft
Autistic losers need to get the shit beaten out of them

Maybe if we taught kids to stand up for themselves instead of running away from their problems and expecting others to take care of them, then the world wouldn't be in the state that it's in.

How do her eyes go through her hair?

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bullies. i hope your school gets shot up

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Poor little baby boy didn't have a daddy and can't get over some gentle ribbing in school.

early and often

>i hope your school gets shot up
Me too. Way to many weenies here.
>It's bullying to say that people should deal with their own problems
Wew lad

What the fuck is this shit you fucking nigger?

Attached: Faggot.jpg (482x672, 39K)

>deal with their own problems
is the same as
>make problems for others by bullying
you are a nigger
pic related bully normie

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Learn to draw you fucking faggot

>>deal with their own problems
>is the same as
>>make problems for others by bullying
>Sorting your own shit out is bullying

The problem is not bullying, the problem is that you can't push back without punishment

>i drew the images post
you are a idiot normie
>bullying other people is their fault
good post normie. back to plebbit you go since you're too cool for this anime board

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Bullying will make you stronger.

if youre a male and got bullied, you should just accept you are weak and bullied for that sole reason, so
you can identify with something to work on, your weakness. use all of that emotional damage and channel
it into self-discipline and becoming stronger. you'll come out a better man, hopefully, and never bullied again.
if you dont, dont expect anyone to come over there and give you a hug. weak men are disgusting and makes
everyone want to stay away from you.

>mutts pro bullying
>mutts schools shot up so oftne they will lose their right to guns
>mutts are not nigg....

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Then you just have no taste.

>anglo man channels his rage of having to watch pakis rape his sister into bullying people

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see, you just proved you're a shitty person, and deserved every ounce of bullying you

>claims hes strong
>doesnt address the root of his problem (pakis raping his sister)
>refuses to see the hypocracy
>continues to bully

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>posting little anime girls
>being a leech on the system
>whining that he got bullied

youre obviously a total beta male who doesnt want to accept
any responsibility and just wants pity and in all part of the problem
we're all facing. off yourself retard, at least i never got bullied. ive seen
men from the worst parts of the world attain success, and theyve had it
much more tough than you

You're a weak faggot

The bigger problem is that schools and society want to punish people for fighting back. They’re castrating them and allowing it to turn into a bigger deal than would otherwise be if they let the kids learn and deal with things on their own.

Stop parents from teaching children that pacifism works in a vacuum.
You can't resist a bully if your mind is dead set on never physically responding as there is nothing to back up verbal responses other than the treat of "I'll tell the teacher/parents" which is counterproductive.

stop being a bitch.

This is what often creates silently accumulating hatred to the point of spectacularly snapping (and in the case of the US using a firearm).

t. sóyboy numale
>was bullied once in middle school
>defended myself once and never had any issues
>changed schools and became a bully in highschool with a couple of mates
>was an ass all around, put chewing gum in people's shoes during gym class, blocked other kids in toilet stalls, threw people's food on the ground, constantly made fun of some dumb or ugly dudes
>drove a nigga into depression and made everyone hate him, even teachers, he was a legit dumb fuck
If anything, bullying was fun as hell.

This honestly. Never choose to be the victim, even if you are.

Yay, a thread for faggots and roasties. Sage.

as other anons said, without bullies the special snowflakes have free reign to be retarded, and nobody is gonna give them a reality check. that being said there are purely toxic bullies, but they are mostely caused by shitty home life, and abusive parents. so maybe do something about that?

also the special snowflakes will band together in groups of similar snowflakes, and we then are further and further divided, and that leads to conflict. take japan for example, they are crazy hard bullies, but they also have very low crime, and little conflict. a homogenous society NEEDS bullies.

pic sauce pls?

Bullies are necessary evil. Without them everyone will be fat, ugly and dumb.

bullies keep betas in check

>is a weakling beta
>telling other people to go back to plebbit
Are we hurting your fee fee's, faggot?

get out normie

Most bullying is interracial. Also, a major problem is that good children are practically brainwashed to never EVER fight back. There are even zero-tolerance policies where if you defend yourself, you get in just as much trouble, if not more. What this results in is bullies who basically have free rein to do as they please, with everyone else conditioned like pavlov's dogs to just take it and not do anything about it.

Bullying doesn't create NEETs. Shit Parenting creates NEETs.

No, bullies force the weak to become strong and achieve something, or to kill themselves, thereby removing the weakness from society.

Bullies aren't a menace, they are a fucking public service.


This. Also bullism make people sissy faggots

source: me

>What are you doing about the bully problem Jow Forums?
I'm going to bully harder to make up for this bigoted oppression against bullies who perform an important public service of making nerds stop being so fucking weird.

I got bullied because I was a scrawny kid, but one day I just snapped and jumped on him and kept hitting him in the face until his friends pulled me off of him. I immediately took off to the bus and I heard all his friends laughing at him because he got beat up by me. Then the next day nobody would talk to me because I “was crazy”. Then I got suspended when the school heard about it. Go figure. Saw the guy at a party years later and he was like 6’6 and 280 and me (being 5’9 and 165) went up and said “hey remember when I kicked your ass in middle school?” And he luckily had a sense of humor and could tell I was making a joke about because he would destroy me these days. We had a beer and things were cool. Get over it you fucking whiners. Just fucking hit the guy. And don’t stop.

if you get bullied that means your parents didn't want you to stand up for yourself. It's a problem of bad parenting.

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Sweet guy

Pile drived a jewish kid in middle school. Fucking beautiful

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I don't know about you but in my school the bullies were the ones with literal untermensch features and IQs.

I was bullied a fair amount in school as I was small and slightly autistic.
It ends when you 1. fight back and 2. don't care about words.

How old are you OP? I'm a neet as well. Although my country is quite forgiving if you choose the NEET life

>posting Hijiri-sama
Based incel