Tied up and covered in paint and cemen

tied up and covered in paint and cemen


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The virgin paedophile on the run vs. The Chad paedophile president

what did they do?

are they really pedophiles or did they fuck some 16 yr old girl like a normal person

Convicted pedophiles

>White, from south Armagh, was jailed in 1998 for five counts of sexual assault on a teenage boy, and was released in 2003.

>Lydiard, from Bessbrook, has nine convictions including for sexual assault and was freed earlier this year.

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>9 convictions

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Here's the video of their arrest


Child rapist James White was jailed for two counts of buggery and five charges of sexual assault — on a 14-year-old boy

Pedos should simply be hanged.

i can read the article.

this still doesn't say if they're actually pedophiles (fucking children) or just fucking teens who are like 15-16.

If it were in India they would have been killed on spot or given death sentence.

>If it were in India they would have been killed on spot or given death sentence.

After being raped of course

molester mouth is real

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I guess this is related.


This channel also uploads a bunch of peadophile sting videos. They're hilarious.

In the 2nd link with the video is says one of them was convicted of having sex with a 14 year old boy that he had offered a job to
It also says they were planning to get married.

Haha I love my country sometimes. They were on the run from the Republic of Ireland and tried to escape north. The Northern Irish police told the populous to be on the lookout and that happened. Their official word was not to condone violence or vigilantism but were “pleased with the public response”.

They're lucky that is only what happen. Nordies are known to do worse



If the ridiculous hate crime laws IN the UK were removed, Something far more worse than this would happen to the Pakistani origin goat fuckers responsible for the sex grooming scandals.

If only the politicians weren't such shitstains.
But a man can dream.

>Both had sustained injuries and have been taken to hospital for treatment

>Wasted opportunity to dress up like a superhero and act like you caught them

I wonder whether this would have happened if they weren't white

It happened in Northern Ireland, the last un-cucked place in the UK.

Isn't if only London that is pro brown rape? That shit doesn't happen beyond the port city and immediate surrounding rural space does it?

>can't use guns
>can't use knives
>use cement and paint
>high capacity assault paints and military grade cement

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They were lucky they wasn't kneecapped or became one of the 'disappeared'.



These gentleman don’t look “Asian” at all either. #NotAllMuslims

He fucked a 14 year old boy in the arse and they didn't take the opportunity to cut his balls off?

at least 80% of chomos share this one trait!

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and here's jeff bezos before his facial reconstruction. :thinking:

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one more

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Nice. Good work.

They were very lucky. They were spotted in a car, then that car got rammed, so they parked it then the tyres were slashed but they managed to find another car to use in the area which suggests someone was helping them. I'm pretty sure it was Irish gypsies that caught them. If the police had of arrived 20mins later those two men would be dead right now cus I know personally a few people that were on the way to them two. Police gave them an escort ambulance to the hospital and a heli stayed to protect them. Public examples are necessary to help stop this problem.

I'm a bit proud of us today.

Honestly, we are. It has to be about 95% white here still. One thing everyone says when they come here for the first time "this is thee whitest place"

yeah, you caught and abused two natives outside the rule of law. congrats. you just showed all the muslims that shariah is acceptable. you SHOULD be proud.

having lips?

no one dead .. thats a good thing .. maybe we learn something

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post your lips, chomo.

I don't get it.

Meanwhile muslim pedos in the UK get a medal.

Why are pedophiles hanging out together?
My experience as a hebephile is that I don't want to discuss that with anyone else ever.

They wanted to get married

So wait.. they were released from jail after their sentences. Why were they on the run? Did they re-offend recently?


Based Irish Republicans.
Child molesters forgot they were entering South Armagh.

what the fuck is buggery?

>Northern Ireland
>South Armagh
>Brit Flag

Don't think so, son.

Sodomy. Ass rape.

anal seks

Northern Ireland is in the UK, sonny jim

Now they can start doing the same to the arab pedos.

Oh wait, they can't because they're still cucks.

Sure thing. Just like Santa Cantarina is in "Brazil".

Very lucky they didn't get cemented in a river. Animal abuse a pedos bring out uk vigilantes in droves

This happened in northern Ireland. They were on the run and fled north.

Yeah I don't know why the headline isn't 'child rapists' instead of paedophiles. You'd think it'd be a more gripping headline.
Or maybe they WANT readers to be curious about what they actually did, enough to open the article? Clever

penor in butt

When you mug an insect.

We don't have the Amerian gay culture in prison.


South Armagh is bandit country. Why it might be legally part of the Jew K, those people are some of the most anti-British in the world. Hardly a victory for the UK.


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Based EspañaBro

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Paint and cement are a modern version of tar and feathers

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10 or 20 years ago they would have been shot dead in that same town.

That is bitchin! Made my Coffee and a morning cancer stick so much more enjoyable. Thanks, bong

It's hard to find good quality tar and feathers these days.

Bongs aren't responsible for this. This happened on Irish soil.

That's super disgusting to me but I have a kid that age so it makes sense to me. What are you? 18-21? You still don't understand that they are children. When you get older it'll give you the creeps too.

dialating a kids asshole with his middlestick

They wouldn't have done that to Muslims

Y'all, yes. You deserve to be proud of those citizens. The police, never. Your police are pathetic. I'd rather have trigger happy cops than useless ones that troll the internet for wrong think all day.


They were escorted across the Donegal border by the Guards last week and told not to come back. It's NI where they are wanted by the law not the South.

So in Britain you're only allowed to molest and rape children if your skin is the same color as shit?

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Basically yeah

Thank you potato niggers? Good to know though, thanks, honest.

The act of converting a child to liberalism and the LBGT community.

Also, am I the only one getting an unusual amount of "upload failed" today? i notice it's directly proportional to the amount of general off-topic shilling.

This is my 8th attempt to post in this thread alone.

One of them is a Colombian goblin and not native and no idea even why the filthy mongrel is in our country.

You mean black down low culture

>Bongs are now on the Brazilian street justice level

London will soon look like Rio I hope

only without hot dickgirls

There was a notice up earlier saying something like no image posting or something like that. It now says this

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your daughter is legal in alabama and could have a train run on her tonight if she was determined enough.


It's always the leafs who spot these things

Why don’t we kill evil people in big angry mobs anymore?

Hate to break it to you pops, but the average girl is biologically an adult by the time she’s 15. You can think of her as a child because she’s been mentally and emotionally stunted by our society but nature thinks of her as a woman.

You aren’t finishing developing mentally until you’re 25. And teenage girls have significantly higher odds of birth complications. There’s a reason why people married in their early 20’s for most of history.

16 year age of consent is sex bätäng

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im ok with this.

Expect lots more vigilantism soon.

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There's literally nothing wrong with being a hebephile.

do that to a paki and you get 20 years in jail for hate crime lmao
god save the queen amirite

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