Saving Christianity is more important than saving the white race

Saving Christianity is more important than saving the white race.

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yes :) i think a good idea would be to import more africans, however, since they have no religious ties. :)
also for white intelligent men, we should force them to adopt celibacy :) as that what would YH- I mean Jesus
would want :) so open your borders and leave bibles by them. also did you know Israel needs to be preserved?

Why not both?

Picture related

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ok i have to ask about seafood

I do this and I'm not Christian. It's also a faulty argument since being a Christian =! being a perfect Christian.

Good thing for you most Christians are non-white then.

>what is Acts 15?

Advancing the human race beyond religion, and tribalism is more important than anything.

I believe if coloured people truly adopt the teachings of Christianity, then a world without whites won’t be hell on Earth. Sadly, the people flooding Europe don’t share our western values, and the way things are going, a world without whites will be hell on Earth.

What's the difference?

enjoy your based christian border hoppers

>this is what christcucks actually believe
there’s a reason the Romans had you retards executed

Christianity is a form of judism, so fuck that.

I'd gladly give up what little christianity we still have here to save our people

it's another 'I don't follow your religion so let me tell you how you should follow it so you can do what I want' kike puppet

>Saving Jewish propaganda is more important than saving the target of Jewish propaganda
Christcucks are the fucking problem.

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Sure if everyone in the world truly completely obeyed the bible and never committed any sins like murder and stealing then the world would be good. But that will never happen.

This is why we can't have nice things

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dumb frogposter

Which religion allows me to worship strong woman with abs and big titties?

I'm eyeing Greek polytheism right now, but I'm open to alternatives.

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I think the Hindus have some sort of warrior goddess with 10 huge tits or something. Might look into that.

Religion's for queers.
And judging by the quality of non-white women, y'all must be queer for being ethnonationalists as well.

But there's nothing wrong with queers or anything.

There is no Christianity without the white race. Every time it's given to muds it devolves into voodoo.

The white race is synonymous with Christianity

>what is aksum

why do you keep making this thread?

There is no god. And if there's one, it's just a guy playing Starcraft with humans against other gods. That's why they can't do powerful stuff.

No. Religion can always come back, genetics can't. Just look at how communist east Europe became Christian again, in fact more Christian than western europe

>being this blue pilled
holy shit

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its shareblue, clearly. ffs there are pol-tards who dont recognize shilling still?

I'm okay with this, society should stop doing all of those things

t. Scrawny NEET who watches scifi all day

Once the whites are gone, the world is literally over. Non-whites aren't human.

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OK, lets go through this on last time:
>Christianity without whites will fail
>Whites without Christianity will degenerate into barbarism.

Ask that to pagan Europe or Christian Africa.

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The day that whites are gone from the earth forever is the day that the earth ends in fire. Jews are white. Jews must survive til the end. Once the last Jew dies the world will be destroyed and remade.

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not kosher

Generally accurate, but there's no reason to think that something being more important means that the other is worthless. The demographic loss is a scary thing, but defending what is true and good is more important necessarily. You can't defend something material without a worldview to base the judgement on so of course the correct worldview is necessarily the most important.
Well seafood and mixed fabrics was only a sin to Judaism but besides that, yes please lets stop doing this as a people. We would all improve.

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is that falmouth beach, cornwall?

LITERALLY the earth would not exist without whites. Earth was make with mankind in mind. Once mankind (aka whites) are gone, the world will literally be burned up and will be recreated with new heavens and new earth.

As for your LARPagan stuff, you'll spend time in hell for that if you don't repent.

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Not sure. I saved the image at one point and never titled it.

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Is that the real agenda behind white genocide?

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White race is killing itself.
Praise the lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
If got wishes, he will intervene for us.
He seems happy to sit back and observe for now, our people have fallen from his grace.
He has infinite mercy, he may save us yet.

>degenerate into barbarism
That's exactly what we need though

>Confusing ceremonial law with moral law
How dumb can atheists be? Christians eat pork because the rule about not eating pig's meat is ceremonial law for the then Jews. It was ceremonial, to mark the "people of god", but since the NT, only moral law applies. The tattoo one is dumb as well, in the OT, the Jews shouldn't mark their bodies as in tattoos with tribal or gang association.

thanks for the reminder that christians aren't our ally. the romans should have never been so tolerant and should have stamped it out 1900 years ago.

this is why christianity is incompatible with white interests. it's pathetic to see people cling to this judaic nonsense. grow the fuck up.

Shinto. I'm sure there are musclegirl depictions of Shinto goddesses somewhere on pixiv or the boorus.

This, remember folks Jesus only ever preached no holds barred violence against 2 kinds of people, bankers and pedos!

>1 post by this ID

You're posting in a leftypol thread

jews are not white

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