STOP defamation of Poland!

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>mfw can pronounce brzęczyszczykiewicz

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szczuczyn, kielce and Pawłokoma

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>30 minutes of rambling
Please Andrzej, do I look like I want to give you this much of my time?
Fucking youtubers. I miss old YT with 10 minutes limit.

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considering they killed like 50k of us i say it was quite fair
Gotta say, very shameful. Nothing makes my blood boil like the murder of innocents.
But why do you care? Thought you hated Jews, but now you're angry that jews died?
same thing as szczuczyn

Szczuczyn was just regular murders done by some drunk fags who couldn't laid, Pawłokoma was on ukrainans so don't care. Kielce were lead by commies.

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not what i said at all just proving you are the dindus of europe

>same thing as szczuczyn
I thought kielce was false flag by the SU to curb anti-communist stances in polish population, and a show of force to expel returning polish jews

In pawłokoma like 10 jews died, it was anti Ukrainian couter opperation after what the animals in Galicien did

Jedwabne, Wąsosz

the holocaust was just countersemitism to what jews did the germans

>we are the dindus of europe
i thought it was germany

You can't even find a actual mass murdering done by Poles, try harder.

did it happen?

spoken like a real dindu


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ofcourse the numbers are just wrong because they also left to palestina

CUZ WE DINDU NUFFIN EN ITS TRU, we loved kikes and we love them still.

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you sure do

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He was sentenced to jail.

why does that even matter?

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Is working for €5/h enough for you, Piotr?

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Definitely germans. Ruining Europe every hundred years and no one acknowledge that. I wish it was like that: france, russia and poland between.

good video. have stopped defamation. would stop again.

just following orders

still, they wanted it

and they got punished for it unlike you obvious guilty poles

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you should be happy the germans killed of your jews and the remaining ones left for israel making poland such a homogeneous society

That was best Poland :(

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you don't dislike the ukranians for what they did to you now?

how can you be mad at dog for pissing on your carpet and biting too hard sometimes. it's just a dog

That's a bad dog, It's your fault for not training it properly.

Only bandera lovers, which is actually quite big %, but those from east are acceptable.

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2002 census, there were 1,055 Jewish people in Poland. In the 2011 census, however, that number had grown to 7,353

the menace keeps returning again and again

There's at least 1M+ with full or partial Jewish roots

sorry to hear that

it would be hard for there to not have any jewish roots in this country
keep in mind we lived with the jews in relative peace for hundreds of years

I'm a 6'2 Jew with brown hair and green eyes

Have worked on Wall St, 160 IQ, speak 4 languages


Those ukrops just make me laugh, I can't even be mad at them, pathetic.

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>Result: German victory
>Territorial changes:Destruction of the city

good job

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We are loosing uprisings on purpose, so we can be martyrs of the nations.

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No hate against poles OK? Ok

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