Jordan Peterson

how can this man be so smart and so right on everything - except white identity and how to prevent whites from becoming minorities? how can he be so wrong and right at the same time?

Attached: peterson.jpg (1024x534, 289K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Because blaming the Jew is an excuse. He's not interested in excuses, just living properly.

Sheltered life away from minorities like every boomer who advocates civic nationalism. They didnt go to schools with Ahmed, Muhammed and the rest.

too much time at university.
he's willing to touch subjects his colleagues wont, but even race realism is too frightening for him.

who mentioned Jews anywhere?
you can be legitimately concerned about your people being replaced (because it's happening according to govt census data) without Jews entering the equation at all

basically you failed to answer the question

Civic nationalists who think race doesnt matter ignore the fact that people always prefer to work with people of their own race, even if theyre not race realists. Which results in disadvantage for people who work against their own race as civic nationalists while the rest of the races, jews blacks asians etc work together against the whites inside their own groups.

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Because whites aren't gonna become minorities, retards.

I am Greek.

I may be a shit cunt.

But I am Greek.

You can't hate me.

Humanity as we know it has an unquenchable thrust for my ethnicity through society, science, philosophy math and popular culture.

I will die as a nobody and nothing, but at least I was born to Greek parents, from a small civilization that will exist in the minds and hearts of every human being on the planet until the day we're extinct or leave the earth.

In a few hundred thousand years time when humans have started populating planets outside of our solar system they will all have Greek names.

Greeks have forever been imprinted on humans. You? You will have nothing, you will be non-factor. Greeks number less than Jews in the world. Untouched non-Ottomised Greeks number even less than that.

You can't even comprehend this shit.

>*speaking to the audience immediately after he points out how his followers are overwhelmingly white males* collectives are bad! the power is in the individual! do not identify as a group! remain atomized! people who follow groups are stupid!

*looks away from the mic to inhale*

>the jews deserve to be in the top positions even though they are 1% of the population because they're just smarter as a race. they also need to stick together. remember the 6 gorillion

t. juden peterstein

Yeah dont pay any attention the statistics, theyre meaningless haha....
stupid goym

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Which statistics retard

Fuck that ssri cuck.

Our struggle is life and death, "To be or not to be"


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Normally I'd agree but he's a university professor in Toronto, he sees this shit daily.

Are you new to this place Toothpaste? I dont have the shit saved up. Lurk more before posting shit here.

>being so delusional thinking anyone is gonna click all those youtube links

whites are becoming a minority rapidly according to mainstream govt census data
it's not a theory or an opinion it's a fact

We will take up the Iron cross, even if you will not.

He isnt a student. Teachers dont hang around young immigrants on the breaks. They dont have to form gangs to protect their asses from some other muslim gangs that form everytime theres enough of them. Theres a clear difference here.

Attached: know the difference.jpg (1204x794, 259K)

He's right about obvious stuff but just very eloquent about it. He's wrong when he gets to controversial subjects like nationalism largely due to reading so much about tyrannical systems that he's got some sort of syndrome now.

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>the statistics
which one?
>I don't have em
Retard, why do you even bring up statistics if you can't even show them. If you're unable to present evidence than the whole basis for your argument is invalid.
The whole argument you present is "I saw a bunch of stats on Jow Forums in the redpill threads, I didn't bother to check or save them but I just assume them to be true", whether I'm new or just pretending to be doesn't matter, what matters is how well you can defend your position and you've failed. Thus I will call you a retard once again.

Enjoy your stay, youre here forever.

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Im not here to spoonfeed you newguy, lurk more.

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Which consensus data? Give me a link, retard.
Okay, instead of showing me evidence you're gonna larp as being part of a group that will save the white race. Great stuff, retard.

>violent crime statistics
>rape statistics
>statistics on the number of slimes niggers that migrate to the eu and actually work
>statistics on the number of local arabic, jewish, and african countries that didn't accept the slime and nigger refugees
>statistics on the numbers of jewish running the programs to push slimes and niggers into white countries
lurk moar newfag. the holocaust did not happen but i wish it would

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dumb toothpastenigger

>Right about everything


>Retard, why do you even bring up statistics if you can't even show them
because a cursory google search will enlighten you, just real quick go and do your own research.
>spoonfeed me spoonfeed me!

>but even race realism is too frightening for him

He discusses it but doesn't account for the self-evident conclusions regarding demographics. He has to know but the cost of honesty is too high for him so he sort of dissembles.

Ironic considering his talk of always being honest. That's the core problem with his teachings on honesty. He never adequately discusses the costs of ruthless honesty. I wouldn't mind him holding his tongue on certain issues but when he attacks the moral character of people living up to his standards better than he is, in terms of being honest, then he's failing badly.

Also he has a problem speaking on subjects he knows little to nothing about. Lecturing on biblical stories he's admitted to never reading before is a bad sign. It shows a lack of humility and rigor that I'm almost certain is endemic to his entire methodology.

No money in being correct on this issue. In 30 years JP will only vaguely be remembered as some self-help quack who conned a bunch of money out of people.

He never said Jews should stick together anywhere in any of his videos. Or blacks, or la raza, or any other race. He might counter-signal white identity, but he’s no hypocrite.

There are threads about this stuff, you can always create new one and ask about this. Its okay everyone was new here once. retard

Hello there /MSG/ bro

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is it too hard for you to figure out that he has to toe the line to avoid being called wacsist?

Comrade Stalin is the closest being to god how dare you insult our father you monarcho cuck?

This infographic failed to mention that this site is literally called "the jewish response to refugee crisis", none is exactly hiding here anything.

JPIDF out in force today. What happened?

>he’s no hypocrite

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Here, just one example from the UK:

Oxford Professor and population expert David Coleman:
>I made a projection in 2010 that if immigration stayed at its long-term rate of around 180,000 a year as it was at the time, the White British-born population would decline from 80 per cent of the total then to just 59 per cent in 2051.
>Taking the projection to a more uncertain distance, the White British population would cease to be the majority in the UK by the late 2060s.
>However, should current high levels of immigration persist for any length of time, that date would move closer to the present. Britain would then become unrecognisable to its present inhabitants.


Now I will watch as you struggle desperately to disagree with this population expert from Oxford. Go on, show me your mental gymnastics to deny this data.

Go on.

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Soon you will rejoin are empire

Only basedboys are worried about ”tyranny”.

>anime posting
Not an argument

Watch as the toothpaste claims to be more knowledgeable than an expert from Oxford University and baselessly dismisses the data. Watch.

Calling it now.

You’ll become part of EUSSR boy.

>He never said Jews should stick together anywhere in any of his videos

True but he's wrong about the IQ average. That stat is bandied about carelessly but it's bullshit. Their IQ average is closer to East

I don't think nepotism is even necessary to explain their success but I can be honest on this. Guidance is incredibly important to success. A very high IQ (145 or higher) white boy from the midwest might be the only person within his social circle that smart and if no one around can help guide him at critical stages on college and choosing a major and so forth then there's a high chance they will fail. Christopher Langan's life story is a perfect example of this. Now take a Jew in a close knit community. Even if your parents are lame there's a chance you have an uncle or family friend who knows the score and can identify young talent and help early and often. So much of success is path dependent both individually and collectively.

At least we're not the one using the euro. You eurocuck

We will make you use euro. Sweden will become just a state of eussr.

what did he mean by this
JIDF is always here just say something negative about boomers and kikes im sure they will be here ranting about Sandniggers and how Israel is the only democracy in the west

Wrong you will be integrated and made to use the krona

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Tiny dick swede thinks he’s any match to EUSSR. Comrade Stalin himself guides us to victory.

Because as hes said hes visted the darkest reaches of human being within himself and it has scared the shit out of him. Identity politics feeds one of the beasts that dwells down there. He doeant want to feed that beast because he knows it cant be tamed, far better to leave it emaciated and weak.

Gör svergie lagom igen!

If he says the wrong think he loses his shekel bonanza.

How about this

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Attached: smug.png (777x656, 165K)

Virgin Fin wants syndicalist dick

>mfw OP's shit pic
the left can't may may

>hes visted the darkest reaches of human being within himself and it has scared the shit out of him
that's not my problem
failure to embrace the full extent of your own human nature isn't an argument

why is that beast so powerful? why do we have something so strong instinctually ingrained in ourselves? could there be a good reason?

really makes you think

Attached: hmm.png (212x238, 5K)

that's not a leftist meme

Syndicalist cucks go to gulag with monarchist scum. Slava Stalinu!

I'm not new you retard. But unlike you I don't fall back to group think and Jow Forums said so to defend my position. I'm purposely taking the counter stance here to get tasty (you)s and see how well you guys can present the facts. So far you guys failed miserly.
All a bunch of greentext and meme's yet zero content, fucking retard. I made a simple claim "whites aren't becoming minorities" it's a pretty general claim. Don't you have a folder with all your redpill stuff, can't you just pull out the one which shows the opposite or are you incapable of doing so? Retard
Great stuff, is that how you argue?
>just google it
you sound like a flatearther,
>just google it man, the evidence is out there
Retard, why don't you search for me, and when you find it, save it so you don't have to embarras yourself again and actually convince someone while arguing.
I'm not new retard. I'm not making a thread because this thread already goes with the premise that whites become minorities. This is a fundamental "redpill", right? If it's so fundamental you guys shouldn't have any trouble finding and informing me about it right? Retard

You go be individualist in a gay bar with your boyfriends FAGGOT!

What makes you think they won't rename it all. Look at south Africa

hey coward, reply to this:

Oxford Professor and population expert David Coleman:
>I made a projection in 2010 that if immigration stayed at its long-term rate of around 180,000 a year as it was at the time, the White British-born population would decline from 80 per cent of the total then to just 59 per cent in 2051.
>Taking the projection to a more uncertain distance, the White British population would cease to be the majority in the UK by the late 2060s.
>However, should current high levels of immigration persist for any length of time, that date would move closer to the present. Britain would then become unrecognisable to its present inhabitants.


Now I will watch as you struggle desperately to disagree with this population expert from Oxford. Go on, show me your mental gymnastics to deny this data.

Go on.

You’re a homo faggot.

We have defeated you one we can do it again

Attached: 478158190.png (312x475, 87K)

>why don't you search for me,
why don't you search for me,
>why don't you search for me,
why don't you search for me,
>why don't you search for me,
why don't you search for me,
>why don't you search for me,
why don't you search for me,
>why don't you search for me,

Get ahold of yourself, fuck off and educate yourself it's not my job to make sure you have knowledge.

This time germany will side with the good guys and wont elect homosexual crack prostitutes with syphillis.

I already gave him stats, he refuses to address them:

>Hurr im not a retard im just pretending
And im not spoonfeeding you newfaggot, if you really want to know make a thread or search for it yourself. Do i have to tell you how to make a thread too?

This, he is intellectually dishonest whilst preaching the same thing

He fell for the hyper individualism meme. He thinks anything collective is inherently bad, without realizing that the same western and religious values he clamors so much about have roots in collectivism

Individualism is a mental disease and cancer on mankind.

Finally a statistic, great. So this stat relies on the premise that immigration levels stay the same right? Well it probably won't because of the rise of nationalism, but seeing how cucked Britain is it might be.
Anyhow 2060s is still quite a few years from now, too far to make accurate predictions.
Is this the scary proof that "whites will become minorities", you know future predictions are never accurate. I don't see how this is a relevant problem. Sure it's a good argument to limit the immigration, but it's not proof that whites become minorities. I won't call you a retard this time leaf.

Dumb porky cuck. It doesn’t matter for the argument if the replacement happens in 2055 or 2065. Your brain probably has faggot aids and severe case of capitalism.

There is nothing scary about natives becoming a minority, unless you expect to grow old like your parents.

(repeating from earlier)
Now I will watch as you struggle desperately to disagree with this population expert from Oxford. Go on, show me your mental gymnastics to deny this data.

>Anyhow 2060s is still quite a few years from now, too far to make accurate predictions
>future predictions are never accurate
> I don't see how this is a relevant problem

>as you struggle desperately to disagree with this population expert from Oxford
>as you struggle desperately to disagree with this population expert from Oxford
>as you struggle desperately to disagree with this population expert from Oxford

Was I right?

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>he sees this shit daily

From his ivory tower high above the plebs.

>blaming the Jew
How about blaming the nepotism that stems from diaspora. The jews is a smart diaspora, this is why nepotism in it's ranks is far stronger.

Attached: jew ameri.jpg (553x3159, 2.38M)

>being this delusional

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We shitposting as a diaspora now ? There is no end to the aussie menace.

He has capitalism so he cannot form coherent thoughts.

Bring up your own statistics now about the rise of nationalism saving the white race from becoming a minority like you argued with your original post, this works both ways you see. You demanding to be spoonfed already shows how much of a newfaggot you are though, if you are that incapable of browsing Jow Forums without stumbling across any threads about white population decline then youre hopeless.

Here, have more statistics. This one is from the US National Census and predicts that whites will become a minority much earlier than in the UK, by 2043

Are you starting to notice a pattern?

Attached: us_minority.jpg (750x703, 63K)

>Tells everyone that the JQ is about IQ.
He sold his soul for them shekels.

I never said he didnt embrace it. Im not him and cant speak for him. But from what i have seen of his lectures and talks and his source material. He is well aware of what the individual is capabale of what humanity is capable of. Also that he has identified the beast that lurks down their what it feeds on and that it can only lead to self ruin. Identity politics is what it feeds on.

>Also that he has identified the beast that lurks down their what it feeds on and that it can only lead to self ruin. Identity politics is what it feeds on
>it can only lead to self ruin

Do you have any proof for this claim that the "beast" that "feeds on identity politics" can "only lead to self ruin"?

>Clinical Psychologist
Pick one

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Not right now, hes literally got hours of vids on youtube and hes always dealing in psuedo religous speak and archetypes. Read into some of his stuff on tribalism if you want the general idea of where hes coming from. The exact lecture or text that gave me this imagery fucked if i know.

Sorry I'm a phoneposter, can't type that fast and had to give you a separate reply since you were the only one with a stat.
Not an argument :DDD retard
Well I'm not gonna defend your position for you. If all you have is google it than you really expose yourself as an intellectual midget. Retard.
I don't care retard, you're just embarrassing yourself with the lack off proper arguments. If you hold a position but you're incapable of defending it then your just stupid. You might be safe in this hugbox (*hurtbox) but outside it you're just a stupid retard unable to convince someone to your position. How are you applying the knowledge you learn from Jow Forums outside of Jow Forums. Are you just keeping to yourself or are you able to have a proper debate with someone of a different opinion than you? You act like I'm the stupid newfag but you're unable to see how much you lack in terms of debating someone. SAD.
Why doesn't it matter who says that our future generations even care about race, maybe they'll all want to become superior racemixed ubermenschen. Retard.
Well hopefully we stop opening our borders so much. Maybe if americucks got their shit together and demanded to bring their troops back home then we shouldn't have to worry about another wave of immigrants coming from Iran or something.
Uhm... read the sticky honey. Appeal to authority isn't an argument. Might has well been a statistic from Oxford. I laid out what's wrong with it.
>being this retarded

ID change, don't tell the mods
No problem, I could easily point you to the fact of the rapid growth of Forum for Democracy, a dutch nationalistic rightwing party. Which started as new and rose to 12 seats immediately, such a rapid growth hasn't happened before in our country. See pic. Also their have been countless of articles about the rise of populism all around western civilization.
Well I don't give a fuck about 'murica desu. They were founded on the premise of migration anyway, they don't share European history they might larp about muh heritage but we all know they're le 56%. But to be fair Americans are indeed quite in danger of becoming a negro state, what about your country leaf?

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He isn’t right
He’s a smooth talking lifestyle salesman

The immigrants that go to UofT are all 120+ IQ regardless of race. Obviously he's not going to care about race if they are all super high IQ. Problem is they aren't all like that.

Yeah yeah you’re a retard that likes the taste of semen. Gulp gulp don’t you like it.

Psychologist has phd and is trained to fix your shit without drugs

Psychyatrist is a general practioning doctor first who has specialised in mental health. Will prescribe drugs to fix your shit (chemically lobotomise)

One of these people i would see for help the other i would not.

So the rise of a nationalist party in Netherlands lowers the birthrates of nonwhites, i must say the acrobatics you did were bretty good 5/5

That doesnt charge money for it like all the other self help cunts.
Hes putting all those self help gurus put of buisiness.