
>Originated/flourished in the Roman Empire
>The Roman Empire is considered European
>Christianity is European

It doesnt matter if it "originated" outside of today's European borders or not. There was no "Europe" at that time.
It originated in The Roman Empire, it was practiced by romans and it became a roman religion - aka. european religion, plain and simple.

Attached: ChristianityOrigin.png (1074x700, 113K)

Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck is that a map of? It almost looks like you're saying Christianity started in New Jersey.

>It almost looks like you're saying Christianity started in New Jersey.
Are you pic related?

Its a map of the Roman Empire ~30AD

Attached: braindead.png (211x239, 4K)

>trying to explain history, geography, and theology to people this retarded.

To add to that, the concept of Europe as we think of it today only came about at the time of Charles the Great and his conquests against pagans

Romans accepted Christianity near the end of their empire when everything was falling apart to try and unify people since that was the main selling factor of the religion, one god, one heaven for those who worshiped.But instead it just lead to Europeans becoming more divided, Roman empire became so weak it broke in two and because of Christians forcefully attacking pagans all around Europe they weakened the region enough for Arabs to come and invade, so in a way christianity is responsible for the Arab invasion.And the crusades where pretty gay and unsuccessful since the Arabs kicked the ass of the holy roman empire.Through History all this sand nigger cult has ever done is come close to destroying the west.Just look at modern America, evangelicals pretty much worship jews at this point and there is nothing the christian mutt masses won't do for le chosen people.And just another point Christians gave niggers food if they converted to Christ and invited the masses to Europe, face it faggot Christianity is a sand religion used by the Jews to enslave us.

It’s a mednigger religion for shitskin kikes. The greater Roman Empire wasn’t all European you dumb faggot, kike-land isn’t Europe.

Christianity is a kike religion. Op using New Jersey as an example is proof enough.

It was born from the cultural heritage of conquered tribes and subsumed the heart of the Roman people, and later all other European peoples as well. It killed, cut off or assimilated almost all original European cultural traditions.

kikes hate Christianity and were natural enemies of it for milenia until ww2. Kicked out of numerous Christian kingdoms, killed many times, forced to convert, etc
Europeans made Christianity, and Christianity shaped Europe. Abandoning all of this history because of varg memes is sad and pathetic

Kek easy to say when the History of your ancestors have pretty much been completely wiped from existence by christian fags and now christian kikery is all you have to lash on to.

The empire broke into two way before christianity, and constantine was in fact the one who reunified the two parts. Also, Rome has been at the edge of total collapse several times. Like, probably 6 I can think of right now. If anything Christianity gave strength back to the empire so it could last longer.

Most north africans and people in anatolia were at this point mostly white. By the end of the 5th century the vast majority of whites would have been christian.

What's with you mutts and NJ?

Literally none of what you stated had anything to do with your my main post.

But to answer your absolute retarded statements;
Europeans were always divided. They have fought, conquered and massacred each other since the start of times. If anything, Christianity was the religion that actually united us. And it was the pagans who attack christians for CENTURIES before the major christian assaults against the pagans began, so stop portaying them as some kind of "innocent sheep".
Without Christianity we would most likely have lost Europe. It was christian coalitions which saved Europe - The siege of Malta, Battle of Lepanto, Battle of Vienna and a million more were all crucial christian coalition-victories which saved Europe. Without Christianity the muslims wouldve just picked off one European country after another and we wouldnt have united over our differences to stop them in time. And the crusades was overall was also successful even though they had some negative effects too:
And to say that Christianity weakened todays europe is fucking retarded. Christianity has been the barrier that have shielded us from multiculturealism and race mixing in the first place. Why do you think degeneracy constantly seem to only happen in countries that embraces atheism more and more? Look at religious nations like Poland and compare it to atheist nations like Sweden/Germany etc. Only as Christianity started to decline in the west, multiculturalism and race-mixing started to occur. What a (((coincidence)))

Christianity originated in the land of Israel (occuiped by the Roman Empire that time), including that the original Bible was first written in Hebrew. So no, Christianity isn't a european religion, it's a semitic religion.

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Christianity is the religion of kikes

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Christianity in a nutshell.You fags also paved the way for Muslims to do the same shit you did in the past with your kike love

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Italians aren’t white. They’re extremely close to Jews on a genetic level.

A half Jew half Brit is more white than an Italian or Greek.

goto a church faggot
accept christ faggot
oh wait, christianity is based on a heeb bible and worshipping a heeb. literally translated from heeb, written by heebs, written about heebs, requires subjugation to king heeb (part 1, 5 books of the heeb, part 2 about holy heeb, written by 12 heebs)

europe = cucked faggots and a picture of what americans shouldnt be, since 1776. catholics not wanted.

Ok, dummy. Keep hiding from reality. Christians know how miserable your life is. Its not you its the "heebs" lol

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wqo fucking cares what the opiate of the masses is, Islam is far stronger than modern day christianity when it comes to social cohesion and defense of the realm, but here's a spoiler: it'll get just as cucked as christianity is today when the adherents are white europeans. every culture bends the books to their preferences, which is why there are still coptic crusaders killing people in the middle east, and transgender muslims in sweden.

didn't disprove anything i said, still sucking the heebs flesh on sunday, too stupid to separate morality from christianity.
>i can't support a traditional family without subjugating myself to the heeb. it just wouldn't be civil, and it doesn't agree w my desire to fuck yellow women.
whatta faggot.

Europe is Christian, Christianity is Europe. In today's world one cannot exist with out the other.

>omgurd some1 is defaming the heebs and threatening israel! kingchristcuck to the rescue! i'm prepare to sacrifice everything for the heeb, even my family and country, after all shlomo is giving be eternal lifes with the heebs.. oh my heeb.

looks like europes been going down on mohamed on christianity's watch. whatta buncha christian faggots.

How can you even use a computer?

so, does christ cheer for mohamed sticking his dick in wives and daughters? is christian morality working? it sure looks like its working for the wetback over here in the states. it's almost like christianity isnt a solution for europe or white people. christians always cuck to brown people in the end, whether due to altruism, naivety or weakness. definitely a working solution for europe and america.. and the bonus eternal life, OMG!

Traditional Christainity (pre-enlightenment) is damn good.
Unfortuantly with the scientific progress of the enlightenment Christiainity was corrupted and exelerated the decent into degeneracy that most Churches now have.
But you have to remember that Christianity was the main excuse to end slavery and instead of Genocide Christains tried to convert natives.
It's both good and bad, but ultimatly a force for good, when applied to Europe.

Pedophilia and homosexuality
>Originated/flourished in the Roman Empire
>The Roman Empire is considered European
>Pedophilia and homosexuality are European


Christianity didn't make Europe great and a superpower...europeans did.

It wasnt my point, but it certaintly united us more than before. With Christianity we didnt need Empires doomed to fall in order to unite us.

True, we need to follow the path of Poland and their Traditional Christianity practice - pic related.

Glad someone gets it.
Only as Christianity started to decline in the west, multiculturalism and race-mixing started to occur. What a (((coincidence)))

Attached: ChristianityVsDegeneracy.png (800x1293, 789K)

Fuck off, if you dont understand it dont comment on it

>Pedophilia and homosexuality
>>Originated/flourished in the Roman Empire
American education.

Ayo wtf are those yellow niggas?

choke on lutefisk you kike shill traitor of the white race

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Christanity is alright, but needs some tweaking. It's heavily universalist as of now, so it needs some more focus on the Blood & Soil aspect in the society, otherwise we run into a scenario where christian Jamal should be treated equally with a christian Peter by a God-fearing man, which is extremely counter-productive. Also more directly naming the jew should be a priority.

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The pagan anti-Christian movement is so fucking stupid for so many reasons:
-European society outside of Rome before Christianity was stateless tribes, not exactly a society that can be emulated currently
-Christianity has been a part of European culture for 2000 years, hate it all you want not even your great great grandparents knew shit about the way pagans lived so how are we supposed to emulate a culture we know almost nothing about
-Culture is fluid, the problem with the current state of affairs is that culture is changing far too rapidly and migration is happening at unprecedented rates. It’s impossible to preserve culture from any degree of changing, all we want to do is preserve it to the best of our ability and prevent it from being wiped out unnaturally fast by migration and leftist teaching.
-By using pagan rightist logic we should all go back to Africa since our first ancestors came from there.

Agreed. - which is why we should follow your country as an example here in the west. The majority of poles I talk with says Traditional Christianity (pic related) is what's being practiced in Poland, and seeing how well it works for you, we in the west should start following that as well

Attached: Trad Christianity.jpg (984x793, 104K)

oy fucking Vey...
What is your sky daddy gonna do, goy?!
Stop us from performing child sacrifice for our Satanic ritual?
God's not real, have you even read Darwin?

Bait's 9gag tier mate

It's a jab at all atheists

>not even your great great grandparents knew shit about the way pagans lived so how are we supposed to emulate a culture we know almost nothing about
Even though I'm not a pagan, I have to disagree here. To this day you can find pagan traditions alive and well in rural Lithuania and all around villages in North-Eastern Europe.

mutt education

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Charlemagne was the founding father of western europe, but he built it on the back of the roman catholic church.

The mutt memes are going to far.
Please stop or I'll be forced to flag your account for hate speech

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Christianity is the greatest civilising force of all history.
I say this even as a non-european.

lmfao this boogie2586 guy is so fucking fat his mask cant even cover his face.
>The absolute state of american atheists

Absolutely barbaric.

>There was no "Europe" at that time
>it became a european religion
>Christianity is European

Attached: varg-closeup.png (208x206, 112K)

>falling for the b8 this hard

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>Literally doesn't have a culture
>Laughing about how the other guy's culture changed with time and the blood of his kin

Varg would have been considered worse than the white niggers living on the other side of the Danube, you worthless mongrel.

>Varg would have been considered worse than the white niggers living on the other side of the Danube
>Unmixed Norwegians are less white than mixed Italians

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lol, Christ cucks...

Attached: christcucks.gif (626x595, 295K)

>Actually receiving his knowledge from an ex-satanist murdering autist who only reads biased books and larps harder than a nigger in shekelberg

Attached: Varg2.jpg (350x350, 102K)

He reminds me of that fat slug from the krampus movie.

Attached: Krampus23.gif (391x249, 3.69M)

>inventing the virgin marriage and protecting women's chastity
Wanna know how I know you're a kike?

Where is your Norwegian Empire that influenced laws, politics, culture, science and the economy for two millenias and eigth centuries now?
Norwegian are ''lighter'', but certainly not whiter than the Latins.

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>Was a counter-movement like modern "New Age" shit, for ~200 years before it became norm
>Was made by a kikes in Border regions of the Empire

Satan was used as a symbol of being against Christianity in the early Norwegian Black Metal scene, not literal Satan worship

Self defense. I believe Varg over the communist Euronymous. nb4 Varg has defended communism, Varg defends communists who live naturally over (((Alt-Right))) people who want to save (((the West))) so that they can continue to live in comfort and excess.

Nothing wrong with that...

>larps harder than a nigger in shekelberg
Do you know how to speak english?

>inventing the virgin marriage and protecting women's chastity
Kek. (Barbarian) Europeans have been doing that LONG before Christianity. Christians also don't seem to hold to that code any better than Pagans.
>Tacitus says (Ch. 18) that the Germans are mainly content with one wife, except for a few political marriages
>He also records (Ch. 19) that adultery is very rare, and that an adulterous woman is shunned afterward by the community regardless of her beauty.

So you would prefer to live in a backwater Europe because it made people treat your god less seriously?

thanks 4 the empire btw lol

He was literally worshipping satan before converting, just like styx.
>I believe Varg over the communist
The court didnt. The only reason you believe Varg is because youve gotten used to sucking his dick.

>Europeans have been doing that LONG before Christianity
You say European did that as if Europeans was somehow all the same. Literally the only thing Europeans had in common before Christianity was skin color. Have you even seen pre-christian roman empire? Have you seen pre-christian baltics? Degeneracy was through the fucking roof. Everything from rape-orgies to human sacrificials to multiple wives per man. I could write you a fucking essay about all the degeneracy Christianity erased but I think you get the point.

>So you would prefer to live in a backwater Europe
Mate, pretty much any European coming here would prefer to live with other 100%ers in Siberia-tier poverty over swimming in gold in a multiracial cesspool.

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>The court didnt.
You realize how fucked the court system is in Europe right? It's worse than it is in America. It was almost as bad then as it is now. Varg was a political dissident. Of course they would find him guilty dumbass.

>Everything from rape-orgies to human sacrificials to multiple wives per man.
Read Tacitus.... DON'T WORRY, he's Roman, he's not one of those evil degenerate Germans

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>degenerate pre-christian europe
well degenerate would imply there was civilisation there to begin with

No. The Empire fell because they gave everyone citizenship, so the only people who would join the Army were fucking Barbarians.

They fell because the corruption that had set in before Constantine was too deep. They saved half of the Empire, and pulled out of the West because there were too many barbarians there, even before it fell.

Christianity saved half of the Roman Empire,


People usually ignore the Byzantine Empire
>inb4 its culture was greek
>Implying cultures were static in the firt place
Try living in exile in a a country that is 99% not your ethnicity and try to see how well you can impose your way of life over accepting theirs on ten generations.
Bonus point for keeping the realm perfectly together (even expanding!) for two hundred years.

arguably it saved the other half too.
although there was no western emperor, all the germanics became romanised christians

>Have you seen pre-christian baltics?
No and neither have you, what a silly and terrible argument

Did I say I support Multiculturalism?
Because I hate that degeneracy, but Religion is stupid af.
The guy I responded to, said he would rather live in a reality where Enlightenment never happened (YES if one of the greatest Scientific-Philosophical revolutions of ALL TIME, didn't happen)

He was tried for literally murdering a man because of a threat and burning churches, presented with clear evidence.
>muh court is just corrupt
fuck off

A book doesnt refute historically proven facts that occured throughout Europe for CENTURIES before Christianity came along. It was a known fact about rape-orgies almost being rituals, multiple wives was almost a given throughout many different tribes in the today's Baltics and especially Scandinavia. Countless animals and even humans was sacrificed to please their gods. I could go on and on.


>historically proven facts
Last time someone said that they were trying to tell me 6 million Jews were gassed in homicidal chambers and turned into lampshades and soap, so don't mind if I'm a bit suspicious.

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Sure, what I said is based on scriptures and paintings by the actual people from those times - not some jewish propaganda

>based on (Christian) scriptures and paintings by the actual people from those times
>not jewish propaganda

Attached: laughing-kikes.jpg (618x872, 124K)

>trusting christcuck sources over Tacitus who is described as the greatest historian of ancient Rome

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Are you a genuine retard? Do you think the people that converted to Christianity just immedietly forgot their pagan history, heritage and rituals? Do you think the pagan history just disappears over night as you've been converted?
>The absolute state of le 56%

>he doesn't realize that Christians destroyed everything pagan after they took over because they saw it as "heretical"
>he doesn't think that Christians might want to defame their enemies as degenerates the same as the Anglos defamed their enemies as evil jew gassers.

Attached: awoo-coffee.png (900x900, 315K)

Constantine set up Christianity around paganism.
Constantine continued to serve pagan Gods even after he founded Christianity.

>he thinks that the people who converted were the ones who wrote these "histories"
>not (probably still jewish) scribes and priests

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Christianity kept it alive and well, still does in certain communities.
The only way is to return to our Christian roots and revive the virgin marriage to slowly kill th he chad fornication

The fourth century Roman Emperor, Constantine the First, was not a Christian, far from it; he worshipped the pagan sun god Mithras. How he came to effectively take over the early followers of Christ and point their church in a totally different direction to that in which it had been traveling is quite a story. It shows the church up as a human institution like any other: looking to survive and increase its fan-base at all costs, even though it meant compromising its principles and selling its soul to the devil.
Constantine destroyed early Christianity of the sort we read about in Acts and the church fathers. In exchange for their support he offered them tax breaks, imperial protection and more in a package the persecuted church hierarchy could not resist. Like the Mafia he made them an offer they couldn’t refuse! Although it was a total betrayal of what Jesus stood for, it could be argued that if they hadn’t caved in, the church would not have survived at all!His influence is still pervasive today. The only Christians to opt out of his brave new church were the persecuted minority sects like the Hussites and the Anabaptistsa thousand years later which I have described in some of my “Red Christians” blogs. Leo Tolstoy pointed out the corruption of the mainstream faith in his later writings, and showed a way back to the original message.

So what was the church like before Constantine’s intervention?
• The church was a voluntary commitment and had God’s favor
• Was in some serious error but still had it’s soul
• The Sabbath was on the 7th day of the week ( Sat )
• The people ate the meat of the spirit
• The church did not support the state
• Christians were generally persecuted and excluded from public affairs
• Though some Christianswere in the Roman army, the church advocated pacifism and was a force for peace
• The church was heavily taxed and received no state funds
• The symbol of the church was a fish

So what happened?

Constantine’s dream
In 312 C.E., Constantine was about to fight the Battle of Milvian Bridge (over the River Tiber which flows through Rome). The empire was run as two separate halves, and while Licinius was installed as the Emperor of the eastern half, a rival contender Maxentiushad to be defeated if Constantine was to head up the western half.Like his rival, Constantine believed in omens and black magic. In a dream, he saw Jesus who told him to carry the sign of the cross into battle. (A generation earler this would have been outrageous to Romans and blasphemous to Christians.) The cross was duly painted on all his troops’ shields and banners. This may have been the traditional + sign, or more likely the greek letter Χ (chi) the first letter of the word “Christ” in Greek. Most Christians at that time used the symbol of the fish rather than the cross anyway.
Before the battle, Constantine had a second vision; he saw a flaming cross in the sky and the latin words “In hoc signo vinces” (In this sign you shall conquer) – a contradiction of Christianity and unutterable by Jesus himself.

He won and became emperor of the western half of the Roman empire. Henceforth:

>origin doesnt matter
>there was no Europe
you love a kike instead of your mother, just saying.
Such heressy was rightfully punished by death back in the days.

That was a cancerous tumour that killed the empire.

• Persecution and taxation of the church stopped.
• Christianity was no longer a choice but an expectation
• He promoted Christianityand used it to solidify his power, using state funds to establish and control the clergy
• The church became a major force in everyone’s daily life
• The church became catholic ( universal )
• The church now supported the state and its wars. God now sanctioned killing! God took sides to help one band of killers triumph over an other, as the church prayed for victory
• Conscientious objectors were excommunicated
• The prayer day of Mithras ( Sunday for the Sun god Constantine worshipped ) was declared the official day of prayer and rest for the whole empire
• He built the church’s 3 greatest centers of pilgrimage which still stand to this day: St Peter’s in Rome, Hagia Sophia in Constantinople and the church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem.
• Passover was replaced with Easter a pagan holiday to bring pagans into the fold
• Isis worshippers could admire the image of the Madonna breast-feeding her child. Now the people only received the milk of the letter
• A symbol of Roman torture ( the cross ) became the symbol of Christianity

His mother, the Empress Helena, went to the Holy land where she claimed to discover relics of the true cross buried at Calvary. The cross came to replace the fish as the symbol of the religion.
Consider in conclusion the words of two men, the first a Mexican Liberation Theologian and sociologist, the second a leading French communist:

“It is …necessary to approach the image of Christ as a ‘protestor’, a ‘subverter of the economic and political order’, a ‘political liberator.’ Indeed these are the traits that are most fascinating for the so-called implicit Christians of today, or at least for those men and women who, though outside the visible boundaries of the churches, are committed to liberation and feel somehow near to Christ and Christians, as witness Roger Garaudy:
‘You concealers of the great hope of which Constantine robbed us, give it back! His (i.e. Jesus’s – P.T.) life and death are ours too! They belong to all of us for whom they have meaning – to all of us who have learned from him that the human being has been created a creator.’ ”


‘British historian Paul Johnson summarizes how Constantine’s approach of merging religious practices produced a corrupted Christianity that meshed paganism with biblical elements: “Thus the followers of Isis adored a madonna nursing her holy child; the cult of Attis and Cybele celebrated a day of blood and fasting, followed by the Hilaria resurrection-feast … the elitist Mithraics, many of whom were senior army officers, ate a sacred meal…’

I am convinced every american flag poster who posts something incredibly retarded like this is a proxy shill trying to discredit all americans