Is your country white

Is your country white
Yes /No
Germany No

Attached: 1524433727590.png (666x366, 91K)

Other urls found in this thread:

whiter than yours

do you happen to have the percentages instead of raw numbers?


Attached: Screenshot_2018-04-22-16-21-26.png (720x1280, 198K)

Germans aren't w*ite

>amount of people is the same as percentage

Attached: FB75C760-AFF7-481E-8635-ABCEB26AE678.jpg (750x750, 72K)

Soon enough not white

Attached: 1524490505232m.jpg (1024x1024, 212K)

even ugly black guys can score hot girls, that's the power of black dick

Pic related gilt auch für Verräter

Attached: 1525006128510.jpg (649x1024, 131K)