He's on a fucking roll. He jumped feet first into the row over the prom dress thing and the libmob went after him.

Scroll down and open the the twitter threads on his page today, he has plenty of replies in there:

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I would but twitter doesn't allow white men to express diverse opinions.

>"knowing it all... it's something you kinda have to work at."
Well this isn't going to go well with the lesser races...


So glad my country is getting less white. Too bad I will never live down my own personal guilt for being born white.

Maybe I should donate the half of my annual salary that I get after taxes towards non white payments.

>did you see THIS ecelebs dick? let me show it to you
faggot. saged.

You should kill yourself, leaf, you're potentially breathing air that belongs to the oppressed.

t. chang


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reminder that 'cultural appropriation' meme is a kike subversion tactics


wtf I love Dadmau5 again

wtf I love deadmau5 even more now

UGH, your know-it-all attitude is exhaustingly white.

Be careful, your privilege is showing

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Dead Mow Five is alright

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deadmau5 the god

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damn B A S E D dead mow five

>exhaustingly white


:DDDDDDDD Gotta love how those sjw faggots always make new words and definitions.

The funniest thing is its only ABCs who get all buttmad about this

Actual Chinese people don't give a shit

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To be fair, it must be pretty exhausting to be the Twitter cultural appropriation police and receive no pay for it

They're getting tired, boys. Time to go in.

I like how he's willing to call that sheboon out, sheboons are the bane of all male existence, it's why they are never married and have 12 fucking kids and their name is laquisha and she weighs 300 pounds cause everyone including her own race hate her.

>hello fellow gõyböys!! :DDD have you notice that this cool little eceleb music man is Totally Owning The Libtard? Haha, very cool. please follow him.

I can't even right now.

Remember when japanese had an exhibition inviting visitors to wear a kimono... and them murican retards brainwashed by their neo-marxist """education""" went on sabotaging it because
>cultural appropriation!

even though it was japanese themselves organizing the event to share their culture and art

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Brb spending money on deadmau5 merch

We only have these retards in the west. The rest of the world would either be baffled or amused if they heard about this horseshit.

Also, you a tourist or something? I didn't think just any old Xiao Xiao could get past the firewall.


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>lol your know-it-attitude
how do you even say something like this without immediately deleting it, realizing that this is literally what he's doing? Are they such uncritical thinkers that they're incapable of self-reflection as basic as that?

He’s on fire kek.
Apartheid now

He's doing it right. You don't explain to these weirdos, you tell them to fuck off.

why did i read this in flashgitz PC master race voice?

yes you stupid whore baseball caps and suits and cars and smartphones and planes and the language you're speaking are our fucking culture.
>brown people get to express themselves in baseball caps
>whites can't express themselves in kimonos
Liberalism is a mental illness


>muh know-it-all
Basically, people who use that phrase are all indirectly admitting you're smarter than them.

That's about the Middle East, not ching chongs.

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Pretty sure ballcaps are exactly American culture. Is there any other country you can think of who had that design before we created baseball? I can't

He is a libtard you fucking dumbfuck!

Imagine being a 'muscian' playing a 'live show' and you just hit play on your ipod.

But its funny hes fed up with faggotry.

>exhaustingly white
never seen this one before

We are literally sending these niggers to the psyche ward by just being white.

What have the kikes done this is glorious.

Deadmau 5 is / our /Degenerate Jockey

Yeah, not only is it a non-insult, but its literally what he's acting like

It gave me a chubby.

what is this? how come its okay to burn coal but not appreciate other cultures?

and they call us the racists?

He is going to be found dead just like his counterpart DJ of Sweden who was found dead last week. This is what happens when dogs start to bite their masters.

you can tell he is one bad day away from going full 1488

>exhaustingly white.
mfw I thought I had seen everything

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Depends on context. "Orient" basically means "East" (the opposite is "Occident" = West).



lmao who gives a fuck what these retards say on fucking twitter u twats

Your post is exhaustingly white. Please consider posting less so that more voices of colour can find a platform.

This entire affair is retarded.
Imagine not even being willing to establish borders around your own nation state, but trying to establish borders around articles of clothing.

He btfo some sjws last year too didnt he? he posted some niglet dancing saying it looked funny and they went after him. He's well on his way to Kanye territory.

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He'll be fine, he's Jewish.

True, and there is some association of India and East Asia with Orientalism, but normally it refers to infatuation with Islamic art.

deadmau5 > kanye


I remember you bro.

How you been?


Breaking the conditioning

How long until he comes out for Trump?

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The west is slowly growing tired of faggotry and incrementalist thought-policing. Soon it will be Haber-Time.

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> Ball Cap
> Short for Baseball Cap
> Made for the sport of Baseball
> A sport made in the United States.

Fucking seriously? Someone needed that explained?

>Exhaustingly White
I'd put that on a t-shirt and wear it, sounds kinda cool.

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>Are they such uncritical thinkers that they're incapable of self-reflection as basic as that?

It's far worse than that. They have no shame, they just don't care. Hypocrisy is just a tool to be used by the leftist sociopath.

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I think everyone is starting to get real sick of this shit liberals try and pull all the time. This is the approach more people need to take with progressives, just tell them to just fuck off

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>He'll be fine, he's Jewish.
lol didn't know that. Thanks for the info!
I'm okay, thanks for noticing senpai

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based deadmau5

Stop dick riding celebrities

>celebrity bashes trump
>fuck them, fuck hollywoood, fuck liberals

>celebrity says something nice about trump
>//////////////OUR GUY\\\\\\\\\

go spam this obvious viral marketing shit elsewhere.

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Leafs are exhaustively canadian. Lmao.. Fucking dumb black bitches i swear.

deadmau5 is the greatest musician of the 21st century.

>that pic
It's like wolverine and the misfits logo had a dog baby

Imagine being so retarded that you actually wrote that post

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His music is actually terrible but he's a great troll.

I am buying all deadmau5 merchandise right now. I can't wait for my deadmau5 hair dryer to arrive.

>tfw exhaustingly white

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Remember when he got BTFO by Kanye? He's probably trying to earn his respect

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I agree.
Only thing that makes deadmau5 a little different is because he's a known /b/tard and like most of us he probably made the switch to Jow Forums years ago. It's cool but I'm not going to dick ride him even tho I agree with him because I'm not 12 and looking for a role model.

>I'm very detail oriented
This guy is fucking autistic isn't he?

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I don't know anything about this leetspeak name ass faggot but if he's clocking niggers in the mouth on the internet he gets a free pass in my book

>i-if you say so
fucking kek how pathetic

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Sry to interrupt but what the fuck is wrong with him in this picture?

Also it was completely justified because muslims are assholes

You don't have to like it, but that's what peak performance looks like.

He's exhausted by whiteness

National geographic determined what people will look like in 2018 and its beautiful


>no u'r racist
DAAAAAMN he's literally the new hitler (and thats a good thing!)

I’m going to dl all his shit off Apple Music sub service just to give him a few bucks.

if you were a normal person you'd know that's banter & hilarious banter at that

he cute

>being this based
Rare thing indeed, especially on twitter

"I-if you say so s-sir"

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It is fucking surreal that white people are actually fighting back

At least the white/gold white/blue dress optical illusion thing was interesting.. This is just annoying by some Twitterfag creating drama over nothing. They aren't really offended or interested, they just want drama. I fucking hate this modern world.

Deadmau5 confirmed /ourDJ/

Great stuff, we should join in.