Weeaboos and yellow aid fever are retards.
Stop falling for the asian jew
God I wonder what must be for those men marrying an asian godess just to find out that his kids are goblinos
Fucking gooks. Stay the fuck away from South Korea unless you won't mongrel monsters.
t. Jealous roastie
but continue to WMAF post to piss off the anti-white asians from reddit
In the meantime this whore is the role model for almost every white roastie under 25 years old
Looks way more normal than the gooks
True but if a white man puts his seed in that it's far more likely to look human and not be a mini Eliot Rodger.
Yeah white women are so much better after plastic surgery
t. Tard
>yellowfeverfag lacks reading comprehension
Not surprised. OP never stated this. Also, it's funny that you post a woman that was decent looking before the botched plastic surgery.
On the contrary the jew wants us to keep being cucked by stacey and gets anxiety by the thought of the white male mating with the higher iq oriental woman.
autists need an asian girl faking attentiveness without needing to show any affection themselves
t. Delusional beta
1/4 Korean, 3/4 German
Literally throwing your genes into a industrial shredder.
most of these girls look fine before the surgery. id do like 90% of them
>most of these girls look fine before the surgery
Kek no
>i only bang 10/10s
>never had sex
quit using perfection as an excuse for your virginity
can I get a quick rundown about that one on the right?
>Stop falling for Korean girls.
There I fixed it for you.
Nice projection mate. I guess you're used to hamplanets in Amerifat country
If white chicks stopped getting tattoos, getting septum piercings, smoking, drinking, wearing boy clothes, wearing boy hair, listening to nigger music, being combative toward men, and being promiscuous, fewer white men would go for Asians and Latinas.
>implying those aren’t god-tier lolis
never go for girls that have had major surgery
my wife is an asian from asia
i have never dated a fat chick, but i have dated some chicks with less than perfect faces who had good bodies. the problem with them was that they were always degenerates. this is why i eventually took the yellow pill.
>asian from asia
Amerimutt education.
yeah I get it, white people need a foreigner that will suck up to them, what else is the rest of the poor world good for?
meaning she was born and lived most of her life in asia, not born in the US or culturally American.
>in asia
You know Asia is not a country nor homogeneous right mutt?
They get surgery on their tits (not always to make them big but to lighten their nips and make them less saggy/torpedo-y) and their vaginas. Much surgery is done to their pussies.
how fucking dumb are you dude?
how could I not know that? I have been to her country like 50 times and also speak the language. If all of your countrymen are as stupid as you are then it is no wonder that you have become Francistan in less than a generation.
Nah we just want girls who act like girls. Here in burgerland, our girls don’t even dress feminine anymore. The only girls I ever see wearing skirts anymore are Asians.
we need to put this genetic trash into the bin
That's a spic.
yeah and women have similar complaints. Hence, white/white is no longer possible.
Maybe like being Spanish.
Yes, there are too many white onions and manchildren these days, but men can improve themselves. Most Amerimutt women aren’t even self-aware enough to not be fat.
damn would not want to mix those up thanks for the clarification
>Female Asian Taqqiya
Projecting pretty hard, eh roastie?
Deleted my post, but it was supposed to be “onions.” Maybe I should leave the thread now.
Which one is the dad?
don't your posts have layers (^o^)
>implying asian's and latinas don't get tattoos and piercings
Where the fuck do you live? All the gooks I know have at least one tattoo and smoke pot religiously. Don't even get me started on chongas.
He's Dutch, you ignorant pathetic beta male, have fun with your ugly Hapa children
my wife is asian and doesnt have tattoos, has never smoked pot, and doesnt even have her ears pierced.
>My girlfriend is Cuban, doesn't smoke pot, have tattoos or have any piercings outside of her ears. She's also roman catholic and wants lots of babies.
What are outliers for $400.
I think Japamoot censors s o y i m go onions.
You’re dating the wrong ones. Most Asians who aren’t Americanized or trashy don’t get tattoos, because they’re still seen as being something only prostitutes and gangsters get over there.
>white + asian = pale spics
no coincidence asians share some dna with native muricans
nice dude. wife that tradthot
>Roman Catholic
So her leader is that fag who sucks African Muslim toes and wants to ban all weapons.
whats with the prevalence of shrek jaws?
Perfectly evolved for onion mastication.
Top right corner is still hot without makeup and I'd live to please her.
>genetic trash
irony the post
for sure marry her. i dated a cuban girl for a while, and without exception all of her married relatives enthusiastically cooked food, cleaned, basically anything to make the husband's life easier. you do run a greater risk of her getting fat, but it's still less likely than, say, mexicans
Look man I just want to marry an asian chick why must you be so much against it?
Bottom right and middle left were the cutest before IMO.
Why do so many of these "chicks" have the Hapsburg chin? massive inbreeding amongst gooks?
> chinbuntu
Korean Linux Distro ?
I've never found oriental chicks attractive. Just curious why the fucked up chin.
>keep getting cucked by stacey
that sounds like a beta male problem, and thus one from which you suffer
powerful jaws from literally eating anything that walks, swims, or flies, bones and all
asians from asia are just asians. if you're talking about asians living in america, use "asian-american" which is the preferred nomenclature
Most of them like that in the OP pic probably had underbites that needed corrective surgery anyway in addition to the eyelid surgery they get for cosmetic reasons. It’s just a cherrypicked troll image like everything else is here.
oh, i didnt know that I was posting on the politcally correct liberal board.
you seem to have missed the point. here is the difference
>asians from asia
>asians from america
vs just asian / asian american. you don't need to specify that they're from asia, that is the default expectation. qualifiers should only be added when talking about asians from other countries
if you put your white man seed in there, chances are still that a 56% niglet comes out
Tell them to stop falling for me.
>100% white+50% Armenian=56% niglet
These are absolutely underbite surgery photos.
>when mongoloid is downy soft
>when oriental is avoided
>lets use the word asians
because ASIA is a rock band from the 80s so its okay to use
and asian means anything NOT EUROPE
just cut it out already
I'm green eyed, 6'1 tall, Roman/Greek nose, blond hair, fit man. What about you Mr. Mutt?
Do not reply to spammed, off topic, and rule breaking threads.
i disagree. if i am married to an asian, she could be from asia or asian american. I added "from asia" for emphasis and to leave out any ambiguity.
Do East Asian women know they are Goddesses?
I have only ever had sex with Asian women. I don't even know what white pussy feels like for reference...
It's all pink on the inside man.
feels like single motherhood
a million times this
also know that a large percentage of this board considers you just as bad as coalburners, we just usually don't enter the threads
Absolutely freakish
do you ever sleep, brother?
Gotta hand it to them I wouldn't have guessed they have had surgery.
>duane reade in the background
>dating a nyc liberal
white women are still women
you can't claim to be redpilled on women yet still blame them for conforming socially
That's cause you're not use to seeing otherwise
>imblying söyböys don't want to be deluded
the more supreme their hapa mongrel is the better
This right here.
Normal australian behavior