Is Chris MacFarlane breaking the conditioning...

Is Chris MacFarlane breaking the conditioning? Every episode of Family Guy nowadays includes a reference to SJW bullshit and subtle antisemitism.

Is he, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

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Also no, he is an ultra lib cunt. No idea why his show is literally the opposite of his supposed views.

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It's almost like liberals can make fun of things that their own side believes without being called a traitor cuck faggot nigger.

you dumb nigger, read his twitter he's a pussy hat

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Remember that episode of family guy where it showed how if al gore had won we would be living in a futuristic utopia. Mcfarlane is a democrat partisan.

Seth Macfarlane is Jewish dipshit.

>family goy

These tweets are based friendo

Attached: based ourguy.png (1885x1077, 947K)

It's self preservation. Comedians know what PC bullshit means for them.

Read through Chris' tweets, they are all based.

Except they can't. Most recent example: Apu.

>Chris' tweets

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I used to hate his guts for making mediocre shit and being an unfunny cunt for years. But I kind of dig Orville.

Seth is not alone. Tons of liberals, comedians especially, have woken up to the leftist PC sjw culture infesting our society. I feel like all of the outrage and professional victimhood peaked in 2014 and now halfway through 2018 the random and flippant accusation of prejudice simply doesn't buy what it used to.

I think he's just an opportunist first and foremost. One popular opinion today and a different one tomorrow. When you're rich ans famous for jokes that are only funny once at best and copy +pasting show formulas for decades there's really no other explanation. The man is good at what he does whether or not I want to punch him in the face.

Seinfelds been /myguy/ for years. Calling out insane liberalism, being a selfish capitalist unapologetic and happy and healthy.

One of my idols.

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Literally a 9/11 survivor and in deep jew pockets.

No. He is still progressive on almost every political point. He, like a good number of liberal comedians, realize SJWs love for censorship will come to bite him in the ass if nothing is done.

There was a thread on Infinity chan awhile back claiming he was a distant Rockefeller, which is why he gets away with what he says.

hes a faggot but a cool faggot

>tfw when you slaughter commies while blasting lynyrd skynyrd
A man can dream. Fuck seth macfarlane though

stop trolling

Get greenshot you stupid heeb

it ok for jews to joke about racism but not goyim

>he literally doesn't know how to use print screen

I don't know whether to pity or laugh at your stupidity

after the hank azaria fiasco, are they going to cancell Apoo or is he continuing in the series?

>Chris MacFarlane


No, some leftists just realize SJWs are bad press and are trying to distance themselves from it. They're still decadent trash though.


Leftists and SJWs have always been more at odds with one another than you'd imagine, honestly.

SJW are low hanging fruit. They're idiots to most serious leftists as well. They're just useful so they let it happen.

wait this is still on the air?

unpopular opinion time: spawn is a ovverated comic book

How many Jews you know named McFarland ? Hes scots from canada



This week we've had some rich white cunt wringing her fucking hands about how fucking niggers have wirey hair that hotel shampoo isn't equipped to deal with. We aint anywhere near peak yet friendo

So he isn't a jew? Seth sounds like such a jew name desu.

I know many scots that suck on the jew cocks in hollywood

That fat Saturday night live guy that OD'd

seth IS a jew name.

It’s no wonder that the public rates The Orville better than ST Discovery, and the kikes at Rotten Tomatoes disagree wholeheatedly.

So he prolly changed his name just like Jon Liebowitz. Sneaky kikes...

Family Guy actions scenes are always so good. I wish he would do a serious action show.

Seth donated to DNC for Hillary

I think he's playing both sides. I'm pretty sure that was him on the starbucks vocaroo.
no, no he is not.

I'll just leave this here.

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What flag is that?

she looks like a dirty hispanic

What the fuck


>Remember that...
That's literally how he shoehorns his awful bits into his "plots"

comedians get red pilled quick because they all end up pissing off some faggot somewhere

>Is Chris MacFarlane breaking the conditioning? Every episode of Family Guy nowadays includes a reference to SJW bullshit and subtle antisemitism.

This is how I can tell you are young and stupid, seth (and others like him) is not getting more "red pilled". His opinions havent changed at all in fact. The left is just doing what it normally does, which is move farther to the left with each decade.

Look at the date. He's whining about that creature from the WHCD getting shit on online.

>next president of the US Bernie Sanders
good luck mr Bernie 2020

And that article went nowhere and was immediately a topic of derision. In 2014 that article would have been held up as something significant. Not now.

He's a libertarian centrist at best. That being said you should watch his show "The Orville" to get a better idea of his political ideology

Remember that time Chris shit on Wendy Wasserman Schultz on twitter?
>cue flashback

Wasn't that the Fyre festival faggot?

He hardly writes any of the shows anymore

Are you a complete fucking idiot? The liberal mind-virus is precisely, exactly one-hundred percent the polar fucking opposite of the retarded vomit you just typed in every single imaginable way. It is the epitome of a party that demands absolute loyalty and demonizes anything that even remotely questions it to the point of trying to completely silence all opposing views and destroy anyone or anything who harbors them. It is a hyper-reactionary mob created by democrats and fueled by social media and manufactured oppression and outrage at every Conservative tradition the west stands for. It is the seed of fascist Marxism, violence, ignorance, intolerance, racism, and hatred.

Thank you, Liberal, for showing everyone just how fucking dangerously delusional and openly, proudly retarded you are.

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Hmmm this makes me think of a good troll/counter argument for people on the internet.

"You're posting you opinion on the same platform people use to distribute porn."
or "Your posting your opinion on the internet where people go to find porn.

Nice numbers

>It's okay to be antisemite if you're Democrat
Now I am glad he didn't die in 9/11

He's a sacred cow killer. They have the most right now, so it's easier content.

Who you think makes all these screencaps?

>No penis
Bandwidth wasted

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Is the face supposed to be Seth Macfarlane?

Did you know he was supposed to be on one of the planes on 9/11 that crashed into the twin towers?

>MacFarlane claims that after a night of drinking, along with a mix-up in times by his travel agent, he arrived late to the airport, missing Flight 11 by only a few minutes.

Wow, that's weird...

Some of his peeps are making fun of the SJWs because they’re going to far. Family guy thrives on hyperboles of things ie race, drinking etc. If you can’t joke about hyperboles, comedy is pretty much done


>pure coincidence, Goyim

Nope hes a sanctimonious lefty trying to out-sanctimonious the other lefties. Its a pissing contest.

Also I am guessing people became bored with family guy years ago and he is trying to stay relevant by regurgitating topics he heard on Joe Rogan's podcasts.

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MacFarlane knows what the kikes are up to, but that's not particularly impressive considering he works in (((Hollywood))). He's still a shill for leftism and cultural degeneracy.

He's a faggot. Also family fucking blows, the only good seasons was the first and then after it just became the same retarded jokes every episode. Plus I've noticed with shows like this and the Simpsons the head of the family is always huge fucking retard, but it's passed off like that's supposed to be some kind of virtue or some dumb shit

Diversity will eventually destroy the US.

And its a good thing.

hes at best anti hollywood

>Chris MacFarlane

I liked the other Earth better when his name was "McFarland."

American Dad isn't half bad honestly.

Is that the porn star that looks more like him before faceapped

>shallow mockery of the consequences
>breaking the conditioning
You should lurk for a few more years nigger.
SJW are not the cause, they are the consequence, they are not an enemy, they are a symptom.

and the "anti-semitic" jokes were written by jewish writers

Rcuckold. Get the fuck out

Good proof that America perfectly knew that 9/11 was about to happen, just like they knew about Pearl Harbor.
Chris MacFarlene works to get money for the Jews through family guy and is a distant Rockefeller. He didn't know it himself before 9/11 though when the Jews made him (not wake up) during the morning he was supposed to go on the flight.

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He has nothing to do with the show he sold it a couple of years ago all he does are voices and appearances and also bollywood tier movies on the side.

Try judging me based on the quality of my arguments instead faggot

he still collects those checks, doesn't he?

He is panicking because after the simpsons have become obsolete and out of place so will his fkn show and humor.

There is a lot of anti-Jewish jokes on Family Guy, its what called my attention to the show and made different from Simpsons or South Park where the anti-Jewish jokes are always neutered, especially Simpsons is a Zionist show at this point.

LOL! Totally a tool of the Jews (JEWlluminati).

We could be living in a timeline where he got killed in the 9/11 attacks but sadly we got stuck on this timeline where he missed his flight or some shit.

I don't care if he's a Lefty fag. MacFarlane, the writers, and the other voice actors do a great job with that show. They always have. That first clip took me back to Superjail!, even if it was unintentional.

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t. Seth MacFarlane

uh yeah hes a real sam hyde.
how desperate for media jew validation
are people on here?

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now that was some quality post-degenerate content
better than mde imo