Why are libertarians so difficult to argue against?

Why are libertarians so difficult to argue against?

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high average IQ

Because they don't speak with reason or logic.

They are not. Now fuck off with your low effort spam threads.

Attached: Libertarianism.png (1231x441, 25K)

Attached: Unbridled Capitalism.jpg (1807x933, 902K)

now this is a hot take. feminism and minority gibs as capitalist exploitation. wew

perhaps you, you bigot!

I mean, come on, it is fucking pointless.

> 2018
> arguments
> discussion

Cause they're not 'Arguing' They're just posting half baked lists and charts, and calling everyone who points it out names.


because they are right

because they are correct.
Styx for Governor!!!

Because they're correct IF you argue from the fundamental axiom of "muh NAP" being the end-all-be-all most important thing in life.

If all you care about is accruing capital and "fuck you, I got mine, no step on snek" then this will necessarily lead to an autistic morality system of ancap memeballs.

there I won

just need all caps haha

Cuz they live in a bubble

Its impossible to win arguments against stupid people

Not all libertarians are ancaps

>some feminist ridicules that you are grown men playing vidya
>somehow that devolves into the fall or rome

S M H im right wing but Jow Forumstards are just fucking stupid. No, your ancestors weren't disrespected because some cunty bitch called you a bigot for playing fucking Busty Girls Battle Royale 2 while jacking off
Man the fuck up and stop being so over fucking dramatic

This doesn't make very much sense once you realize the reason that degenerates survive is by having the government prop them up at every failure, which is the opposite of capitalism

Because we're morally consistent, and it's really hard to argue on a moral basis that a less consistent system is better. To argue for alternatives, you are saying that it is better to eschew morality for a more utilitarian purpose, or a system that specifically advantages a certain group over another.

Because they're autistic.