I made a post some days ago saying that I live in the neighborhood where this happened and that I was willing to investigate this even if it meant the government trying to kill me. The truth matters more than my life
I am here to officially say that not only have I been threatened, but things are even weirder than that I do not want to get into the details about how I was threatened because it would surely lead to me being doxed, it's almost as if the threats were deliberately made and designed in a way that could only be explained if certain details about me were revealed and thus lead to doxing myself I will not do that, I know from research that Intelligence agencies will use threats like that not in order to scare you but in order to dox yourself and make you look paranoid In other words, I think the threats are intended to get me to freak out and tell everyone "I'M BEING THREATENED!!! I'M BEING THREATENED!!!" and then use that as a way of dismissing me. Makes sense? Rather than killing me, I guess they just want to discredit me and then probably just leave me alone with a tainted record of "That's the guy who lied about being threatened" because it was done in such a hollywood style over the top no one would ever believe it kind of way and therefore to me looked OBVIOUSLY like an attempt to deliberately make me run for help and thus make me look crazy
I won't do it, I'm running for "Help" here because this is where I can remain anonymous and where people who actually understand that these sorts of things really do happen
I won't go into the threats (Which were very vague, indirect and over the top and done in a way that could easily be dismissed as nonsense, it was literally like a movie)... The guys trying to cover this up are damn professionals, they won't even risk shooting me or killing me in any way shape or form... They want me to freak out and make myself look insane... Well played, but you didn't fool me
I must note: My research so far is pretty basic, I'm honestly stuck in my investigation of this without any leads or anything substantial. The best I can do is theorize.
I don't understand why they even threatened me because I literally haven't discovered anything new..... I think these people are just scared shitless because they know that military tribunals are coming in America and after that Canadians will want that too
>I can't show anything but you have to believe me goys
Fuck off
Gavin Gonzalez
Nothing Only theories.
But this is the best theory I have: In this picture is a government of Canada building where another terrorist attempt occurred 2 and half years ago
The driver of the van accord to the report went past this building via the back. NO FOOTAGE OF HIM GOING BY THIS BUILDING HAS BEEN RELEASED. ONLY footage of him seconds before and seconds after, NO FOOTAGE RELEASED OF HIM GOING BY.
Theory: They used this back parking garage entrance to swap the vehicles after the attack, he went by this building after the attack. Car drove itself into a bunch of people with minassian inside (Theoretically, maybe minassian actually did it who knows), drove itself into the garage as the other vehicle with no blood and no broken windshield drives out and proceeds 2-3 minutes later to be arrested.
Remember when they said in the reports that "After the attack he went off of yonge for a few minutes and then went back onto yonge afterwards and was arrested"
During that Time he went onto the side street, the street seen in this picture. Theoretically, this is where the swap could have taken place
CSIS runs special ops out of this building, what makes you think they didn't do this terror attack?
Hey OP I was gaslight by the San Diego tribune for posting on Jow Forumsconspiracy about going to their fake news event at a library and filming it. At first they sent three people to gaslight me subtly at the beach, but days later while at this spot where I would park to sleep they had two cars exactly like mine parked at the same spot where I would be everyday so I parked a little ways away from that and suddenly a few minutes later this black guy starts running towards my car from a distance carrying a gun.
Just letting you know, not only is the jewish media spreading lies and brainwashing our people they're terrorizing us in our own countries too.
The other thing is that he's bald in the video where he is arrested but has a full inch or so of hair in the drawings of him the very next day in court.
Either they gave him a toupee in court or were looking at a swap where they changed the guys. I can also confirm that Alek Minassian is real, he's not some fictionalized made up person
Other than that my "Investigation" if you can call it that isn't really going anywhere...